Cardassian Glen Sulla Parek   

Character Information
Name   Sulla Parek
Rank   Cardassian Glen
Position   Cardassian Ambassadors Aide
Gender   Male
Species   Cardassian
Age   35
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 11”
Weight   200 lbs.
Eye Color   Gray
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Short and stocky, the dark-haired Cardassian radiates a quiet confidence. His uniform immaculate, and his bearing straight, the man seems the consummate professional. As with most Cardassians there is the hard, steely stare that brooks no opposition.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Belied by his appearance, Parek is easygoing by Cardassian standards. Slow to anger and quick to make friends, he is inquisitive about the other races of the galaxy. Neither believing or expressing any sense of superiority over others because of his race or position, he enjoys the friendships of people from different species and backgrounds.

In dealing with Cardassian politics and advancing himself, Parek has become a quiet master, finding out what pleases his superiors and working to gain their trust before advancing himself. Again, he prefers a low-key presence that enables him to go about his work efficiently, and watching out for those who may do Cardassia harm.

As a man who grew up in the aftermath of the Dominion War, he has become firmly attached to the post-war order and believes that the Cardassian Union should forswear the use of force in any but the most extreme of cases.
Strengths & Weaknesses
A sharp mind and a wit with an affable personality, Parek is quick at making friends. A veritable wizard in administrative affairs, he ensures he has full knowledge of what goes on in his consulate or embassy in order to better-inform his superiors. With a quiet, mostly forgettable presence, he can collect such information successfully.

Not a physical man, Parek prefers not to engage in combat of any sort, and actively tries to defuse such a situation. As a Cardassian it still brings disadvantages as physical and martial prowess are still highly prized by society.
Achieving the position of Chief of Staff on the way to his own Ambassadorship as a stepping stone to the Detapa Council.
Hobbies & Interests
Reading the finest literature the quadrant has to offer, as well as the biographies and books of great statesmen and ambassadors in order to further his knowledge of the field.
Languages   Cardăsda, Federation Standard, Some Klingon
Father   Gul Ordra Parek
Mother   Iertra Parek
Children   N/A
Other Family   Various Aunts and Uncles
Born in 2350 to fairly wealthy parents on the Cardassian colony of Diurthen IX, Parek got the best start in life possible for a citizen of the Cardassian Union at that time. His mother was an educator at the district school, and his father a Glinn in the Cardassian 8th Fleet. Coming from a long line of celebrated Cardassian officers, Parek and his family received every advantage in his early years, and he excelled in this beneficial environment.

Given the parlous state of relations between the Cardassian Union and the United federation of Planets during this time, Parek's father was often away fighting the tit-for-tat battles that occupied both forces in the 2350's and 60's. Once memorable occasion which stuck in Parek's memory was that of the tense wait for his father to return from the Beloti Sector which had been filled with gravitic mines belonging to both sides. Given the tight control the military had during this period, little information was allowed to trickle through to the population, but when Glinn Parek and his crew returned 'victorious' despite heavy losses, he was promoted to Gul and given command of his own ship, the Galor-class Vrathon.

This necessitated a change of location for the family, as the Vrathon was unable to be maintained by the small facility that was in orbit of Diurthen IX. Moving to Wentani, seat of the local governor, would provide an eye-opening experience for the younger Parek.

Wentani was a far more cosmopolitan place than his previous home. The Cardassians in general, and the local elites especially, lived in relative comfort upon the backs of the indentured Wentanii workers. Here there were scarce food shortages as had been experienced in the wider Union during this period. Parek enjoyed a life of easy academic study and little physical work. He was nannied for the most part by his Wentanii nanny who often told him stories from her culture about their proud past and early space-faring experiences. This was, unbeknownst to him, quietly encouraged by his mother and father who were some of the few followers of the ancient Hebitian religion, and both had grown increasingly concerned by the direction the Union had been taking in past decades.

These concerns remained unknown to Sulla Parek, and as the 2360's wore on, the teenaged Cardassian began to find himself and his goals in life. Finding that he had a prodigious memory, he excelled in administrative tests and was capable of applying himself to diverse diplomatic problems. Indeed, from around 2365 onwards, he developed an interest in interstellar affairs that coincided with the conclusion of the Federation-Cardassian Wars in 2370.

Now aged twenty, the young man found himself presented to the military academy for further teaching. As the son of a 'hero', he received easy entry, and was soon marked out for his aforementioned abilities, the authorities even going so far as to raising his marks in areas where he was particularly deficient, such as tactics and personal combat. During this time he made many friends, though was never the leader of his group, preferring to make himself indispensable in some small way, a trait that stayed with him until well into his late twenties. Making connections, he was soon assigned to his first tour of duty aboard a Cardassian vessel, serving with little enthusiasm in the ship's security department.

As he was rotated out to his first adjutant's assignment, revolution struck Cardassia, with citizens incensed by the increasing poverty, chaos and famine overthrowing Cardassian Central Command, and making the Detapa Council the primary force in governing the Union. His current taskmaster, Gul Torval, threw his support behind the Council, and was instrumental in bringing the majority of the Union's military forces alongside the civilian government. It was here that he was noticed for the first time, the Gul noting not only his skills, but more unusually, his proclivities as well. In the brief period of the Detapa Council's rule, Parek became the Gul's primary assistant, and became well-known in making the differing Cardassian forces work together during the brief Cardassian-Klingon War.

With the coming of the Dominion, power within the Union shifted once more to favour the administration of one Gul Dukat. Torvan quickly fell out of favour and retired, leaving Gil Parek to find his own way in the galaxy once more. As war broke out in 2373, the twenty-three year old was posted to the Keldon-class vessel Orthon as the ship's Operations Chief. A department more suited to his role, Parek flourished, making fast friends amongst his comrades, and catching the eyes of his superiors.

His war was a relatively quiet one, partaking in few of the major battles and incidents of its early phase. Mostly the Orthon was kept in reserve, only deployed in emergencies, until the tide of the war began to turn against the Dominion. With the entry of the Romulan Star Empire into the conflict, the Orthon was deployed to secure parts of the Second Front, coming into conflict against the Klingon Fleet. Struggling to find an advantage against the more nimble Klingon cruisers, the Orthon suffered heavy losses during this period, and Parek lost many comrades, though luckily sustaining no debilitating injuries himself.

As the war wore on, Cardassian forces began to retreat and re-group for one final defensive push. As tensions between the ruling Dominion and Cardassian subjects emerged into the open, the Orthon's Gul made a fateful decision to turn on the Dominion forces during the Battle of Cardassia. Sustaining heavy losses, the Keldon-class vessel, her flotilla and her comrades provided a decisive swing in the Federation Alliance's favour.

During this action, Parek was injured, necessitating a period of time in a military hospital to recuperate. Missing the transition to a civilian government, Parek for the second time lost his patronage and was forced into several menial administrative jobs for the now much-reduced Cardassian military. Here he languished for near a decade, until a chance encounter with Gul Torvan, now a much-feted member of the Detapa Council. The venerable Cardassian looked upon the Glinn with favour, and duly recommended him for a position in the Cardassian Consulate on Deep Space 5.


Service Record
2368-2370 - Military Academy/First Tour - CUS Vrathon
2370-2372 - Second Tour - Gul Torvan's Adjutant and Chief Aide
2373-2375 - Third Tour - Chief of Operations, CUS Orthon
2375-2385 - Various Administrative posts within the Ministry for Procurement.
2385 - Assignment to Deep Space 5


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