Judgement – Lawyers in Lycra
by Commander Karen Villiers & Arrival James Grayburn

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Title   Lawyers in Lycra
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Arrival James Grayburn
Posted   Thu Apr 07, 2011 @ 6:19pm
Timeline   SD37 17:00
As she exited the holodeck Karen slung her damp towel over one shoulder and with the other hand brushed a few strands of hair off her brow. Having exhausted her own repetoire of runs she had branched out and just done a fifteen mile track through the foothills of Ayai'leh-hirh, the largest mountain range on Trill - the change of scene was refreshing.

Still, when Rick Dunham had told her she should get out more, this probably was not what he had in mind. She got a glass of iced water from the bar and held it against her forehead for a moment. Karen didn't plan to hang around, just to take a minute to rehydrate - very few people's idea of a good Saturday night involved watching a sweaty lawyer in a damp vest and running shorts catch her breath.

James was still getting to know the station. And he would continue to have to learn for a while. Lucky for him, he was a fast learner. As he passed the holodeck he caught sight of a woman he had just started getting to know. The first time he had met the station's XO, the bounty hunter had noted how attractive she was. And now, somehow, the skin-tight running shorts and the glistening from sweat was just as attractive as she had been when he saw her last. He expected that she would look equally stunning in another couple of hours, assuming their date was still on.

"Hi there Karen." he said with a smile as he approached. His eyes took in the woman's lean physique and he practically "hauga"d on the spot. Instead he kept a friendly smile and only let his eyes linger for a few moments on the very best parts. "How was the run?"

There goes my chance to pretend I'm a galmour-puss, Karen thought as her eyes met his and she ran the back of her hand over her forehead to brush away the sheen of sweat. People saw her like this everyday, it didn't really matter to her, but they didn't usually speak to her and come into her private world, very out of uniform and totally off-duty world.

"It was challenging," she said eventually, "Trillish atmosphere is a bit thinner than what I'm used to, even at lower altitude. Thought I'd try something a bit different from my usual," she added sipping her water.

The bounty hunter nodded appreciatively, "I couldn't say that I know what that's like. I've been running treadmills since my fleeter days." After that somewhat vague comment he automatically clarified, "I was enlisted security a few years back. Enlisted don't usually even make it onto the list for holodeck time on a smaller ship, so I just got used to the belt. I imagine running on Trill would be nice, regardless." Although James realized he had just said more than he had intended, but he didn't apologize. Instead he raised his wide shoulders in a shrug, as if saying What can you do?

"You're welcome to borrow the program," she said, "I got bored covering my home ground over and over, working through different Federation landscapes and foothills now. Never saw the point of a treadmill myself, given the choice I'd run circuits round the corridors."

James shrugged, "Wasn't an option on my postings. Guess that's what habits do." He leaned up against a wall, granting no reprieve from this potentially awkward situation. Long ago, the bounty hunter had decided that he didn't want to get awkward, so for the most part, he didn't. "Anyway, are we still on for tonight?"

Karen put her bottle aside and threw her arms wide, "Maybe, if I ever get a chance to stop looking and smelling like a horse that's just won a distance race," she said in a rather bristly tone, "Unless you're expecting me to ask you to rub me down," she continued seizing the metaphor she'd just used, "but I think I might kick if you tried that before a first date."

Grayburn threw up his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, "I'm a perfect gentleman, until the third beer, sometimes the fourth." He gave her a rakish smile, "And despite the fact that you look perfectly attractive as you are, I won't keep you any longer than you want to stay. Hopefully, that's at least a little bit longer; we've still got a couple of hours before dinner."

"If I agree to stay for ten minutes are you going to let me get away to clean up before I start to attract attention from Health and Safety?"

"Ten minutes is more than reasonable." The smile broadened, "I had an opportunity to speak with Lieutenant Trellis, earlier. He's got my list and permits, and will receive updates any time I get a new contract." If business could be disposed of quickly, then later, it wouldn't get in the way. "He seemed like a very reasonable administrator, although I got the sense that he's new to the position."

"Sounds like a good start," Karen said, "no point in getting off on the wrong foot with someone who could make your work impossible. Trellis has recently stepped into the role and he seems to be filling it quite well."

Would it be a temporary measure? Karen could not be quite sure.

"My view exactly." Whether he was remarking on her observation on Trellis or the previous comment wasn't clear, but it was likely that it was both. "So, as far as last minute plans go, do you have any preferences for types of food? There are hundreds of possibilities, and I'd hate to go to a Denobulan place if you don't like it." The change of subject was swift, but not uncomfortable, and James' easy manner made it that much easier.

"I've only one rule when it comes to trying new things - anything once," Karen replied.

Grayburn chuckled, "Good. Then maybe we'll try something I haven't ever had either." He pushed himself away from the bulkhead and gave an almost bow--in true gentlemanly fashion, "I will pick you up at your quarters in a couple of hours then?"

"OK," Karen agreed without thinking to ask how he knew exactly where her quarters were, "I might pong a bit less by then," she added.

The bounty hunter smiled his rather charming smile and nodded, "I'll see you then."