Interlude – Deli & Bakery Help
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Deli & Bakery Help
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Oct 04, 2010 @ 6:40pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD34 06:00
Dragana woke up first thing in the morning before her alarm went off. She didn't know why she bothered to set the alarm, she always woke up before it. She quickly showered and got dressed, ate a small breakfast of yogurt and granola before heading off to her deli/bakery to begin prepping for the day.

She unlocked her deli/bakery and turned on the lights. She loved the smell of the deli and bakery. All the baking, the different cheeses and the smoked meats. In this place Dragana felt like she back home on Earth. She went to the back to check the dough she had left to rise and was nearly shocked to see the dough nearly running over the bowl.

It was early, but Pip had been waiting - the worst that would happen would be a big NO! She followed the woman and before the door closed kept it open. Then she waited and watched.

"I don't mean to startle you," she said "but you seem to have qa problem or three - can I help yer with that?" she asked. "Pip Sullivan," she added by way of introduction.

"Dragana Chudomelova. Do you know how to make rye bread?" She asked. "This place has become more popular than I thought it would and I haven't had time to hire anyone else that actually knows how to bake properly!"

Pip sucked a breath through her teeth - it was not her strongest point, but she could manage. "My training takes me as far as a sous chef, but I know my way round an oven ," she said. "My mam taught me how to bake when I was knee high," she added, which was true though it was only through observation.

"I tell you what, let me make you a batch of something," Pip suggested. This place had a great view of the main promenade ... "and if you like it, I'll consider workin' for you." Pip was cocky too, she did not need a long term plan.

Dragana raised an eyebrow, "shouldn't it be that I will consider letting you work for me?" She laughed. Dragana put the flour on the counter and scraped the rye dough onto the counter, cutting it into pieces big enough for loaves of bread. "Yes alright, there is counterspace over there."

Pip shrugged, "A lot of people make that mistake," she said, " I'm good at what I do, and when people taste it, they want it, and I'm not too proud to scrub the stoves and do prep for the headline chefs." Pip paused. "Anyway, rye bread you wanted. I'll do what i can."

She turned to the space indicated, "If you hate it, just tell me," Pip said before she went to work.

"It is fairly easy once you know how to make it. I always prep dough the night before so that it has a chance to rise. When did you arrive here Pip?"

"That's a day away," Pip said, "and I got here yesterday. I had a job on a liner but couldn't handle the plasma storms. I just need somewhere a bit more stable. You goin' to pay me a day if I put off takin' a job in another place while I wait for the dough?"

"I will pay you for the work that you do. " She replied putting the loaves on baking sheets and then in the oven. "I am going to get the counter ready."

"My work won't be done 'til the dough is done and if that's overnight then that's a day and a half. I'll settle for a day. Can I help out with anythin' else in the meantime?" she added.

"See the wrapping I put over the meat so it wont dry it out? I need you take those off, any dried slices of meat go into that bucket there. I will take care if the cheeses. I will pay you for the day and a half." She smiled at the younger woman. Pip couldn't be more than six years her junior, she thought to herself.

Niiice Pip thought - at least there wasn't a roasting oven. "Not a problem," she said, "I'll do that, then I'll see to the ryebread."

Dragana shook her head, "It needs a full hour to hour and a half to bake. When you can smell the flour on the baking sheet start to burn is when it is close to being ready. Are you alright over there?" She asked when she saw a moment's hesitation from Pip.

Pip was looking out through the window at a pair of Cardies passing by ... she didn't recognise either of them. "Why wouldn't I be?" she asked with a shrug. She'd have to go back to that bar just down the promenade from the consulate, she thought, then she could just hang out with a drink and keep watch. "You been set up here long?"

"Six months I suppose. The way business has been though you would think it was longer. I have quite a few loyal customers that come in here and new ones all the time."

"That's the best sort, I suppose," Pip said as she stripped the covers from the trays and checked the merchandise. "It a busy place, Deep Space Five ... allsorts around here," she continued. Then with a nod to the products available said, "I guess you get mainly human customers?"

"Depends...I have had a Klingon customer or two want to try Earth's version of blood pudding. I mostly have human customers when it comes to the deli side of things, they want real food like on for the bakery side...everyone comes in."

"Then I'll try not to cock up the rye-bread," Pip said wryly. "What about potato cakes? If I can find the tatties I can make them for you in an hour, slather them in butter and put them on the counter as a freebie," she suggested.

"That would be great Pip. I think we will get along great. Once you have finished setting up the counter go ahead and find the stuff you need. I can manage until you get back."

"It won't take long," Pip said as she grasped Dragana's shoulder, "And the warm scent will draw allsorts in just to see what it is," she said as she let go and moved on. "I'll be back in ten."

Dragana smiled and continued the last little bit that needed to be done before she opened the store. The bread and the buns in the oven were nearly done.


Pip Sullivan
An NPC by Louise

Dragana Chudomelova
An NPC by Manda