We All Fall Down – The Cursed Ship - Part 2
by Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Amia Telamon & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   The Cursed Ship - Part 2
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Amia Telamon & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Thu Dec 18, 2014 @ 7:24am
Location   USS Helios
Timeline   MD 03 - 0530

The bridge gave a shudder that would have sent anyone not braced to the floor. "Sir not sure why but we have just dropped out of warp reason is currently unknown. Our current speed is one quarter impulse and decelerating." Said James calmly.

"Scanning now, sir!" Sharma was quick to look for an external source for the stop.

Isen stood up and walked forward to the helm. "All stop," he said, a puzzled look on his face.

"All stop sir." Said James calmly he wanted answers as much as the next person though he was also afraid that the crew would not like those answers.


Aldrex stood behind Cadet Isen, but remained silent for the moment so that the young Risian could command on his own.

"Report?" Isen asked of everyone and no one in particular.

"Nothing unusual on close range scans," Sharma called from the science panel. "Switching to long range...."

Kram Davis wasn't due on shift but he had been pulling long and doubles just like the others. He had snatched a few hours of exhausted sleep and ~wouldn't it always happen~ THAT had been the time when something had occurred. As the ship shuddered to a stop he was almost thrown out of bed so he finished the momentum and jumped, landing on his feet, spinning round to see what or who had startled him from his rest.

Having checked and scanned his quarters thoroughly (for the 10th time since he got aboard) he then took himself to the Bridge to see if he could find out more.

As he was on his way to the Bridge, Kram flicked his comm badge, intending to check in with his staff, to try to find out what anyone knew. The Comm systems were down so he had no luck and as he arrived at his destination he was quite shocked to find so many of the other "senior" cadets there and working already as if they had been doing so for some time. He checked his chronometer and it was only 05.30.

"Sir" he acknowledged. "Do we have a problem?"

"Only that we're not moving," Aldrex replied. "Take your post, Mister."

"Yes Sir" ~Ouch! Mister?~ Kram was good at saying the wrong thing and clearly on reflection, that was a daft question. ~Of course we have a problem - it propelled you out of bed, numb-brain!~ he silently berated himself. He could do a better job of that than the Officer in Charge might have done. He *hated* making a fool of himself.

~...and the Comms system is a second one! Which was ALSO obvious!~ he growled inside his head, still furious with himself. He obediently took his place at the Security Console and tried to make sense of anything it was (or was not) able to tell him.

~What the hell is this mess~ Thought James as he looked over his readings. He went over what he knew to be true so far and the fact of the matter was that if there was no external reason for the ship to drop out of warp suddenly then it had to be an internal reason but considering that his last check of the engineering systems had not shown any major problems outside of what they had been expecting on this ship things just were not adding up and considering who the CO was for this cruise well he was not going to hold out any hope other then that long range communications would stay online for a while longer. "sir I recommend that we move away from this location even at impulse speeds it would be better then just sitting here. sensors show clear and if what dropped us from warp is a localizzed gravational field of some kind then it stands to reason that we would be able to return to warp once we clear the field." Said James calmly

Mrin started into the glowing spaghetti exposed by the panel. It wasn't right. She reached into her toolkit and without looking extracted her hyperspanner. Not right at all.

* * * * * Crew Quarters * * * * *

OLD: Aldrex didn't know why he had come out in his robe and slippers. Just bored mostly. He hadn't been able to sleep and didn't want to wake his wife Amia. They had been aboard the Helios for a week and a half already, ostensibly as "advisors" to the all-cadet crew, but really they weren't much more than passengers.

NEW: Amia opened one eye sleepily as she heard him take a shower and buried her head under the pillow as he left their quarters. She had no idea what he had commented earlier but she echoed it unwittingly. ~Not much of a Honeymoon~ The Chronometer said 04.00 hrs. ~What in the Universe could possibly warrant SUCH an early start?~

Amia was aware that the cadets were pulling long and exhausting shifts and she had made a note to keep an eye on them in case some might face 'burn out' before long but the fact that someone of her medical experience was right there 'on top of them' as it were, meant they were in very little danger of her NOT noticing any sleep deprivation symptoms. Besides, the fact that they'd only been on this trip for a few days meant they weren't in danger of any long-term effects yet even if she weren't.

She certainly didn't see a need to go checking up on them at 04.00! The only one she was actually thinking she might need to fell with an "elephant tranquilliser" as the old saying went, was going to be her husband. He hadn't been exactly *early* for his supper but he had been telling her of all the problems he had overseen and seemed proud of their achievements so she could only assume this was his impersonation of a mother hen. It was kinda cute but annoying at the same time, she thought.

