Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat   

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Character Information
Name   Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Rank   Klingon Ambassador
Position   Klingon Ambassador
Gender   Male
Species   Klingon
Age   124
Physical Appearance
Height   7’ 1”
Weight   280 lbs.
Eye Color   Black
Hair Color   Grey / Black
Physical Description   Tall and Broad - Typically Klingon. His strict exercise routine keeps him extrodinarily fit, dispite his age.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Born 2262
His father was killed in battle when V'ger crossed Klingon territory as journeied to Earth.
Following his fathers death he was raised by his mother and Grandfather.
Toran is currently the Head of his House and his son sits on the High Council.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Klingonese
Federation Standard
Mother   Kaeqell
Brother(s)   Gerk, Quaren
Sister(s)   Darell
Spouse   Lauresh
Children   Vortaq - Member of the High Council
Vashara - Captain of a Federation Starship
Noral - Died in battle during the Dominion War
Jolan - Died in battle during the Dominion War
Xellina -
Other Family  
Born - 2262

Toran grew up on the tale and songs of the Glorious exploits of the great warrior of the Empire. The battles of Kang, Kor, and Koloth.

His grandfather taught him everything he knew about Duty, Honor, and Loyalty - the three cornerstones of Klingon life. Once as a young man he was taken on the Ritual Hunt and his grandfather became seriously injured from a trap left by a mechanical trap. They had managed to tend to the wounds but the scent of blood was in the air and predators howled as they closed on their position. Arming himself he faced down several Grint Hounds as he defended his grandfather. Even today he still carries the scars from the fight.

His up bringing was that that of a Klingon born to lead a Great House. In his life he had seen allies become enemies and enemies become allies.

A student of the past, he looked a peoples past as well as the present to understand not only what they were presently doing but what they were capable of. Toran found Humans to be a contradiction. Their history was filled with groups of great warriors....but scholar and peacemakers as well. There were cases where some sholars were warriors as well.


Service Record
Toran served as a warrior in the Klingn Defense forces, following the path the leaders of his House had taken for generations. Instead of going directly to the Oversight Committee and entering the Academy he earned his way through the first half of the enlisted ranks - thus earning the trust and respect og those he would on day command.

He had served for decades commanding warriors in the field and Starships in space. Eventually he retired to serve on the Oversight Committee and then the High Council itself , only to relinquish his seat to his son.

Eventually his services were to be called upon again when the Cardassian, Federation, and Dominion Wars began. And after a brief respite he was called upon again....to serve as an Ambassador of the Empire to the Federation.


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