Unity – Something's Going on Around Here ...
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Something's Going on Around Here ...
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Tue Mar 16, 2010 @ 1:27pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD17 - 11.30


Greo stood and waited as the attache signalled his presence to the romulan diplomat. He had walked the short distance to the embassy, but was already regretting it. His body was wracked with pain, even though he had taken a fair dose of painkillers. He had told the good doctor not to over dose him though, I need my wits about me. Although his burns had been mostly healed his skin was tight and tender and his nerves definitely had not forgotten the explosion. Even the air pumping through the embassy's life support system disturbed his raw flesh. He made no effort to hide the wounds, not that the romulan behind the desk had noticed. Greo looked around the spartan antechamber and back to the attache.

"I understand this is a little out of the ordinary, but I really need to speak with the Ambassador." Greo offered, hoping his please would not fall on deaf ears.

Deletham peered through narrowed eyes at the Cardassian and rose silently unfolding his tall skeletal frame from behind the desk. For reasons he had not yet discovered the Ambassador's private secretary who usually manned this post had been suspended and the Ambassador had given orders that all guests be directed to her first, in direct contradiction of the orders that erie'Khrein Raedheol had given whilst he was fulfilling her duties - both of them were now insisting that they were the ranking ambassador, an unusual situation; one that Deletham had not encountered in over fifty years as a diplomat. But Deletham knew where the real power lay and acted accordingly.

"She will see you," he said as he looked down impassively at the visitor. "Follow me."

The security presence both outside the Ambassador's office was conspicuous. "Leave any weapons or other devices here," Deletham advised, signalling to the guards with a spiderlike hand.

Greo realised as the romulan spoke that he had nothing with him save the uniform on his back and the vitals monitor on his neck. He trusted a romulan might be able to tell the difference between a medical monitor and a surveillance device. Maybe that was a racial stereotype? He suddenly felt guilty, so many people had looked at him and seen only the deceiver and traitor his mother's species had been labelled as.

"This is a medical monitor. Please lead on."

The doorway appeared to be open but it was protected by a field generated from within and through it the Ambassador could both see and hear what was going on outside. Deletham made no move to deactivate the field. "I must insist," he said.

"I'm afraid that without this I won't be going in. I really wouldn't be going anywhere other than the doctor's office." Greo could see contempt in the man's eyes. Maybe it was his visible physical wounds or the fact he was a troublesome Cardassian. "Now please let me through I must talk to the Ambassador."

On the other side of the field Isha waited twisting the rings on her fingers as she listened to the exchange outside. The man could barely walk - a glance at the security monitor showed her that - unless he was an accomplished actor the man was no threat - what did a Starfleet scientist want with her anyway?

Isha hit the field control with the flat of her hand. The field fizzled away as she stepped into the doorway. "I don't have all day," she said, her tone peevish. Addressing the Cardassian she spoke, "You, come in. If that device is anything other than you say it is I will cut your throat myself," she told him, curious as to whether he would view her threat seriously.

The Ambassador turned back into the room without waiting for a reply confident that he would follow. She swept across the office installing herself behind her desk linking her fingers together then she turned her bright green gaze on the Cardassian, "Well?"

"Trust me it is nothing more than a medical monitor, though I am sure Starfleet Security would be interested were it to stop functioning here in your Embassy." Although he was injured he wasn't going to let some Romulan push him around. "Anyway, I wouldn't want to cheat death once just to have you spill my blood on your nice carpet. I'm not here to argue, I'm here to warn you."

"Starfleet Security have no jurisdiction here," the Ambassador said in federation standard. "And you are clearly not an assassin otherwise you would have struck when my back was turned. Sit, and tell me what you think it is I need to be warned about, Lieutenant...?" she nodded in the direction of the guest chair.

"Lieutenant Commander Tovon." Greo said lowering himself carefully into the chair, immediately regretting it and wondering if he would be able to get up again. He openly cringed in pain. "I am the Chief Science Officer and I have come to discuss the Romulan computer core that was salvaged from the warbird that led the recent assault on DS5. I was working on it earlier before the explosions occured. I believe the attacks today have been an elaborate cover."

Isha's heart dropped into her stomach. Despite her training she may even have flinched, she could not be sure, such a brief drop of the mask may not even have been noticed. "Lieutenant Commander Tovon," she said fully composed and using his full rank in the Romulan style, "If your people recovered equipment belonging to the Star Empire your superiors should have made it known to this embassy. We view this as theft, not salvage and will be issuing a complaint in due course. Now your people suspect perhaps that my government became aware that you have our property and took steps to ensure that it was not abused?"

"On the contrary, I don't credit you with enough arrogance to simply start blowing holes in the station. Plus by the looks of things you weren't even aware we had it. Good I did try my best to keep it concealed." Greo was if anything a great observer and noticed every detail of those or things he studied. "That is not what I'm suggesting. I think someone wishes your government or your people harm. They stole something from the core and then blew it up. Me along with it."

"We were not aware," Isha said. He had noticed her lapse so she saw little advantage in denying it. "In the interests of co-operation You will, of course share your findings with us and indicate what you believe to have been stolen. Clear it with your superiors if you must, but for our co-operation I will accept nothing short of full disclosure."

"That will not be necessary this is my investigation." He had to appear in control in front of such people. "I will of course share all my findings with you once I can get back into the Science Lab. What I need from you is the technical readout for the backup positronic data storage device that complements warbird computer core memory systems. I believe this was the item stolen and if specifics can be gathered we may be able to track it."