Rudely awakened as the ship suddenly stopped in space, Amia had to rethink her nonchalance and threw on a uniform as she rushed to the Bridge, wondering what in the Universe, short of a space eddy could have jolted a starship, even one in such poor health as the Helios!

She knew Cade was out there, probably on the Bridge but it wasn't something she could take for granted and she flicked her comm badge to contact him as she hurried to the lift, thought twice and then hurried towards a Jefferies tube in case the power was playing up as it had been yesterday.

=^= Soren.... =^= old habits died hard, she kicked herself mentally... =^= Telamon to Aldrex =^= she enquired, on the move.

There was no reply from her husband. The comm system was down.

* * * * * Bridge * * * * * *

Isen tapped his commbadge. "Bridge to engineering, report." There was no reply. He sighed. "Comm system is down again. Mrin, can you get down there?"

"There's something in here," Mrin said. "I'll head down to Engineering and send back a runner with our status," she continued, "Get someone locally to route power away from this area," she added.

Arriving finally on the Bridge, out of breath and really sorry she hadn't got up when Cade had, Amia approached her husband. She did not make the rookie mistake that Kram had done, by asking any stupid questions. She acknowledged Cade with a respectful and very professional nod, the indoctrinated *doctors' impassive face* not quite covering up for the heavier than usual breathing that remained from her climb of the tubes, and asked quietly. "Anything I can do?". She expected him to send her to check the Medical Console but she was sensible enough not to just take it for granted.

Aldrex leaned to her and whispered, "I'm just watching for now. I want to see how they deal with this. Want to watch with me?" Nothing suggested an emergency situation, so he saw no need to step in yet. There were any number of reasons why they might have dropped out of warp. The most likely culprit was that the warp field had destabilized. Not a far-fetched scenario at all for a trouble-prone ship like the Helios.

***** Engineering *****

What was it? What was it? What was it?

Mrin ran the question over and over as she made her way to the turbolift - there was something in the tangle of spaghetti cables that was wrong - like a symbol that she couldn't decipher.

She waited for two minutes. No lift.

Mrin swore under her breath. They were offline too so sh'd have to do it the old fashioned way. She ripped the nearest cover off the wall and with one leg through the hatch she turned back as she saw a movement.

"Excuse me, would you run to the bridge and inform the CO that the turbolifts are out of action. Cadet Caraway is using the Jeffries tubes to reach engineering?"

"Yes, ma'am," the other cadet replied. He set off to do it. Then he paused and asked, "Wait, do you have a tricorder with you? Maybe we can use it to send a text message?"

Mrin, half way through the hatch turned back, "Best not risk it. Comms are down and I don't want to assume that the message got through. I can trust you more than this ship," she added.

The other cadet nodded dutifully and went on his way.

It was a realtively short descent. Mrin could imagine just how far she would need to climb and crawl had this been one of the larger starships, but then they wouldn't have left one of those in the hands of a crop of cadets, even if those cadets - as this group were - were expected to be at the very top of their respective classes.

Mrin turned in the jeffries tube, a manouvre made possible by her diminutive size, and pushed her feet against the hatch and followed it out into the corridor. She trotted along, noticing the doors were fixed open as she entered main engineering.

She didn't disturb the team who were working on restoring power. She grabbed a toolkit, wishing that she had her own with her and set her mind to restoring comms.

~ Isen, I should have comms restored in five ~ she sent the thought - it seemed the best way to keep them updated on progress.

**** Bridge ****

"James, do we still have impulse power?" Isen asked Bradshaw.

"Yes sir I can give you full impulse if needed though honestly i would not recommend it." said James flatly

"What's the best you can do, then?" Isen asked.

"three quarters impulse with no problem full for a burst if need be but no more then a few minutes at best." Said James calmly

While the cadets were working Aldrex said quietly to his wife, "So did you sleep okay? I didn't expect to see you up yet."

A persistent electronic chirp at the tactical console indicated an incoming hail. Cade stepped forward himself and answered it without being asked. A voice erupted from the speakers.

"Mayday, mayday! This is the cruise ship, Radiance of the Stars, sending out a distress call to any ship in range. Is anyone out there listening?"


Cadet Kram Davis
(NPC Jools)

Cadet Mrin Caraway
(NPC Louise)

Cadet James Bradshaw
(NPC David)

Cadet Tralian Isen
(NPC Bert)

Cadet Sharma Welyn M.D.
(NPC Notty)

Lt. Cmdr. Cade Aldrex