Sergeant Major Charles Doherty   

Character Information
Name   Charles Bruce Doherty
Rank   Sergeant Major
Position   Chief Combat Surgeon
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   40
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 6”
Weight   225 lbs.
Eye Color   Light Brown
Hair Color   Greying
Physical Description   Bruce Doherty stands at an impressive six and a half feet (which can sometimes be an
issue on shuttles and smaller vessels with limited headroom). His physique suggests a man who was extremely fit in his youth, but has perhaps fallen into decline of late. Although he still retains the same wideness in muscle build as he did as a young man, Dr. Doherty has begun to grow a slight belly, which perhaps makes appearance all the more daunting. His stern, usually smileless face is riddled with lines, making him appear older than he truly is. Looking at Bruce, he could easily pass for a man ten years his senior, his wrinkles and minor gashes a product of wartime combat spent largely on the ground, rather than in the vaccuum.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Bruce Doherty is no-nonsense when it comes to his work as a physician. Having always distrusted politicians, he carries a cynical attitude towards the societies that make up the universe, in regards to the people on top of course. A staunch patriot, he supports Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets in all endeavours he is able to. Born to a marine father and a nurse mother, he always profoundly respected and admired both of his parents. As a result, he possesses both the desire to aid people and to protect his Federation. And he will do so as long as he is able.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+Skilled marksman
+Good tactician, on the ground
+Dedicated doctor
+A great asset to away teams, as he prefers to work in the field rather than on the ground
+Brave and patriotic

-Stubborn, and always unchanging (he was born with a particular set of beliefs he will not let go)
-Difficult to compromise with
-Quick to anger
His only ambition in life is to be a good husband, good soldier, and good healer. What more can a man ask of himself?
Hobbies & Interests
Even as an undergrad, history had always interested Bruce. So much so that he majored in it, and continues to fascinate him to this day.

Also, he believes a key to happiness is physical fitness and likes nothing more than a good jog in the morning, and keeping fit at the gym.

He is also and avid white water rafter, and enjoys canoeing and hiking.
Languages   Federation Standard, Earth French
Father   Gunnery Sgt. Franklin Doherty, SFMC
Mother   Genevieve LeBlanc Doherty
Sister(s)   Lt. Cmdr Elizabeth Doherty Hollier, Andrea Doherty
Spouse   Vanessa Doherty
Children   Jaqueline Doherty (deceased)
Other Family   Lt. Cmdr Sorak, Starfleet Medical (brother-in-law)
Born on Earth December 6, 2344 to Gunnery Sgt. Franklin Doherty and his wife Genevieve, Charles Bruce Doherty was the second child in a family with two girls and a boy.
His father, a proud Starfleet Marine Corps enlisted-man instilled in Bruce the pillars of pride, honour, and patriotism. He taught Bruce (and all of his children) that it is important to understand and appreciate what one has, and that it is everyone’s duty to protect these things that are most important. It is of course the Federation that he was referring to, and it was Franklin’s hope that Bruce may grow up to be an enlisted-man much like himself, and his father before him.
His wish came true in December 2360 where, at the age of 16, Bruce enrolled into the reserves. He received his basic training that summer, and his weapons training throughout the year. After completing high school in 2362, Bruce would go on to serve in the SMC full-time as a Private First Class specializing in reconnaissance and light armour.

By 2365 however, a newly promoted Lance Cpl. Doherty had begun to rethink his choice of career. Although he had always wanted to help those in the Federation by defending them, he could not forget the lesson his mother, a nurse, had taught him as a child.

One day when Bruce was still quite young, while playing “soldiers and Klingons” with a few buddies from elementary school, he scraped his knee. No longer able to fight, he ordered his school chums onward in order to secure the objective (a small bandana placed in the middle of the field behind the schoolyard). Firing their imaginary guns, he imagined jets of light passing over his head, the sounds of shells in the background acting as his final chorus before he died. He would die, yes. But he would die a happy man, having served his country and done his duty.

But of course, he had not actually died.

Upon returning home for dinner, he found his mother in the kitchen. She had been watching him through the window over the sink that oversaw the hill below where the school was located. Bruce enquired what they would be eating for dinner, and his mother turned to face him. She said simply, “I hadn’t prepared you anything, you’re dead.”

Bruce was taken aback by this comment; he didn’t understand what his mother meant by this. Going down onto one knee, she said to Bruce, “Honey, when you grow up and become a great big soldier, don’t forget this one thing: when an army-man dies, no matter how valorous or heroic he was, he leaves people behind. He leaves his momma, he leaves his sisters, friends, children, wife, and even his fellow soldiers. And it’s people like me who have to stitch up the bodies, see them die, hear their final words. It’s an unpleasant business son, and people often forget about the healer. Don’t forget about the healer.”

It was from then onward that Bruce had gained great respect for the medical profession. Still, he would go on to serve as a marine in the SFMC before he actually became a doctor.

Bruce joined the SFMC full-time at the age of 18, and trained to began his university education following next year. He would complete the degree five years later, but he was denied entry into OCS, and Bruce was instead attached to Shadow Ops. Over the years, Bruce managed to do some of his medical training over correspondance. He even took a year's leave to complete one of his two sessions of practical examination as an intern. The real turning point however was during a raid in the Dominion War.

Doherty had been assigned to a company that, along with some Klingon assistance, spearheaded a covert operation into a Jem' Hadar Ketracel-white storage depot. The mission was in large part a success (over 85% of the facility was destroyed, only one team had failed to plant their charges), but the exit plan had been complicated when their transport was destroyed by Jem' Hadar forces. An air raid was called in to support the troops, but AA technology complicated the process. For some 15 minutes, the Federation/Klingon soldiers were held up in a standoff against Jem' Hadar/Cardassian forces. During this time, the Klingons (who had found themselves in a less desirable position than the Federation marines) took enormous losses. Even Sgt. Doherty's company sustained 81 casualties, including himself. Bruce had taken a disruptor shot to the chest, and a sniper managed to land a shot into his right thigh. He had however been well protected and the shots to the chest had not been intended for him, so they proved easily treated by the medical team afterward. The shot to the thigh, on the other hand, shattered his phemer and caused considerable blood loss and artery damage. Even today, Bruce walks with a slight, almost inperceptible limp.

During rehabilitation, Bruce slowly came to the realization that his role in combat would have to be reduced for some time. Knowing that he had only three semesters of medical school to complete in order to obtain his licence, Bruce continued his studies full time. Later, he completed his residency in San Francisco (for part of his training, he was an assistant coroner) and was assigned to the USS Agamamnon as marine doctor. In 2385, Dr. Doherty transferred to DS5 where he currently serves as a surgeon.


Service Record
2360 - Joins Reserve force, as Recruit Private
2362 - Joins SFMC Regular force, rank Private
2364 - Promoted to PFC.
2367 - Promoted to Cpl., begins officer training, completes University degree.
2367 - Commissioned as 2nd Lft in the SFMC, attached to 116th Foreward Operating Unit, Combat Services Platoon.
2369 - Takes one year leave to work on medical degree. Begins correspondance afterward.
2371 - Promoted to rank of Sergeant
2373 - Dominion War begins.
2374 - Promoted to rank of Gunnery-Sergeant, is attached to the 116th.
2375 - Injured in Ketracel-white operation.
2375 - Continues medical training.
2376 - Completes med school, begins residency at San Francisco. Works as a coronor and trains as a surgeon.
2380 - Transferred to USS Agamemnon to work as a marine doctor. Promoted to Master-Sergeant.
2386 - Transferred to DS5, reassigned to surgery.


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