Lieutenant Ryan Milarno   

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Character Information
Name   Ryan Milarno
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Gender   Male
Species   1/2 Cardassian 1/4 Human 1/4 Baj
Age   30
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   168 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Ryan is a tall, muscular, well-built man.
He has piercing blue eyes and shaved brown hair.

Ryan does have both ears pierced and he has a large Earth Celtic design tattoo on his left arm, a smaller one on his right arm, and aswell as those another tattoo of Celtic design on his chest.

Ryan has prominent Bajoran ridges on his nose and more recently the eruption of the cardassian skeletal structure on his temples around the sides of both eyes on his temples. The skeletal structure begins to move up his forehead before quickly dissipating.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Ryan is a very fun guy, he never seems to be down or upset, he just gets up and moves on with his life, some say it's disturbing when he just does that but it seems to work for him

He likes to spend time with friends and family. But he does like it when he has some alone time that just comes with growing up in a large family, he was always surrounded by people and naturally likes it when he's alone.

Ryan can be a ladies-man at times, but he knows when not to go over the top with things. But now that Ryan is in a relationship with Chelsea Adams, the womaniser has stopped.

He can get along with anyone until they do something he does not like. He is caring, compassionate, loving, and dedicated to his job, but caring, compassionate and loving do not surface very often, but he does want that to show more in some way or another.

He is fun to work with, fellow crewmates get along with him easily, and he is considered a great friend and colleague by many people.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Can get struck down and just gets back up and continues life. He doesn't let anything bother him.
He doesn't like seeing anyone that is in his 'circle' of friends and family upset. Ryan won't take any crap from anyone.
If he does not believe in an order he has been given he will not carry it out.
Have a family some day and captain his own ship, possibly a medical ship, but he doesn't mind which.
Hobbies & Interests
Different starship classes, building miniature starships for a personal collection. Hanging out with friends. Running holodeck programs, T'sunkatse, shuttle racing, street dance programs and keeping fit and listening to music while off duty.
Languages   Terran, Klingon and Bajoran.
Father   Gul Preloc (Cardassian)
Mother   Elisha Milarno ( Bajoran/Human)
Brother(s)   Thomas Milarno, Justin Milarno, Matthew Milarno
Sister(s)   Kitty Milarno, Sarah Milarno, Rachel Milarno
Children   None as of yet
Other Family   Stepfather: Rotan Zar (Trill), Step-brother: Erax Zar (Trill)
Ryan was born on October 12th 2356 to parents Elisha and Travis Milarno in New York City on Earth. At the age of 4, Ryan and his family moved to Betazoid and lived in the capital city of Medara. He found the transition from Earth to Betazed very difficult, even at the age of 4 he knew that he and his family were different. When it came down to going to school he and his brothers and sisters would always fight with their parents to try and get out of going; it worked a few times, but eventually they wanted to know why they didn't want to go to school. And it was because it was a strange planet to them - after all they didn't grow up on Betazed, the only place they knew was New York City. They had no friends, and the ones they did have, they had to leave behind on Earth.

After a while he had gotten used to the environment and the society in which he now lived. He carried on with school, made some life-long friends and carried on to secondary school and then college. At the age of 18, Ryan decided to enrol to Starfleet Academy on Earth, it wasn't maybe his first choice but like a lot of people, he followed his friends, the prospect of Starfleet Academy was never really Ryan's top priority; he was brought up into a family of Starfleet academy graduates. Sometimes there was a lot of pressure on him to join Starfleet when he didn't even want too. But he joined, and strangely he began to really like it, and it was a good job he did like it, otherwise, he may not be the man he is today.

During his time in the academy, it was a very eye-opening experience for him. For one he had met his first love, a girl named Sara. They were together for eighteen months before splitting up and secondly he lost his virginity while he was there, so he has fond memories of those days.
After graduating from the academy with excellent grades, in medical and counselling, piloting and command courses he then applied to join Starfleet Medical, to get a feel for what it was really like.
While he was at the academy, he was informed that his mother and father were divorcing; from that moment his life has not been the same.

A year or so later his mother married a Trill, a man named Rotan Zar who had a son already from a previous marriage, his name is Erax Zar. Ryan and Erax have never really got on, they have mostly competed against each other.

After a further year at Starfleet Medical, he didn't feel like he was getting what he wanted from the experience, so he requested the position of assistant chief medical officer on the USS Tripoli.
The request was granted, not only because of his excellent medical skills but because of some great references from admirals he had known from the academy and Starfleet medical.
Upon joining the USS Tripoli he was given the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. And he would continue to serve on the ship for four great years, creating relationships and even more great friends for life.

When he left the Tripoli he was transferred to the USS Britton as the CMO and AXO under the rank of Lieutenant.

Ryan is currently assigned to Deep Space 5 as the Chief Medical Officer under the rank of Lieutenant.

A few months into his new position as CMO, a new officer arrived on board, Chelsea Adams, a half Human, Bajoran female who was his new assistant chief medical officer. Chelsea arrived in the midst of a devastating disease that affected Bajorans, and her first day was one that Ryan regrets, he was under a lot of stress trying to find a cure and he hadn't slept in days and his attitude towards her was terrible. He was told to get some rest and after putting up a fight he gave in and went to rest for a while.

Later that evening, Chelsea dropped by Ryans quarters, for a drink and for a chance to get to know each other better, but as the evening went on they became very close. Since that night, they have both become lovers in such a short space of time, and in that time they have also encountered problems along the way, but all misunderstandings.

The very next day Ryan even proposed to giving his human blood to a bajoran crew member who wasn't responding to the cure, initially he was just going to do it, and he was aware of the dangers but he decided he better consult with the captain, but she did not grant his request.

Matakan was soon transferred from the station to undergo extensive treatment on Bajor.

When Ryan and his team finally eradicated the Baron's disease everyone was pleased and happy, but disaster soon struck when Ryan became ill, at first the symptoms weren't bad, and could be treated with medication but they were all in for a shock when Ryan collapsed and was unconscious for several hours, during that time Chelsea and the rest of the staff ran a genome test and discovered that Ryan was in fact half Bajoran, there is no explanation as to why this was never revealed before now. Ryan had contracted Baron's disease, and with his interaction with Baron's sufferers it was understandable that he was seriously affected.

When Ryan was given the cure and he was coming around, he was told of his new heritage by Chelsea and he did not take the news well. When he had thought about it, and tried to get used to it. He contacted his parents for an explanation.

His parents revealed to him that his father that he knew of wasnt his real father at all and he told his son that they had to hide his heritage so that he wouldnt bare the sins of his father when he became older, his biological father, named Gul Preloc a cardassian; removed Bajoran familys from their homes during the occupation, basically sending them to die. When Ryans mother left with a newborn baby (Ryan) after being raped by Gul Preloc, his mother settled on Earth, and got in touch with her children, and meeting a new love, Rotan Zar a Trill male who became Ryans step father....he never knew any different until now.

**Ryans siblings were born a lot of years before his mother was taken captive by the Cardassians.


Service Record
Starfleet Academy 2372-2376
USS Tripoli - 2376 - 2380 - Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Lieutenant JG
USS Britton - 2380 - 2384 - Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer - Lieutenant
Deep Space Five - 2384 - ???? - Chief Medical Officer/ Assistant Chief Medical Officer - Lieutenant


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