We All Fall Down – Schooldaze: Uh-oh, We're in Trouble - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Schooldaze: Uh-oh, We're in Trouble - Part 1
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Tue Aug 12, 2014 @ 7:44pm
Location   Deck 22: General Conference Room
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 12:25
Nobody made eye contact as the turbolift whizzed through the decks - in the awkward silence the muted hum seemed a deafening roar.

Eviess' tummy bubbled. Gwen had only been trying to help but somehow she was the one - along with the horrible Ceranne - who was being forced to hold the teacher's hand. She even felt a tiny bit sorry for her Bother who hadn't been part of this fight.

After what seemed like a week the lift reached its destination. The group, let by the staff trooped out. For just one second Eviess considered lurking back and hiding somewhere, but it was ingrained into her how dangerous it was for her to be out alone among strangers - especially here.

She followed.

Gwen's mother would yell - that was a foregone conclusion. Not necessarily at Gwen, provided the Human girl was able to tell her side of the story, but at someone. Probably Miss Diana and definitely at Cerenne's parents. But when it came down to it, the person she wanted to see the least was her father. Gwen was very much daddy's little girl, and she hated the thought of disappointing him.


The room was empty when they arrived.

"This your fault," Argellian hissed at Eviess before slumping into the nearest chair with his arms folded.

Eviess moved away. Whatever happened she was going to get the Andorian back. That is who's fault it really was. She just didn't know how yet - the gaze she levelled at the Andorian's back sang with that intent.

The doors hissed open. Eviess head snapped round. She rearranged her face into what she assumed was a suitably remorseful expression. At the same time Argellian straightened, then got to his feet, abandoning for now his sullen sulk. Their mother was the first to arrive.

Isha pasued as the doors slid shut behind her. She looked slowly between her children then at the others.

"Miss Carson," she said approaching the table. "Would you care to tell me what is going on?"

With that, the doors swished open again, this time revealing the Wymans - both of whom stopped short when they found the motley assortment of children awaiting them.

Like clockwork, they looked from their daughter to the school teacher and back again. With that, they both took a deep breath.

"What did she do?" Welshy asked calmly, much to the surprise of her offspring.

"What happened to my little girl?!?" Steve barked at the same moment in which his wife was uncharacteristically calm. It was almost as if they switched roles on their way to the conference room.

"Well," Dianna began. She wasn't too sure about getting started without Ensign Miel present, but with the Wymans and the Commander both staring her down, she thought she should at least give it a go.

"There was an incident this morning involving all four of these kids," she said at last. "I'd meant to talk to you after school today, but... well..." She took a deep breath. "There was a fight during our field trip to the arboretum."

"Who was responsible?" Isha asked suspecting Argelian.

"A fight? You were in a fight?" Now Wyman was yelling, not at his daughter - but in her direction.

"Steve - not the time..." Ceridwen deadpanned, wanting to get to the bottom of things before she flew off the handle.

The door opened and Ensign Miel came in, an empty phaser holster at hre side. "I'm sorry I took so long, I had to arrange cover for the Brig. What's going on?"

"We're about to find out, Ensign," Isha said before turning her gaze to the twins.


Mother never got angry, Eviess knew that - she'd never seen her get angry with anyone, but oh, she was going to be disappointed in them.

Even though he'd been avoiding her, Eviess moved closer to her Bother and whislt her back was turned she whispered, "Don't worry, ri'Nanov can spot a liar a parsec away."


Dianna nodded. She leveled a gaze of iron at the children, then redirected her attention towards the adults in the room. "As I understand it, Cerenne was... antagonizing the twins, Commander," she said in response to Isha's question. "Gwen seems to have interfered on their side, although that part is a bit sketchy. You know how kids can be about tattling and keeping secrets."

She took a deep breath. "The fight in the arboretum seems to have been mainly Cerenne and Gwen, although Eviess may have been peripherally involved. After the fight, I thought it best to get everyone together as soon as possible and get this sorted out to everyone's satisfaction right away. I hate disruptions like this in my classroom, and they will not be tolerated."

Isha nodded. "What do you have to say for yourselves?" she asked the children.

Utter disapproval on her face, Ceridwen stared down her offspring - the only being in the galaxy as stubborn as she was. "Well? Let's hear it."