It was not something Isha herself had knowledge about but she was certain that if anyone could identify what it was they needed to know it was Rh'vaurek and she was going to enjoy watching as he tried to avoid complying with her request.

Isha pressed a button concealed in her desktop and spoke. "Deletham, summon erie'Khrein Raedheol," she said, "I want him here within two minutes - have someone stun him and carry him in if he is difficult."

She cut the comm and returned her attention to Tovon. "Why did you choose the federation?" she asked posing a question she had asked several times before to those who clearly had alternative destinies, her niece, Rianni Monteros included.

"It was a matter of knowledge really. I want to understand the universe madame Ambassador. The Cardassians want nothing but to control. The Federation however wants to explore and analyse. It seemed the best choice."

"I understand," Isha nodded, though she did not, for she had only ever had one choice. She was about to ask Tovon something more when Rh'vaurek entered, a sour expression on his face.

"This had better be good, t'Khellian," he said passing to her side of the desk without so much as a glance at Tovon. He rested his hands on the back of her chair and leaned over her shoulder apparently noticing the Cardassian for the first time. "Who is this?"

Isha pushed back her chair and with it Rh'vaurek. She rose, pacing slowly round her desk. "erie'Khrein Raedheol, Lieutenant Commander Tovon requires your assistance," she said, turning back to him and searching for a glimpse of his intentions from behind Tovon where the Cardassian could not see her. None was forthcoming.

"Since you failed to prevent an operational computer core from one of the attacking vessels involved in the recent skirmish about this station from falling into Federation hands I require you to assist in limiting the damage your lapse in attention has caused," Isha said.

If Rh'vaurek was surprised he did not show it. "Don't question my methods," he said sharply, furious that they had been able to obtain and examine the equipment without one of his people finding out. "There were orders not to intervene," he lied without a flicker of dishonesty.

"erie'Khrein, you will assist Lieutenant Commander Tovon in his investigation and you will report your progress to me," Isha said aware of his annoyance from the tight white knuckles that still gripped the back of her chair. "I am not asking, Raedheol, I am ordering you by the authority vested in me by the Continuing Committee."

Finally Rh'vaurek released his grip shoving the chair into the desk with a crash, "This time, t'Khellian," he said his voice almost a snarl, "do not count on my compliance in future." With that he stalked from the room leaving Isha and Tovon alone.

Isha returned to her chair, her heart thumping in her chest, still unsure of what Rh'vaurek was planning; all she knew was that whatever he said or however he acted she had to trust him.

Something of her confusion must have been apparent, any observer would be seeing an embassy at odds with itself; two individuals vying for power and an unpleasant demonstration of that struggle to confirm it.

"He will assist you," she said to Tovon.

Greo didn't know what to think of the open display of hatred between the two romulans. Maybe this is how they do things around here? He thought to himself. It was a daunting thought that he would have to conduct an investigation with the aggressive man that had just left the room, especially considering his physical state. Another chasm of pain opened up around him, distracting him as the ambassador spoke. It was as if thinking about his injuries awoke a fire within them. He grimaced and near doubled over. The chair had no arms and Greo spilled onto the floor a grunt forcing itself out of his gritted teeth. He placed one hand on the carpet and started to rise, not wanting to appear weak in front of the romulans. Too late for that.

"Please...?" He managed through the pain.

Isha rose her fingertips tented on the desk top. Her first instinct was to call Chelsea but due to Rh'vaurek's security measures she could not transport in here, nor could the Cardassian be transported out. If that was a medical device then the doctors must already know he was in trouble, but their efforts to extract him would be in vain.

In the same second this thought flashed through her head she darted round the desk, her silver threaded skirts fanning around her as she dropped to her knees. Isha had presided over too many deaths recently and she did not want to add another to the toll by accident.

"Can you stand?" she asked as she slapped the thin metal bracelet that contained her communicator. "Deletham, I need assistance," she said struggling to support the Cardassian who weighed almost twice as much as her.

"No, Deletham will not be necessary." He forced a smile and stood straight, pain ebbing away to a peaceful thrum. "See. Better already." He didn't want any medical attention, though he was pretty sure the doctor would be bugging him as soon as he stepped out of the romulan offices. "As for your colleague, I trust I can expect his presence at Science Lab 2 at 13 hundred hours to aid me in my investigation?"

Isha let go and took a step back both alarmed and aggreived that he dismissed her offer of assistance so readily - it was not as though she had to help him.

It was an anxious looking Deletham who entered the office, a guard with him, "Our guest's illness appears to have got the better of him," Isha said, "Show him out," she said turning from both and sweeping through a tall panelled door which she closed behind her.

"This way," Deletham said to the Cardassian.

As Greo was led from the room he realised just how different Romulans were. He had tried to be nice to her, but she had been on the offensive from the start. She criticised him for weakness and ill health and then shunned him when he refused her help. Maybe his wits were dulled by the pain, but he had felt that a brave face would impress a Romulan in spite of his injuries. Nevermind, he thought to himself, at least I have secured the help of this Raedheol. As Deletham escorted him from the embassy Greo could see a blue shirted ensign waiting for him, medical tricorder in hand. The lecture would start about his health and how not to take risks, but it didn't matter. His mind was busy contemplating other things.

Ahead lay another romulan, who seemed an even greater challenge than any plasma burns the universe might throw at him.


Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Chief Science Officer

Isha tKhellian
Romulan Ambassador
Erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedhoel
NPCs by Louise