Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Ducks in a Row
by Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Ducks in a Row
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 3:32am
Location   Main Promenade: Matahari Bar & Grill
Timeline   SD6 13:30

Once she was confident that things were as they had been left days earlier, she returned to the chaos of the promenade balconey. She headed down the stairwell to the lower level and held her breath as she pushed her way through to the Matahari.


Upon entering, Kaia found herself a seat at the counter and nonchalantly waved to Natrina. An onlookers would doubtfully have suspected any of the events of a few days prior had occured, save that Kaia rubbed her side in a moment of soreness. She had learned to hide her pain long ago.

When the din of the establishment lulled momentarily, Kaia called out, "Hey Nat! When you get a moment..."

"Ah Ms. Kaia. I see you have recovered from your most unfortunate injuries." Natrina said with a grin. "And of course we can talk. This way." She motioned toward her private bar.

Kaia glanced momentarily around teh bar before standing and following Natrina to the back. Once they were away from the crowds, Kaia relaxed and smiled a bit more personally. "Hey Nat, I never got a chance to say thank you for saving my life... I guess I forget sometimes that I can't do everything."

Natrina nodded, "It was my pleasure Ms. Kaia, as I have few friends in this space. Even fewer I trust. Though I cannot say the same for Mr. Ambilitsio. Watching him has payed off, as he has dissappeared, but not before I recovered some private property from him. I am still working on repairing it and it seems hopeful."

"Indeed, good news I hope?" Kaia asked. "Obviously I've been out of it for a while. I was hoping you could bring me up to speed."

"It works, but our former associate has attached some sort of encryption interface that has challenged even my skill at decryption. I have an idea how to decrypt the interface, but if I had the manufactuer of the interface, I could do it quicker." Natrina said as she opened her bar to prepare Kaia a drink.

Kaia sighed. "Well, I can certainly take a look at it. Considering how rag-tag his operation was, it could quite literally come from anywhere. But, I suppose I can't say that I blame him, you can't say you wouldn't try to protect your interests in a similar manner, would you?"

Natrina nodded, "Indeed, however he may become an inconvenience for me. That and there is also the problem with these Lytosians and Consortium beligerants lying around. I don't mind if they blow stuff up, but *not* my bar. What's a nice girl like me to do with all these unplesant schemes floating around. Finally it has been too long since I last checked in with the Bolian on the Promenade. A little trauma always puts him in his place."

Kaia laughed, "I could tell you a few stories about things like that. Anyway. With amblitsio compromised, how have plans changed to go after your compatriots?"

"I must rework several of my plans. The emphasis on making our prescence absolutely invisible. Which is why I needed the cloak from Ambilitsio. And to do that, I need the base in one piece while we work on our latest problem. That means the good Captain may recieve a token of my aid in... discouraging beligerants. A silent form of aid, but one that serves our ends as well." Natrina stated.

"Always. " Kaia responded. "Tell you what, I'll be working on getting my ship repaired here for the next while, integrating the transwarp coil and cleaning up after our fun with the pirates. If you can get the cloak transfered to my ship by whatever means, I"ll work on installing it during the repairs so that no one will notice the difference in load-out. In the meantime, you work on the revisions, and let me know if the new plans still require me to act as an exotic dancer. Sound like a plan?"

Natrina nodded, "Do study the dancing holochips I sent you, as we may need those skills." She set the bottle down. "Enjoy your drink my friend."

"I will," Kaia answered with a smirk, "And thank you again... for everything."