Lieutenant JG Petro   

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Character Information
Name   Petro
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Chief Communications Officer
Second Position   Quartermaster
Gender   Neuter
Species   J'Naii - Feminine
Age   25
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 4”
Weight   105 lbs.
Eye Color   Black
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Petro is typical to that of the J'Naii displaying neither male nor female dominating physical attributes. However, Petro is more effeminate in action and personality.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Petro is internally shy but tries to cover it up by being outgoing and talkative. While she makes several attempts at making friends and being "a part of the crowd" she feels dejected by everyone - even the ones who encourage her.

Petro is no longer typical to that of the J’Naii displaying neither male nor female dominating physical attributes. Petro is more effeminate in action, personality and appearance.

Strengths & Weaknesses
Petro's strength lies in her ability to get a difficult job done. She is not distracted by circumstances around her. However, she has difficulty accepting complements and questions the motives of those who would pay her attention for more than making demands or requisitions. This makes her appear to be stand-offish and in some ways, pretentious.
After spending some time on DS5, Petro is looking to move from an enlisted personal to the ranks of Officer. She also aims to explore her more effeminate side and quite possibly follow it through to what my end up being a choice of gender. She has not made any such claims nor concrete decisions to that effect.
Hobbies & Interests
Watching, reading and learning new things.
Languages   Hodgepodge
Other Family  
Petro was born in 2360 and raised as all j'naii are, without gender relation. As a child, this was not a problem nor should it have been. Its parents encouraged its studies so that it may one day be able to explore the universe - not unlike those of its predecessors.

It became apparent by the time Petro reached the age of ten that it was not like other j'naii. While others possessed a great intelligence, Petro seemed greatly below average in grade and comprehension. Despite Petro's efforts, there was no room in the community for a misfit - as Petro had soon been labeled. The possibility for space exploration was diminished - but not destroyed.

At the age of 18 Petro obtained, through questionable means, transport to what Petro could only refer to as "The Great Beyond". A place of dream and fantasy. Petro soon found that it was on a starbase - with a variety of species flowing in and out. It became a place for Petro to begin again - a new life - a new identity.

After several subsequent trips, hidden in the various places that a person can hide on transport ships, Petro emerged on a salty aired planet. Exploring this strange new world, Petro found that others identified themselves not just by name, but by a status of male or female. This was new to Petro and after several overheard conversations Petro decided that female suited best.

Having chosen a gender affiliation, Petro applied to Starfleet under the guise of being a Female J'naii. This caused some confusion for those who knew about the J'Naii, but she was accepted none the less. Despite her lack of intelligence on her own world, she excelled at nearly everything at the academy.

Soon it became time to choose a career path - for that, Petro decided to forgo officer training and enlist.

Serving for some time on board the Station of Deep Space Five, Petro has made several friends including her best friend Rakka. The departure of her Nausicaan friend came as a shock to her. She focussed her attention to her studies to become an officer.

Petro's studies and dedication paid off and she is now among the Officers aboard the Station. She still maintains her duty as Quartermaster and continues to explore life as a feminine humanoid.

During some personal time away from Deep Space Five, Petro discovered more about her feminine side. With a doctor’s assistance she enhanced her physical appearance to accentuate her curve appeal. The changes in her outward looks have helped to embolden her as a person. The time she spent exploring the galaxy enhanced her courage and her ability to stand up for herself.


Service Record
2385 - Quartermaster aboard DS5

2385 - Promoted to Ensign

2385 - Took LOA from DS5 to work on studies and personal development. Returned to DS5 later in the year as Lieutenant Junior Grade and resumed her role as Quartermaster.


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