Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans   
[ On Extended Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Lyhse Rhanae Sullivans
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Manufacturing Production Officer
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   32
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   140 lbs.
Eye Color   Cobalt Blue
Hair Color   Dark Black
Physical Description   Shoulder length thick Dark black hair, mesmerizing evenly spaced almond
shaped Cobalt Blue eyes, narrow "bowed" lips (looks as if she's always
smiling) Facial symmetry defines her as "attractive"
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Lyhse is an enigma to most. Professional manner, Clear, quick thinking, Notably reserved socially, doesn't like to show people her vulnerable side so she hides her emotions. She can be very playful and taunting. She is caring but tries not to show it. She isn't a "people" person. Some may see her as arrogant, strengthen by the fact She prefers working instead of socializing (Parting) Star Ships either designing or repairing them. Reluctant to join in unless forced or "required". demure, very soft spoken, to a point respectful. Some might discover a "sardonic nature".
observant, secretive, adaptable, quick witted, respectful, strong willed,
hard working, once she has made up her mind she will get it done.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strength: Child Progeny, Her mind-set, it's not if but "when", her Eidetic memory, almost a "physic" ability when it comes to engineering task. A "Freakishly" High IQ,
use to and able to function with in a High G environment.

Weakness: Not very personable, "lone wolf", Shy, doesn't suffer fools well, dislikes when questioned if she's capable, secretive nature.
To become a Star Ship's Chief Engineer, or assigned to construct
star ships.
Hobbies & Interests
Star Fleet "Naval Architect" Star Fleet Engineer, Plays violin (good), plays the guitar ( well enough not to be booed off) , Parisi- Squares (Very well) , chess ( easily bored by the limited strategy.), sings (Some training but would not make it past top twelve on American Idol.), Artist ( recognizable to what it is.) , likes to mountain climb ( armature),hiking, camping,  exploring caves, archaeology, Engineering, Star Ship design, and construction. Martial Arts. Computer programming, solving mysteries.
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   Zachary
Mother   Amanda -- Deceased 2379 JNE 17:
Brother(s)   N/A
Sister(s)   N/A
Spouse   N/A
Children   N/A
Other Family   None she is aware of.
Born 13 June 2357 to Zachary Sullivans, Amanda Ricther.  Lyhse's father,  a
renown Engineer travels from one Star Fleet Construction Yard to another,
overseeing Acceptance Trails. Lyhse's mother is a high ranking Federation
Representative. Until she was ten she was raised on Hellios,  a two and a
half G world. 
2366: Lyhse graduate from College top of her class
2366 - 2368: Hull and Architecture Engineering Masters course.
2368 - 2370: Enters San Francisco School of Engineering.
2371 - 2376: 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yard. Junior Project
Manager (Civilian Posting)  Works independently (with minimal supervision),
or on project teams, Manage cost, schedule and technical product
development, Supervise junior staff on projects or teams, Performs quality
assurance reviews of complex analysis, calculations and drawings developed
by junior and mid-level staff Demonstrate competency in all of the following
areas, and particular expertise in several: Weight estimating (both
conceptual and detailed), Intact and damage stability assessment, General
arrangements development, Warp and Impulse  estimation of ship
Speed/Power/Resistance (both analytical and scale testing), Conceptual
layout, Space keeping and Habitability prediction, Maneuvering prediction,
Deck equipment sizing and layout, Inclining experiments, Experience in other
areas, as follows, Computational Warp and Space dynamics, Star Fleet
requirements integration, Combatant builder's specification development,
Equipment purchase specification development, Sensor  cross section
analysis, as well as  Habitability analysis.

2377 – 2379: Transferred to the  Nikoral Shipyards, in the Tellar System
2379 JNE 17: Her mother is captured and held by Romulans - Rescue attempt
fails - Death of her mother enrages her,  She reluctantly joins Star Fleet
Academy. Fearful it would be more to "avenge" her mother's murder.


Service Record
2379 - 2383: Star Fleet Academy Graduates top 1% of her class. Her Cadet
Cruise: registry NCC- 50446 USS Crazy Horse as a cadet midshipmen
(Engineering Department).  Crazy Horse is ambushed by "Pirates" using Jem'
Hadar  Attack Ships. Her actions prove her Highly successful mark granted by
the "acting" CEO.  Promoted to Lieutenant time previously in a civilian
"related" field.

2385 MAR 26: Assigned to Deep Space 5


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