Lieutenant Kevin Space   

Character Information
Name   Kevin Space
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Please ask about our Science openings
Gender   Male
Species   Human (1/4th Betazoid)
Age   33
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   198 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Light Brown
Physical Description  
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Strengths & Weaknesses

Human relations notably (gets along with people). Other species too, after some exploring.


Very good social skills (A good hunch about peoples moods), because of his Betazoid grandmother.


After receiving seniority at too early age and not being as succesfull in that as he would have wanted to, Kevin stepped back a bit. Nowadays he prefers that there is some else, who makes the decisions and leaves Kevin the chance to make them happen.

Special abilities:

He is not telepathic, however with hard effort he can block weak telepathic probing against him, if he chooses to.
Kevin's every intentions was to become a captain one day. However, counselling hasn't exactly been a quick track to command, so Kevin has decided to postpone his ambition for the time being.
Hobbies & Interests
Walking in a forest (when ever possible), practical jokes, Klingon culture, religions.
Languages   Federation standard, little Klingon
Father   Kenny Space (68); lives in the North American continent
Mother   Nadine Space - Deceaced
Brother(s)   Marcus Space (41); Police sergeant in New Berlin Police Force
Other Family   Other relatives can be found both on Earth and Betazed.
Kevin was born 9th of September 2354 on planet Betazed, due to his mother was visiting her mother there at the time she came to labour. After two weeks Kevin and her mother Nadine Space returned to Earth. Kevin's father, Kenny Space, used to build wooden houses as a line of work at that time, so the family Space lived in old fashioned house. Living this way, old-fashionately, taught Kevin to value real food and making it. At the age six, shortly after Kevin began elementary school, his parents divorced after a month of quarrelling. Kevin's mother moved to Australia, where shortly after she committed suicide. Kevin's brother Marcus blamed his father for the divorce and never forgave to his father and at the age of 16, he moved to his god-mothers home in New Berlin. When Marcus was old enough he moved to live on his own. Now he is married with a perfect Lunar-scooter. Kevin had a hard time, because of his mother's death, but little counselling he apparently managed to get over it.

In secondary school Kevin met the first girl she fell in love with. Her name was Marie, from New Zealand. Maybe, because Kevin was so sociable, they stayed together for three years, however, after graduations they went their own seperate ways. She went to study archaeology on Vulcan, and Kevin, encouraged by his grandmother, went to study psychology in the Counselling Academy on Betazed. There he was evaluated with very high social skills, by human standards. The Academy director wanted Kevin to pursuit a career in psychology, but Kevin decided that in his future line of work, psychology would be a tool, not essence, besides, he wanted to join Starfleet.

Kevin studied hard and managed to get into Starfleet Academy on his first attempt. Like in his secondary school years, he kept up his social skills and he was liked in the campus. There is one memory in academy days, when he got into trouble, because of his tendency to practical jokes. One of the instructor at the academy was captain nearing retirement, was not exactly thrilled about tickling powder in his uniform, and Kevin was called to superintendent's office. His superintendent was a betazoid, a full telepath. So, when Kevin went to his office, the admiral did not have ask, what Kevin had done. Kevin was afraid, but superintendent laughed at him and encouraged Kevin not to perform his jokes on the... elder officers. Kevin got out of the situation without reprimand.

Kevin's choice of department was perhaps an odd one for someone with as well developed social skills as his as after his first year at the Academy he chose to move into Engineering. His scores were pretty good considering his background, however even when he applied himself with someone tenacity, his scores were never very good in fields concerning matter/energy transfers. Kevin overall proved to enjoy the practical aspects of Engineering such as repair and maintenance, rather than the learning every aspect of the theories behind such work.

Kevin's first deep space assignment was on USS Phoenix, a Nebula-class vessel assigned to the outskirts of Federation space. On the Phoenix he was assigned as Assistant Chief Engineer, which greatly surprised him. The reason for this position was that the Phoenix was short of engineering officers, so Kevin "got lucky" so to speak. It was a valuable experience for him both as in practical and in management aspect of engineering duties. With this experience his ambition grew and he saw an opening on the Journeyman and took the opportunity.

Then, if the ship was different, so was the work. As the Chief Operations Officer, Kevin didn't log in so many repair and maintenance hours than in his previous assignment. Also the new pip on the collar brought new responsibilities, which had nothing to do with engineer or operations. There was a certain ensign in Kevin staff, a Saurian female, Ensign Bennett, who had some issues with her family. Naturally Kevin first suggested her to go to the ship's counsellor, but at this stage Ens. Bennett insisted having Kevin with her at the sessions. Everything end up alright, but Kevin began to think his choice of career once more. With a number of conversations with the ship's counsellor, Lt. jg Julie Kennedy, Kevin made his decision and requested that he would be relieved from his assignment from the Journeyman and return to Betazed to resume his psychology studies that were cut short before he had ever even applied to Starfleet.

"I have found it to be somewhat puzzling that Kevin would now return to resume his studies here at the Counselling Academy. He was adamant at the time that psychology would not be his line of work. Maybe couple of years under his belly had made some difference. Anyway, I am pleased to see my former student back here to pursuit more understanding in the field that I sensed him to have so good potentials."

Entry made by Azuma Crax, director of Counselling Academy, Betazed

After resuming his studies, though still not to completion, Kevin resumed to active Starfleet duty. That was the result of needing to sit and pass an internship as counselling trainee in Starfleet vessel. An opening appeared on USS Aquarius and Kevin took it, having no idea where it would lead him.
With the unfortunate death of the commissioned Counsellor on the Aquarius, Kevin was trusted upon the mental health of the entire crew of USS Aquarius and with that a field promotion to Head Counsellor position.

