Interlude – Back From The Brink
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Back From The Brink
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Sep 20, 2010 @ 9:27pm
Location   Infirmary
Timeline   SD33 0830

Yolanthe dashed through the doors of the Infirmary, barely stopping for breath, and pale green with worry. The call from the nurse had been brief and ominous. Our new surgical specialist would like to talk to you. Moving across to the High Dependency Unit, the tall bokkai could see Schrödinger, the caitian still under full sedation, the bio bed so full of scanners and attachments it looked more like an iron lung than anything else. At least he was alive. Her body blurred blue for a moment, just the palest hint, and then settled back to green.

Standing outside the doors was a young human male she didn't recognise.

Lance was studying the case file in depth, he looked up as the bokkai woman entered. "Good day Miss....?" He asked, raising and eyebrow.

"Ibalin. Call me Yolanthe." She gestured towards the caitian on the biobed. "I' of kin. Or the closest thing he's got on the station. I'm looking for the new surgeon?"

"That would be me, Hi I'm Dr Lance Murdoch" The good looking doctor introduced himself. "I've been monitoring your friends condition since I arrived, and whilst the doctors here have done some excellent work, I'm very worried, he isn't responding as well as he should be, as the closest thing he has to next of kin are you aware of any pre-existing conditions that could be hampering his recovery?"

The tall woman frowned. "Beyond rushing in where even Klingons fear to tread?" She stared at Schrödinger's inert form. "Not that I know of. I think he was treated for Hemocythemia as a child, but it was completely cured, or so he said."

Lance shook his head, "No traces of the Hemocythemia remain, what do you know about the attack itself? Have the perpetrators been caught?"

She shook her head. "He said something about a Nausicaan. Security cant do anything until they get more to go on." She chewed her lip for a moment. "Can we talk to him?"

The Doctor sighed. "I was hoping to avoid that, but it seems we have no choice, I need more to go on." He made his way over to the biobed. "I'm administering a stimulant" The doctor said. "Yolanthe I need you to help me keep him calm, if he moves around or gets too excited he could do further damage himself" He pressed a hypospray the the big caitaians neck. He prepared another hypo with a tranquilliser just in case, whilst they waited for Schroedinger to wake up.

The Catian stirred in bed, his one good eye snapped open, it looked around the room as best it could taking in all its detail. His ears twitched feline senses picked up noises from the other rooms in the medical bay. His long tail twitched and slowly like a waking snake, uncoiled from under the sheets to come to lay above them. Schrödinger began to lift himself up from his bed.

"Whoa There Big fella!!" Responded Lance "Just lie still buddy." He said pressing the caitian firmly but gently back down onto the bed. He began scanning him with a medical tri-corder.

"Get off me mate" said the large cat like alien, his sharp fangs showing from underneath a slight snarl. "I got me some business for me to take care of." Once again he began to rise from his bed.

Yolanthe put a hand on his shoulder and shoved him down firmly. "Stay put you stupid cat." She told him gently. "You're not out of the woods yet. you couldn't take on a neutered tribble right now, let alone whoever worked you over."

The cat made a slight purring noise. "Mmmm I love it when you get angry." He said with a smile, his sharp fangs sticking out of the edges of his mouth. "But I haven't got time to play with you and the pretty boy doctor here" he wrapped one paw around her arm moving it away.

"Easy tiger!" Joked Murdoch. "I'm administering a muscle relaxant." He said pressing a hypo to the cats neck. He turned to Yolanthe, "He can still talk but he won't be able to move." Lance looked back at Schrödinger. "Sorry big guy, its for your own good. Now tell us exactly what happened."

" know what I'm not gonna do that and I'm pretty sure you can't hold a patient against his will as un-ethical or some such human concept thing so let me go now."

"Sorry little buddy, I've always thought of those ethics as more of a guideline, if its a choice between letting you tear yourself apart or confining you to your bed, well the bed wins every time. Now tell me about the attack." Lance said, he wasnt about to let the caitain do anything to jeopardise himself.

"Nah...." said the large cat, spreading the response over several long moments. "I'd like to speak with your boss instead." If he could fold his arms across his chest he would of.

"I'm head surgeon, I am the boss, so you can either co-operate or I can put you back to sleep, open you up again and start poking around trying to find the problem myself. Your choice kitty." The Caitian was trying Murdoch's patience.

"Really? Because those just look like lieutenant pips on your collar, Junior grade Lieutenant pips at that. Why don't you run along and get the chief Medical Officer or better yet the station commander" said the catian sarcastically. He knew very well he may get put under again but he wasn't going without being the stubborn bastard that he was.

Yolanthe put a hand over her mouth to cover the smile. "Listen to him, Ding. he wouldn't zap you without good reason, I'm sure."

"Yeah because I'm going to trust the opinion of a junior officer. And I tell you what's worst he's a starfleet junior officer at that."

"I may be a junior officer, but I'm the best damn surgeon in the sector, so what's its going to be fuzzball?" Lance wasn't sure what the caitains attitude problem was, but he was sure that if he didn't get some answers soon, this was going to be a huge waste of his time.

Ding turned his one good eye to look at Yolanthe. "Did you hear something? I was waiting to hear from a senior officer but all I get instead is this buzzing noise in my ear. Hey. Did you see surgeon he was cute wasn't he, maybe I should ask him back to my place."

She flicked his ear, then folded her arms across her chest. "Play ball Ding, or I'll have him dose you and take the decisions myself. And trust me, there's no point taking him home, you can't do anything about it in your condition."

Lance stood over him with the tranq hypo, "What's it going to be?"

"Well If I can't take you home, and I know she won't let me take her home any more, then you better toddle along and find me someone I can take home."

Lance shook his head "He's babbling, we're not going to get anything useful out of him." He pressed the hypo to Ding's neck. "Hopefully he doesn't remember any of this when he recovers" He didn't want the large feline holding any grudges. Especially since it looked like Lance was going to have to cut him open again, Ding's delirium was a sign of infection and since he wasn't responding to the antibiotics Lance was going to have to go in to find the source.


Schroedinger The Catian
Played by Dunham


Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
DS 5


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box Of Delights