Arrival Sarish Anjar   

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Character Information
Name   Sarish Anjar
Rank   Arrival
Position   Endeavors Restaurant & Club Owner
Gender   Male
Species   Bajoran
Age   42
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   170 lbs.
Eye Color   Black
Hair Color   Blue
Physical Description   Anjar looks like a typical Bajoran with nose ridges and tradtional ear ring. His hair is a bit longer than most and he often wears a ponytail. He is usually clean shaven. Due to the torture he underwent under the hands of the Cardassians He has a series of scars on his back from caning. He also has the remnants of a burn on his left forearm.

He also has a scar from a knife fight from his spleen to his groin.

His clothing is well made and classical Bajoran, but not too extravagant
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Anjar is a firm believer in the Prophets and their message. Despite everything that he has gone through he is still at heart a Prylar(monk) and is a deeply spritual man. At the same time he remains bitter and angry towards Cardassians for what they did to him, his family and his homeworld.

His cellmate was a Romulan by the name of Giellun. He learned to be cunning and crafty from him, traits which he still exhibits today.

He is personable and persuasive, unafraid to flirt with either sex, though he is unabashedly straight.
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Intuitive
- Spiritual
- Thinks outside the box
- vindictive
- Cunning
- Still dealing with nightmares from the past and has used sex and booze to deal with those in the past
He wants to continue the fight for justice and the little guy.
Be left alone without having to abide by a lot of rules
Find a wife and have a family
Make lots of money
Hobbies & Interests
Trading in information is both a hobby and a profession for him. He also enjoys reading, collecting old books, cooking, playing the piano, holonovels, climbing and martial arts.
Languages   Bajoran, Cardassian, Stnadard, Romulan
Father   Mankar (deceased)
Mother   Theta (deceased)
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   Serna 42 his twin who is MIA
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   None
Sarish was born on November 17 2347 in the seaside city of Athena on Bajor. His father was a merchant and his mother a school teacher. They were quiet, unassuming people. He and his twin sister, Serena were the Anjar's only children.

Serena was the one that was good in sports and so-so in academics, while Sarish was more academic and even from an early age involved in studying the way of the prophets.

When the Anjars twins turned 8, their parents were both taken by the Cardassians and forced into slave labor in the minds, where they would eventually die. Sarish was taken into a monastary where he began his formal training and Serena was helped to escape off the planet by a young Ensign Benjiman Sisko.

For the next ten years Sarish lived very much in peace, protected by the Order and his fellow Prylars. He immersed himself in study and was more or less a harmless ascetic mystic.

Then the Cardassians, acting on bad intel, perhaps purposely passed to them by someone who had a grudge against the monastery, raided and sacking the place killing most of the Prylars and taking some captive.

Sarish was one of the "lucky" survivors. He spent a year and a half in the mines, but it did not break him as the Cardassians had wanted. He was used to harsh conditions(though previously they had been self imposed and somewhat artificial)and hard work.

This did not make his captors happy, especially a very vindictive guard by the name of Gul Drennan Borek who pulled him out of the mine and to a re-education camp. For many months he was tortured.

Finally with the help of his Romulan cellmate's friends he escaped custody in 2368. He became a freedom fighter. This put him in great conflict with everything he had been taught yet he still felt justified in his actions because of the atrocities that he suffered.

He learned all sorts of useful skills from Giellun(the Romulan cellmate)including spycraft, martial arts(which he first learned and became proficient at the monastery), how to over come security systems of all types, both ancient and modern. and counter-intelligence measures.

He and three other members of the crew acting on what they believed to be good intelligence blew up a building they were told was a stronghold for Cardassian militia, but was in reality a school.

Fortunately it was a Saturday so there were only a handful of students there. Among them was a young girl by the name of Tayla. Tayla had an older sister named Atlanna. Atlanna was a member of the Obsidian Order. She made it her life's goal to track down the people responsible for blowing up the school, an act she though to be a deliberate act of terrorism.

During the Dominion War Sarish became a mercenary of sorts part freedom fighter, part privateer, part spy. (Think Michael Westen from Burn Notice)

During this time, Atlana while maintaining her duties with the Obsidian Order tracked down three of the four men she suspected of terrorism. Just before the war ended she found Anjar in a Klingon bar. They engaged in a knock down drag out fight that almost killed them both and ended in a draw. Anjar, who was quite talented with a knife almost cut out the Cardassian women's heart. He was able to deflect her blow away from his heart. His spleen was ruptured and there is a scar that extends from his spleen to his groin.

Anjar with the help of one of the patrons, a Rigelian named Malik who Anjar had been flirting with and who he though was going get to take back to his place for some "R&R"

Instead of sex, which was never going to happen, he nursed Anjar back to health. As the war came to its final end, Anjar officially resigned and retired. Unofficially he remains in the game, continuing to gather and trade information and earning extra credits by running or being involved in missions to help people who find themselves in need of his skill set.

He has come to Deep Space 5 and taken ownership in a restaurant/lounge called Endeavors because it is a perfect cover for him.


Service Record
He has never been a part of Star Fleet so he has no service record.


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