On his first mission with the new position the USS Aquarius was caught in a space-time distortion and thrown back in time for 60'000 years. USS Aquarius suffered heavy casualties as did the ship in regards of her systems. The Aquarius was stranded on a planet with temperate climate, but not without problems for over 6 months.

After the time, crew got back, but the ship required a long refit. However, that didn't hold Starfleet for sending one of their most experienced commanding officer Vice-Admiral Farrel underway. This time, against the Breen so to speak. There were rumours that the Breen were attempting to create another type of energy dampening weapon. And as the Cardassian say about rumours: “They are usually true.” A delegation was sent, Farrel among others, to negotiate with the Breen. They were captured by the Breen with the assistance of renegade Jem'Hadar soldiers. In the meanwhile, USS Saracen, which was a temporally ship assigned to Aquarius crew, was having their own problems - a sabotage. With a limited crew, Kevin offered his expertiace in engineering to put to use. The merge was agreeable taking into account the circumstances.
Admirals rarely command a starship. The fact faced Vice-Admiral Farrel as well, when he was recalled back to Starfleet Command. That also put an end to USS Aquarius and her crew.

Next ship Kevin was assigned was called USS Gladiator. She was also part of the Ninth Fleet. Come to think of it at this stage of Kevin's career, returning to outskirts of the action, so to speak, like his tour of duty on the Phoenix.
USS Gladiator was new ship - fresh from the shipyards - commanded by Commander (later Captain) Delmont. For some time, even though Kevin was just an ordinary counsellor, he was the most senior counsellor onboard before the ship received reinforcements. A klingon - Lieutenant Ek'zer - was to become the Head counsellor of the Gladiator. Lt. Ek'zer was the first klingon counsellor Kevin had never met. The rapport wasn't established very well. In Kevin's point of view, Ek'zer seemed a little distant.

The Gladiator's first mission involved trade ship disappearances on one of the major Federation shipping lines. Starfleet command wanted t show their flag clearly, therefore a Sovereign class ship was sent to deal possible attacks. Soon it became clear that attacks weren't the case at all. There was some kind of an anomaly, which had an entire star system hidden behind it. Upon entering - unintentionally, of course - the Gladiator was cut of all communications from Starfleet. Soon they found a bajoran settlement on one of the planets - with a Kai and all. The bajorans seemed unaware that they weren't the only bajorans that existed - in fact they hadn't had contact to any other space-travelling civilization. This required Kevin to brush up in religious context. As a result of this, Kevin acquired a new interest.

After the mission Captain Roger Delmont resigned his commission due to personal reasons. The senior staff was reassigned, therefore, Kevin no longer had little to do with the Gladiator. Option was once again either to return to school or wait an opening for transfer. Kevin decided pursuit the latter. There was an opening for Counsellor on the USS McKinley, which also happened to be a Sovereign class ship. That was three in row for Kevin. Upside obviously was that Kevin already knew his way around this particular design.

Kevin's first mission on the USS McKinley detailed an old Federation colony now on Cardassian side of the border. This transaction had taken place already back when the treaty was hammered. This particular planet was a mining colony, however, what was unexpected, was that a large group of teenager was taking care of the mining until to a point when they revolted against their Cardassian overseers. Even though, these teenagers now were legally under Cardassian rule, this type of cruelty couldn't go unanswered. Kevin was part of the team that first encountered these teenagers. Teenagers requested a Federation asylum, which Captain (later Commodore) Havok chose to grant. The trip from the mines back to the surface didn't go all that well. Encountering a cardassian squad was one thing, but on another Kevin managed to alienate the ship's doctor due to disagreement in regards of leading the mission.

With that particular incident and the fact that Kevin still had his psychology degree still hanging he decided to return once again back to school in Betazed. Kevin only lacked graduation thesis, but due to the religious episode back at the Gladiator, Kevin wanted to expand his studies also to include theological studies. Within three years time, after finished his thesis, he versed the intricacies of Bajoran and Klingon religious thoughts and teaching. Also during this 3-year period, Kevin spend a month in bajoran monastery on Bajor. Also similar experience was granted on Klingon monastery on Borath, but Kevin lasted only nine days there. The food and physical discipline was too much for average Starfleet officer in blue uniform.


Service Record
Age 15-18 Attended and graduated secondary school with average grades
Age 18-20 Studied psychology and counselling for one year in the Counselling Academy on Betazed at age of 19.
Age 20, he got in the Starfleet Academy, at his first attempt.


2374-2379 - Starfleet Academy
2379 - Cadet Cruise - Starbase Tango (Tango Fleet)
2379 - After successfully completing the Academy, he was promoted to Ensign and assigned to USS Phoenix (Tango Fleet) as an Assistant Chief Engineer
2380 - Requested a transfer to USS Journeyman as a Chief Operations Officer - Approved
2380 - Space was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade upon transfer
2380 - By his own request, Lt. JG Space was transferred off from USS Journeyman. He returned to Betazed to resume his psychology studies
2381 - As a required internship, Lt. JG Space requested to be assigned to USS Aquarius
2381 – During the internship Lt. JG Space was appointed to the position of Head Counselor of the USS Aquarius
2383 - Request transfer to USS Gladiator for Counselor's position - Transfer approved
2384 – Requested transfer to USS McKinley for Counselor’s position – Transfer approved
2384 (August) – Requested education leave from Starfleet to return to continue (with intention to finish) his studies in Betazed - Granted
2387 (August) – Upon completing his studies (MA) Kevin was promoted to Lieutenant and requested transfer to Deep Space 5 as Theological Analyst – Transfer Approved


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