Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon   

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Character Information
Name   Greo Tovon
Rank   Lieutenant Commander
Position   Chief Science Officer [Reserved]
Gender   Male
Species   Half Cardassian, Half Human
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   182 lbs.
Eye Color   Dark Tan
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Greo is quite clearly a mixture of human and cardassian DNA. He has strong facial ridges, yet he does not carry the archetypal Cardassian neck ridges one might expect. For this reason many people believe he is fully cardassian when wearing heavy clothing. He has an inquisitive look about him and his dark tan eyes are welcoming. He has several scars on his body from his youth and cuts his hair short, against standard Cardassian traditions.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
A modest and well disciplined individual, Greo learnt his self-control at a cost. He is level-headed and tends to listen to all opinions before making a decision. However he is quite capable at dealing with stressful situations, due to his upbringing, and will be quick to trust in his own skills to solve a situation. He is not quick to anger, he knows all too well where rage leads. He does not suffer fools. Maybe a little Cardassian arrogance snuck in with the ridges as he is loathe to put up with those that he feels are inadequate or incompetent. He prides himself in his work and is a determined individual. However, like many scientist in Starfleet his goals are more centred on acquiring knowledge rather than climbing the ranks. Greo will be a trusted friend if you let him and definitely enjoys the company of others.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Greo is a gifted scientist. He graduated in the top 5% of his year at Starfleet, only his more physical training elements letting him down. He is talented in most areas of physics and astrophysics, for which he received the highest grades of his year. Greo isn't very tactically minded however and often feels that he hinders in combat situations more than helps. Ever since his time in the DMZ he has felt clumsy in conflict, but never scared to enter it.
Ever since his fifteenth birthday Greo Tovon has aspired to become a scientist, to understand the world and break it down it to understandable elements. Starfleet enabled him to take the first step in this long journey and now he hopes to go further. In his most secret of dreams he hopes to become known from Earth to Cardassia Prime for his science, a guilty emotion that he rarely shares.
Hobbies & Interests
Aside from his great interest in science, Greo is a keen historian. He is interested in both Cardassian and Human history, for obvious reasons. He enjoys hill walking, writing short stories and relaxing with his friends in the local establishment.
Languages   Cardassian, Federation Standard
Father   Hammel Tovon (deceased)
Mother   Sodor Tovon (deceased)
Other Family  
Born on Remi IV near the Hugora Nebula to a human father and a cardassian mother Greo was the son of a scientist. The colony on the small L class planet was situated in the depths of a continent spanning chasm system. His father was the head scientist in the colony and lead the weekly trips to survey the world for Federation records. In 2357 the world was merely a colony on the edge of Federation and Cardassian space. Life was peaceful and Greo grew up rambling across the foothills with his mother and watching his father working hard over his desk each night.

With the formation of the Dorvan Treaty in 2370 the small underdeveloped Federation planet was given over to the Cardassians. Federation officials declared that the world was of little use to them and that efforts in the region would be suspended. Greo was only 13 years old at the time and when his family decided to stay in their homes he stayed with them. They lived in peace for another year, as the Cardassians left them alone. As maquis activity grew in the new demilitarised zone things changed.

Unknown to his father and the colony Maquis rebels were hiding on Remi IV and the Cardassians had found out. It didn't matter how, but when they came things got out of hand and the colony was attacked. The civilians fled on what craft they could, but Greo's mother was killed in the attack and his father severely wounded.

Greo and his father were taken to Starbase 2 to recover and reintegrate back into Federation society. At first things were hard, few people trusted them and Greo had to help his father to move about at all times. He was teased by other children and at first he railed against them, striking out and giving into his anger. Slowly though things began to pick up. His father’s wound, after repeat treatments, began to heal and Greo started to grow into himself. His father taught him to control his rage and when his father had finally recovered at the start of 2373 they moved again.

This time his father was called back to service onboard the USS Churchill, his scientific skills needed in the Dominion War. At first Greo lived aboard the ship as the war was in its infancy and the Churchill was mainly on patrol and defence duties, but soon things changed. With victories mounting on the opposing side and the fall of Betazed his father decided that it was simply too dangerous to keep his son on board and Greo was sent back to Starbase 2. It was 2374 and Greo was only 17 years old.

A year passed with the young boy being looked after by a Bolian family. He attended the local school once more and kept himself to himself. He realised quickly that in his absence the social grouping of his peers had shifted and he no longer had the honoured place of the bullied stranger. He excelled in the sciences and mathematics, but held a keen interest in history. His father would regularly send him subspace messages about the state of the war.

