Interlude – Promises easily made...
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Promises easily made...
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Jul 11, 2010 @ 9:08am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD26 - immediately after 'Preperations'

After the Romulan  Ambassador had gone, Yolanthe and Klia took a glass of champagne up to the Holodeck mezzanine and watched the staff descend on the catering samples like a pack of ravenous vultures.

“Can you get those changes done in time?”  Yolanthe asked her, bending almost in half to be able to lean on the rail.  

Klia barely had to bend at all, being almost a foot and a half shorter.  “Depends when I get those files, but it should be fine.  The model the Ambassador had was surprisingly well done.  Holo-tech isn’t exactly the Rommies’ speciality.

“Good, good.”  Yolanthe ticked off another box on her mental check list.  She had to contact several suppliers and get in the quantities she needed for the food.  The party girl’s special request for gyros - whatever they were - might need a few favours owed.  

“So what’s the margin on this one?”  Klia asked, taking a sip of her champagne.  “Is it going to be worth losing a whole nights trade?”

“Depends on how wild the guests get on the tables, but we should be comfortably off afterwards.  More than enough to justify a one off hire.  Couldn’t do it every night, but its cash in the bank.   Plus its brownie points with a VIP and we owe her Chief of Staff for opening night.”  Yolanthe took a sip of her own drink.  “Given all the factions on this station, I don’t want all our eggs in the Starfleet -.”

The conversation trailed off.  The impossibly gorgeous Blake had been attacking the chocolate fountain with gusto and was now licking his fingers clean, innocent and oblivious to the effect it was having on quite a few of his colleagues.

“Do you...” Yolanthe asked, her body colour becoming raspberry pink all of sudden.

“Hell yes.”  Klia was practically drooling.

“Employee.” Yolanthe reminded her, regretful of that fact herself.

“Spoil sport,”  Klia brought out a small spray from her pocket, the counter agent to her Orion hormones, and sprayed herself liberally.  

There was a long pause.   Eventually Yolanthe spoke.  She needed to say something, and knew Klia was not going to like it.  “I’m going to have to go back to the Cardassian Embassy.”

The Orion hissed air in through her teeth.  “Why?”

“I need to get my clothes back.”

Klia gave a bitter little snort, “huh.”

Silence followed.  Yolanthe sighed.  “Talk to me.”

“Your taste is terrible.  You’ve spent all the time I’ve known you turning men down.  Good men.  Nicer, kinder, gentler-”

“Shorter.”  The Bokkai added.

“Shut up!” Klia stared down at the rapidly disappearing food.  “You said he wasn’t going to be any different, seventy two hours later you’ve gone AWOL and end up in his bed, because, “ she raised her hands to make air quotes, “‘It was a good idea at the time’. Then you promise that its all nothing, and over with, but now you want the first opportunity to slink back there for seconds.”  Finally, Klia turned to face her taller friend.  “The first person you have ever freely chosen for yourself. Ever. In your life.  And you waste it on... on... a reptile like him!”

The tiny Orion’s shout made everyone down below look up, and then they all hurriedly found something else to do

Yolanthe stared at her friend, shocked at the outburst.  “It's just sex.”

Klia blew out a noisy, exasperated sigh. “But a spoonie? They’re all the same, and one of them as far up the greasy pole as that one is going to be worse than usual. I don't want to see you wind up like those poor idiots who prop up your bar.“

“Oh hardly.” Yolanthe gave her a hug. “You don't have to worry about me. I'm big enough to look after myself. And I’m not looking for any excuse, but I'm not abandoning that dress. I need to get it back. I'll be in and out, I promise.”


When nothing more was forthcoming. Yolanthe handed her empty glass to her friend. “I better get along. I need to get those orders placed.”

Klia just scowled at the ground floor, but as the Bokkai descended the stairs, she called out, “I just don't want to see you hurt. I'm sorry.”

Yolanthe reached over the rail to squeeze her hand. “I know. I'm glad you're looking out for me.”

The Orion girl managed a brief smile. “Just be careful, okay. Its a jungle out there.”

“I will.” Yolanthe headed out.

Klia watched her go and added in a sour whisper. “...and its full of reptiles.”


Yolanthe and Klia
Owners of The Box of Delights