Lieutenant JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk   

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Character Information
Name   Cheyenne Thomas Faulk
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Medical Officer
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   33
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 5”
Weight   130 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Blonde
Physical Description   Cheyenne is petite for her age, and definitely has the wear and tear of a medical officer. Her hair can be found in a ponytail or a French braid to be kept out of her face. Instead of wearing her uniform while she is on duty, she is commonly found in the modern day scrubs with a medical jacket over them. She prefers to be comfortable while working.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Cheyenne is easy to get along with. She loves her work and her children. She will always do her job to the best of her ability no matter what.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Federation Standard, German
Father   Unknown
Mother   Patricia Thomas
Brother(s)   Wililam Reinbach
Sister(s)   n/a
Spouse   Christopher Faulk-Divorced
Children   Aurora and Andromeda Faulk - 5 years old
Other Family  
Cheyenne was born in Germany to Patricia Thomas. Her father was unknown to her at the time. She grew up in Germany, as an only child, at least that was what she had thought. When she turned 13, her mother gave her a locket with her father's picture in it. She was never told who he was, just that he was her father.

When Cheyenne turned 14, she entered into Starfleet Academy, to study medicine. She really enjoyed it, and was anxious to prove and make something of herself. While in the academy, she stayed very devoted to her studies. She wanted to graduate with honours, but due to her mother's death right before graduation, she was denied that chance. Her mother's death had been really hard on Cheyenne. She had been really close to her mother, and it had hurt her. She was mailed her diploma.

After she graduated from the academy, she got her acceptance into Starfleet Medical. Since she didn't have anything else to keep her from focusing on her studies, she completely focused on her classes. She wanted to become a doctor. Cheyenne graduated 15th in her class. She was happy for that, and had wished that her mother could have been there. After graduating, she put in to be put on a ship. She was accepted almost immediately to the USS Atlantis under the command of Captain William Churchill.

When Cheyenne arrived onto the Churchill, she ran into William Reinbach. She dropped her locket onto the floor. He picked it up and saw the face of her father in the picture. The two got to talking and found out they were related. That he was actually her older brother. It surprised the two of them. Cheyenne spent time with William when she was off duty. She started working in sickbay as a doctor under Lt. Christopher Faulk. Within three months of being on the Atlantis, Cheyenne got promoted to ACMO. She also started dating Chris. The two fell in love and got married within 1 year of Cheyenne being on board. Chris was promoted up to second officer. Cheyenne got promoted up to CMO. After a year and a half, Cheyenne got pregnant with Aurora and Andromeda. It was a good pregnancy. When Cheyenne went into labour, the ship was under attack. Chris was not able to make it to the delivery. She gave birth to the twins with the help of a good friend that was also a doctor.

Cheyenne spent the next couple of years on the Atlantis. Chris and her had started having problems also. Cheyenne took all she could take, and took the twins and left her husband. She moved back to Germany to raise the girls.
Once the twins started to grow up, Cheyenne decided to try and get stationed onto another ship or starbase.


Service Record


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