Judgement – Call Home
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Call Home
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Oct 24, 2011 @ 10:08pm
Location   Honeymoon Planet/DS5
Timeline   Mid-day SD39

Rick and Chelsea Dunham had been on their honeymoon for less than a day when the dreaded comm channel chirped urgently.

Chelsea rolled her eyes. "That's for you" she said almost accusingly.

Rick pulled his sarong on, groaned to himself and staggered over to the comm unit. Switching it on he took one look at the face that appeared at the screen grunted, shook his head mournfully and staggered back off to Chelsea. "No its for you" he said falling back to sleep.

"It can't be." she was in denial but she got up and went over to it. "Ben? Is something wrong?" she asked, looking at the worried face of her Assistant Chief.

=^= I'm sorry to be worrying you Boss =^= he said =^= You know I wouldn't if there was any alternative but there's a ship coming into the station's docking ring that has a whole crew that need to be checked out. Thing is, they've travelled through time and that's way out of my league of expertise and I know you have some experience with it, so I...... =^=

"It's okay Ben, you did the right thing to contact me. We'll set off home right now and see you in about 4 or 5 hours. See what you can do with the basics until then could you please? Call Bridget in, she'll help you.... and Ed McBain too." Chelsea instructed. "Ad..... Dunham out" she kept nearly forgetting she had a new name now.

Returning to Rick's side she stood looking down at him, apologetic. "Rick, I have to get back. I'm sorry. You could stay and enjoy the scenery and the weather if you wanted.... I could send someone back for you but to be honest, I'd much rather have you with me. Is that unfair?" she asked.

Rick smiled "And let you fly the Chelsea home, no chance" he wrapped his arms around her lovingly, sitting down he came to about waist height on her "Besides" he said looking up at her understandingly "this is part of job, we knew that when we married each other."

"Why can't I fly her home?" Chelsea asked indignantly, pretending not to notice that he'd been so sweet about this interruption. She gave her real feelings away though by reaching out gently and stroking his cheek with one hand and running the other through his hair.

Rick smiled sweetly calling her bluff. "Ok. You fly her home."

"Ohhhhhhhhh! Can I??" she bounced up and down. ~How hard can it be? I know i crashed that bomber in the holodeck but the Chelsea is different and we're in open space! Rick just sets the controls and she flies herself.~ she thought.

"Suuuurrrrree" said Rick spreading the length of the word over another hug. "Why don't I start packing, and you can get her warmed up?" ~Bet she can't even switch it on~ Thought Rick to himself.

"Now you're testing me!" Chelsea said, still indignant. "Space faring shuttles and small craft do not need to be *warmed up*" she huffed. "Their propulsion systems are instant and they never get hot unless something is wrong with the coolant or the antimatter." Mrs Dunham lectured.

"This coming from the person who broke the ship when we where cadets......?" Rick had that mischievousness twinkle in his eyes. "Warming up is pilot Jargon for go switch it on" said Rick as way of explanation.

"Well you should say what you mean. That's what went wrong on the ship when we were cadets. YOU weren't explicit with your instructions" Chelsea lipped him as she went out to the craft that bore her name and sat in the pilot's seat. She looked around at the controls and chose one that seemed to be green and looked important so she pressed it.

There was a hissing noise and the door closed. Then the USS Chelsea started herself up. The Bajoran-Terran version of Chelsea was very pleased with herself but she wasn't sure her husband would be impressed with having the door shut in his face so she tried some other buttons.

The dash board lit up again and the computer helpfully announced "Target locked." On the display a picture of their camp site came up with Rick in it packing everything away. Over the camp site three red triangles appeared for a photon torpedo lock.

"Crap!!!" Chelsea exclaimed. =^= RICK!!!!! How do I switch off the targetting? =^= she yelled in a very scared tone down the comm.

Rick who Chelsea could see through the window just smiled and waved. The Chelsea didn't actually have any weapons built into yet.

=^= Please don't wave at me.... tell me how to stop this thing.... before it shoots you. I couldn't bear that... Please..... for the Prophets' sake.... =^= Chelsea was really scared now. Her soul had turned cold and the shiver was running down her spine. Tears began to run down her cheeks and she tried to get away from the console but the computer began some sort of countdown and Chelsea screamed.

=^= RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you........... =^= she beat on the window from the inside, terrified that she was about to watch him die.

Rick waved again and started talking now sound came out though because he hadn't pressed his comm badge. THe computer helpfully said "Firing" It was at this point that Rick remembered to press the comm badge on his chest. =^=Honey its got no guns =^=

It was too late, Chelsea was on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably with her hands over her ears and her eyes buried in the material of the jacked she had shed in a desperate attempt to bandage the damage to her hands where she had scrabbled at the door lock and pounded on the reinforced metal of the panels. With her fingers bleeding and her screams subsiding to sobs, she heard nothing of what Rick had said, only the echoing screams in her own head as she lay curled into a ball on the floor.

The door made a 'cuchunk' noise as it unlocked, it then hissed open to reveal a surprise to Rick. surprise turned to concern as he found Chelsea sobbing on the floor. Rick swiftly scooped her up into his arms holding her close to his chest and tried to make reassuring noises as he carried her to the nearest bed so he could better attend the wounds on her hands.

"Oh Rick.... I thought... " she sobbed against him, clinging tightly and refusing to let go even when he was trying to get hold of her hands to repair them. "How did it miss you?" she asked, her eyes large, filled with tears and fear and relief all at once.

Rick stroked her cheek gently with the back of his hand and as sympathetically as he could said "Honey....the Chelsea doesn't have any weapons"

Chelsea's eyes opened wide with shock. "But it said.. and there were little red triangles... and......"

"I installed the target system last week, but never got around to fitting any weapons yet.....I was planning on doing next weekend. I'm so sorry sweetie." Said Rick apologetically as he ran the dermal regenerator over her knuckles.

"It was my fault. I thought I'd killed you.... I'll never touch this ship's controls again. In fact, when we get home, I'm never coming aboard again. I should never have asked to fly her. I thought it would be easy, that was an arrogant, stupid, dangerous thing to assume. I've learned my lesson." she admitted sadly.

"We definitely need to get you back to your flying lessons" said Rick softly as the skin of the wound. He tried to smile reassuringly , but he was a little heartbroken, this ship meant a lot to him and he wanted Chelsea to do be part of that too. When the skin healed he tenderly began to clean it. He was however put in mind of when she had nearly killed them when they where cadets and he had been stuck outside the ship when she had fired a photon torpedo.

Unfortunately, Chelsea had already made up her mind that she would transport anywhere she wanted to go in future. The only type of ship she ever wanted to be trapped inside again would be a thumping great starship where a whole department or five would be in charge of the controls.

"I mean you got command pips on your collar now. You got to know how to do this sort of thing?" said Rick being the man of reasoning and logic.

"Murdering my husband wasn't part of what I signed up for" Chelsea muttered sullenly.

"Yes honey" said Rick as softly, sweetly and understandingly as possible as he put her fixed hand on his stubble cheek. "But when we fall down we get back up again, and starfleet officers need to fly small craft solo."

"Damn it Rick, I'm a doctor not a pilot." Chelsea stated stubbornly.


Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer
Commander Chelsea Dunham


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham