Interlude – "One Way Or Another"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   "One Way Or Another"
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sat Sep 04, 2010 @ 5:26pm
Location   Undisclosed Part of DS5
Timeline   Undisclosed, before "Cooperative Effort"
R'Vek had tried for days, weeks, now to get Isha to talk to him on her own and she stubbornly resisted his well intentioned efforts. Now, the time had come for him to take drastic measures and someone else was going to pay for Isha's lack of cooperation. He'd picked a target, a low ranking Cardassian officer who worked night shift security at their embassy, a man with many bad habits, not the least of which was being too stupid to know he was being followed. R'Vek watched from less than five meters away as the idiot, a Glinn Terlik staggered through the bowels of the station in a place where the security cameras had mysteriously quit working.

Terlik was already pretty loaded, he'd been up pounding them down since 0500 hours, but that was the joy of having the day off for him, otherwise he'd have to wait until 1700 to drink his fill. Having just run out of his on hand stock of the potent homebrew he made for himself and a few select friends he'd had to stagger down here to his favorite hiding spot, the bathroom in the core sublevels. It hadn't been used for years when he found it, and he'd had to kill more than one vole to establish this as his special bootlegger's paradise, but the temperature was just right down here for fermenting the various fruits that made Terlik's Own so much better than kanar. Removing an old mirror from it's rusty mountings, he reached deep into a recess in the bulkhead where weapons had been hidden years ago, fumbling inside for the sealed bag that contained his quarry.

Seeing the Cardassian groping blindly for his alcohol R'Vek knew his chance had arrived and he moved quickly to not let it slip him. Moving swiftly and silently thanks to years of special ops training R'Vek engaged Terlik from behind, grabbing his thick hair and slamming him into the bulkhead, then slinging him to the ground in an almost effortless motion. Before Terlik could get his bearings R'Vek was on top of him, his foot on the Cardassians head, "Good afternoon, Mr. Terlik." He began, icily polite, "Permit me to introduce myself, my name is tr'Khellian, R'Vek tr'Khellian, and you and I are going to talk."

~tr'Khellian? Oh, frack!~ Terlik was instantly sobered by fear as the name registered with him.

"Yes, I am one of those Khellians." R'Vek answered the unspoken question, "And if your boss, Getal, is as clever as I give him credit for, then you already have a good idea of who I am and what I'm capable of, don't you?"

"" Terlik managed, his speech impeded by fear and the foot on his head.

"Then you won't mind answering my questions." R'Vek said, he wasn't asking. He lifted his foot slightly, to relieve some of the pressure off of Terlik's head and to keep him from adjusting to it and rendering the maneuver ineffective, "Now, what is Getal's business with my cousin?"

"Who is your cousin?" Terlik asked, trying to play dumb.

"Don't toy with me!" R'Vek retorted angrily, placing his foot on Terlik's throat, "Now, again, what is Getal's business with my cousin?"

Terlik gasped for air as R'Vek again lifted his foot, sucking wind for a full two seconds before being able to answer, "I don't know, she's a diplomat, he's a diplomat, political crap I guess."

With a swift motion of his right hand R'Vek produced a small leather pouch from his coat, unfolding it on the vanity counter behind him to reveal a series of five small, gleaming blades. Without removing his foot from Terlik's head he took the first blade from it's place and threw it into the Cardassian's left leg; far enough away from any arteries to avoid killing him, but close enough to his groin to communicate his point, "Now, once again, what is your boss' business with my cousin?" R'Vek repeated.

Terlik shrieked in agony, hoping someone would hear and come, but remembered that nobody came here, that's why he had chosen the place. He saw the blood gushing from his leg and waves of unimaginable pain crashed over his body, "I don't know what happened, but something happened between them, something bad." He offered, it really was all he knew.

"Something like what?" R'Vek asked, taking a second knife from the pouch and playing with it between his fingers.

"I really don't know." Terlik replied, he'd managed to get his breathing and pulse under control so he could at least talk to this guy and possibly save his life, "But it was apparently bad enough that she tried to kill him."

R'Vek knew Isha, knew she wasn't usually the type to resort to violence unless the had been pushed way too far, usually by someone either hurting her or hurting one of the family, ~I wonder if the injury she had to her wrist was connected to this? It must have been.~ He nodded approvingly at Terlik's answer, deciding as he did to have one of his agents glean the information from Isha's computers, "Go on."

"I really don't know anything else." Terlik replied, seeing R'Vek about to put another of those knives in him, "Nothing specific anyway." He spat, hoping the tease would buy him some more time before the next injury was inflicted on him.

"Then what do you know non-specifically speaking?" R'Vek asked, he'd bite on this just in case the Cardie could give him something interesting.

"I know there's a plot." Terlik said slowly, the wound on his leg was bleeding a lot more heavily than it would have had he been sober, or at least less drunk, "Getal is moving against the Romulan ambassador. There might be a plant in the embassy, I don't know."

"Then you'll find out, won't you?" R'Vek said, offering Terlik a way out of this with his life, even going so far as to let the Cardassian off the filthy floor.

"I...I can't." Terlik stammered, the idea of screwing with Getal terrified him more than this Romulan maniac ever could, "Getal would kill me if he caught me."

"He may." R'Vek nodded, pulling his knife out of the Cardassian's leg forcefully, "But, rest assured, Mr. Terlik, if you don't do what I want, I will kill you. And not later, not after some sham of a Cardassian trial, but here, and now, in this filthy little hole."

"Okay." Terlik nodded, shaking as he realized how wrong he had been about who he was more terrified of, "But what if he catches me? Are you going to help keep me alive?"

"Don't get caught." Was R'Vek's terse reply as he washed the blood off of his knife and replaced them all in the pouch, "That would be the best approach, wouldn't you say?"

Terlik said nothing, only nodding as he watched R'Vek turn to leave, realizing he was in deeper than he'd ever been in his life, stuck between two despots who were both willing to kill him just to strike at each other, ~I need a drink.~


En'Riov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Tal Shiar, Loving Cousin


Glinn Marto Terlik
Got to find another place to brew his booze