Things Past – Not quite final thoughts
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Not quite final thoughts
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 2:38pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   *tbd*

The message was there on the screen. It was pretty simple really, but The intelligence officers were having a nightmare in digesting the news.


By order of Starfleet Intelligence and Starfleet Command All activities pertaining to the rescue of Lieutenant Jarred Wallace are ordered to stop immediately. There is no further concrete information that Mr Wallace is in fact alive or that he is in the captivity of the Pirates operating within the confines of the Paulson nebula.

Until such time as a proper investigation can be conducted Mr Wallace will be listed as missing in action and presumed deceased.

No attempts to locate Mr Wallace will be taken unless ordered by Starfleet intelligence or Starfleet Command. Should new evidence surface that Mr Wallace is infact alive no action will be taken to contact him by non authorized personnel at this time. Furthermore should Mr Wallace be located an immediate debreifing is required as to his activities leading up to and including his disappearance. Should Mr Wallace be located by any non-starfleet personel he is to be placed into custody until such time as Starfleet intelligence can conduct a full investigation.

Further too this order Ensign Rhiana t'Sahen will assume command of the day to day operations of the stations intelligence operations and all task force related matters will be hereby transferred to Lieutenant Commnader Silonez Ericson USS Achillies until further decision is made.


Vice Admiral Colin James
Starfleet Intelligence Operations Director

Rhiana looked at the message again and again, She looked over at Marti and the Cheif, "Let Nikki and John know whats going on, and also we should get someone to inform Ms Mackenzie, I'm not going to do it I have to inform the Captain and operations of the interum change in command"

The Chief looked down at the floor, a scilent prayer, and somekind of remorse he felt for letting his friend go into battle alone ~Sorry kid, I let you down.~

Marti struggled to hold back the tears, she should have come clean with him earlier then maybe he wouldn't have felt some obligation. She stood up adjusting her uniform, "I think its best if the captain tells his mistress, of these developments, we'll need to finish going through his personal information and notify any next of kin."

Rhiana looked around, "Lets get going on talking to the senior staff, plus the Captain needs someone to identify the authenticity of that ship on sensors, lets go."

As if by some switch the intelligence staff went back to work but each was left with there own thoughts, Marti was the most hurt in that she had to try to bury her love for a man who was now gone.


Intelligence staff