When news came that the Churchill was to participate in the liberation of Cardassia he waited for his father’s call. Late one night he received a sorrowful message from his clearly worried father. “I love you my son and hope to see you soon. This is for your mother.” was all he said. The ship survived the encounter, but Greo’s father did not return. As the celebrations of the end of the war rang through the corridors of Starbase 2, Greo sat alone in his quarters the communiqué of his father’s death a smashed mess on the floor.

His grades dropped and he began to disobey his foster family more and more. Greo not only felt anger at the world around him, but with himself. There was nothing he could have done to help, he was useless and his face bore the visage of the people who had killed both his mother and father. He lashed out at those who tried to help him and was quietly shuffled around between families on the starbase. He got into a fight on his eighteenth birthday and had his leg and arm broken in a brawl with three andorians. He spent 9 weeks in rehabilitation in the stations medical facility, licking his wounds and reassessing his life.

One of his father’s oldest friends, Lt. Cmdr Berik Moritan, would visit the station once a year to check on the boy. He chose to visit him on his birthday that year and was a day late due to a transport manifest problem. When he arrived and found Greo in such a state he realised that things had gone too far. Berik sat with Greo every day telling him stories of his father, ignoring his griping and complaining and generally making sure the boy didn’t get in any more trouble. Slowly the two became friends and Greo started to feel a grudging respect for the stubborn old man.

Again fate got in the way, dipping into Greo’s life with all the care of a drunkard klingon. After three weeks of working closely with Berik in the science centre of Starbase 2 Starfleet ordered Berik to return to the USS Churchill since it had finally been refitted and returned to active duty. The ship was set to patrol the region near Deep Space 5 and patrol a sector of the Romulan Neutral Zone. Now eighteen, Greo was better able to adjust to the absence of the only true friend he had left.

Instead of dwelling on the darker side of his life Greo decided to decide his own future. The one force that seemed to be constant in his life was the interfering element of Starfleet and Greo had always been strangely interested in this great faceless organisation. He applied to Starfleet after Berik left, but his past caught up with him. Several members on the enrolment board felt that his youth had been ‘not of material owing to Starfleet officers’. He returned to his job as a technician in the civilian science labs on Starbase 2.

A year passed. He worked at his job, met with his friends and read every science journal and paper he could get his hands on. He kept on top of his field and his head down. He also kept in contact with Berik over subspace, but this only reminded him of talking to his father. He told his older friend of his failure to get into Starfleet and asked him to right a letter of recommendation. The following year Greo’s application was accepted and he was allowed to take the entrance exam on Starbase 2.

His four years at the Academy forged the man that Greo has now become. He majored in Astrophysics, but set himself an adventurous timetable. He took classes in Advanced Subspace Geometry, Stellar Cartography and Temporal Mechanics. At first his professors advised against taking on too much, but once they saw Greo’s thirst for knowledge they transferred him to the advanced classes. He made few friends at the Academy feeling that friendships started there would rarely continue. He did not finish top of his class, but few other students had ever finished in the top 5% of so many studies.

In 2380 Greo Tovon graduated from the Academy and requested a post on board the USS Churchill. He was eager to see his friend Belik again and to see the ship he had called home all those years ago. Unfortunately his request was denied and he was assigned to the USS Farcharger, a Nova class vessel scouting spatial anomalies along the Neutral Zone. He served there professionally however and in 2382 became lieutenant junior grade. As he took on more duties in the small crew he was promoted again to full lieutenant in 2384.

When the Farcharger returned to dock for supplies and shore leave Greo requested the transfer to the Churchill again and with a few words from Chief Science Officer Moritan the captain of the Churchill agreed to the posting. Greo arrived aboard the ship and instantly things went badly. The memories that the ship brought up became too much for him, and even though he never let it affect his performance it was at the forefront of his thoughts constantly.

He was sure it was nothing and that it would pass, but the time he and his father had spent there had made them very close. Things got worse and six months later he requested a transfer to Deep Space 5. After a conversation with the ship’s counsellor he decided the nearby station was a good place to go in order to gather his thoughts and consider his options. The transfer was approved on personal grounds.


Service Record
Civilian Research Assistant: 2377 - June 2379
Starfleet Academy: July 2379 - June 2380
USS Farcharger (Science Officer) June 2380 - August 2385
USS Churchill (Science Officer): August 2385 to present
Deep Space 5 (Science Officer): Current


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