Klingon Ambassador Tu’rocK of the house of Onnak   

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Character Information
Name   Tu’rocK Son of Mek of the house of Onnak
Rank   Klingon Ambassador
Position   Klingon Ambassador
Gender   Male
Species   Klingon
Age   37
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   220 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Appearance A Tall somewhat borad shouldered, light skinned (for a Klingon) Man with Dark brown, and neatly kempt dreadlocks also dark brown in color, he weara a Klingon eye patch on his left eye a nasty scar can above and below the eye patch running vertically from bottom of cranial ridges to the top of neatly trimmed goatee. His cranial ridges bear a striking resemblance to Worf’s though Tu’rock’s are much deeper and thicker.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
He strong willed, short tempted, but he does rush blinded in a fight he takes to time size an opponent before attacking, he battle hungry, but tempers his fervor with knowledge and wisdom. He is a traditionalist, as well a devote believer in and follower of the Kligon code of honor , he is aggressive and warrior minded, he has firm believer the Klingon are superior race and don’t need the Federation. Hates Romulans his great uncles was kill in the attack on Khitomer.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Aggressive, Military/warrior minded, bound by tradition, Honorable, belief in Klingon superiority, dislike of humans, and indifference for Starfleet. Loyal servant of the empire and mok'bara practitioner.
to lead the empire back to it’s former glory
Hobbies & Interests
Interests mok'bara, Target practice, tactical simulation and training, drinking blood wine serving the empire
Languages   Klingon and federation stanard
Father   High Council member Mek son Gorth of the house of Onnak
Mother   Lady G’lio of the house of Torg
Brother(s)   ) Mudj, D'ghor
Sister(s)   n/a
Spouse   n/a
Children   n/a
Other Family   n/a

Born in the Frist city of the Empire on Qo'noS to renown general and head of great house Mek of the house of Onnak and his mother was Lady of a much smaller house. His father who served on the High council was very traditional , but also known that times were changing while Martok was a wise and noble leader, I you member of the council was quickly gaining favor booth among the great houses and the people of the empire, saying they had grown too soft become too much like the federation and forgotten their birth rite. When he reached to age of Ascension and underwent The first Rite of Ascension he was 12 at time and he proudly declare his intentions to become a warrior. The final initiation ceremony involves the use of painstiks, as the celebrant walks along a line of warriors, intoning: "Today I am a warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the River of Blood." After this he became a warrior of the house of Onnak. At 16 he became a member of the order of the bat'leth and became Chief warrior on the IKS Qu’sol. At 18 he was promoted from chief warrior to gunner and the rank of Sogh wa'DIch. He fought in many border skirmishes his prowess in battle earned promotion to chief gunner and the rank of la' . Fought in the Dominion war were in one battle he lost his left eye during his time in war he fought and won many glorious battle and earned many awards and distinctions and was promoted Chief tactical officer onboard the IKS Qu’Hab. After the war he became a member of the KHG and fought along the Gorn border promoted to 1st officer IKS Qu’Hab and the rank of HoD. With the Gorn border secured he turned to the affairs of his house and fought with some revival houses increasing his house’s lands , resources, and influence promoted to captain IKS Qu’Hab and the rank of Sa' later that year he was posted to DS5 as the Klingon Ambassador by order of chancellor Martok despite his father’s objections as well as own.


Service Record
354- Born

2366- Rite of Ascension became warrior for the House of Onnak

2370- Become member of the order of the bat'leth became Chief warrior IKS D'Gol

2372- to gunner and the rank of Sogh wa'DIch

2372-late 73 Fought in many border skirmishes his prowess in battle earned promotion to chief gunner and the rank of la'

2373-75 the Dominion war Fought in battles received the Klingon Medal of Valor, Imperial Service medal, Order of the ghop qul, Medal of Valor and Distinction(x2), Medal of Bravery(x3), Ground Combat Medal(x5), Territorial Gain Medal, Combat Medal(x4), Dominion Campaign Medal It was during the war he promoted to Chief tactical officer onboard the IKS Qu’Hab a brel brid of prey.

2376-78 Became member of the KHG (Klingon Honor guard) served in some minor battles along the Gorn border promoted to 1st officer IKS Qu’Hab and the rank of HoD

2379-90- Battles with rival houses for territory and resource wins most of the battles promoted to Captain of the IKS Qu’Hab and the rank of Sa'

2391- Assigned as Klingon ambassador to DS-5


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