Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez   

Character Information
Name   Tom Jose Enrique Rodriguez
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Civilian Order Security Specialist
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   46
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 8”
Weight   294 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Brown Greyish
Physical Description   A tall and atletic appearance. He towers over 99.9% of all Starfleet personnel.
With brown, slightly greyish hair and his bright blue eyes he has a friendly appearance.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
A gentle and strong man, with a great sense of humour, educated, intelligent, romantic, respectful towards his Commanding Officers at all times. While on-duty always taking his job seriously. He's married, has one son and one daugther. He exposes a certain shyness towards women.
Tom is a big guy, measuring 2.03m.,(6 ft 8 in.), weighing 130 kilo's.
He hates SPIDERS.( the little ones).
He is non-violent, but when you seriously keep nagging him, you better start running
Strengths & Weaknesses
He has a nose for odd and suspisious things.

He also makes mistakes, because after all he's only human too.
Serving on a starship for a few more years. Then retire at the age of 60, and enjoy life with his family
Hobbies & Interests
Computer programming, Astronomy, Reading, Sports ( soccer ), power training and martial arts on the Holodeck, Romantic Dinners, knowledge of old wines (Red).
Likes: Gathering and analyzing intelligence relating information, socializing with friends, friendly people, black coffee, beer(Heineken), music and movies from the 20th and 21st century.
Dislikes: Drunks, aggressive people, dishonest people, Klingon food, jar heads.
Languages   Starfleet standard, Spanish, Dutch
Father   Jose Rodriguez
Mother   Jennifer Rodriguez de Vries
Brother(s)   William and Edgar
Spouse   Katrina Honeycut
Children   1 son, Thomas and 1 daughter, Jennifer Katrina.
Other Family  
2359 - 2368 Primary School
2368 - 2373 University of San Francisco
2373 - 2373 San Francisco Police Academy
2374 - 2377 Starfleet Academy at Starbase 1
2377 - 2377 Specialized Command Training
2377 - 2377 Forensics Courses

Tom was born in The Netherlands, New Amsterdam. His father, Jose Rodriguez, is Spanish, age 66, former Captain of the 49'th San Francisco Police Force. His father moved to New Amsterdam in the year 2352, where he met his wife, Jennifer. They married 1 year later. Another year later,2354, Tom was born. In the year 2364, they moved to San Fransisco, where Tom graduated, communications and astrophysics, in the year 2373, at the University of San Fransisco at the age of 19. Tom joined the Police Academy, graduated the same year. He served the force for 1 year as a Trooper. In the year 2374, Tom joined the Starfleet Academy at Starbase 1. Major field of study, Security, minor field of study, Communications, for 3 years.

Tom had a brief romance with Ezri Dax, a medical student at Starfleet Academy. She was assigned to the USS Destiny in 2375, where she served under Captain Raymer. Since she was stationed at Deep Space 9, they'd lost contact with each other. Tom added one more year of specialized command training and graduated in 2377. He also did a 1 year Forensics course. Tom rescued several Starfleet members from hostile situations, even got seriously wounded while rescuing a Starfleet Commander held captive by Zanderans. He was awarded by Starfleet Command with the Starfleet Civilian Service medal, the highest award a civilian can receive. In the year 2377 he applied and was assigned to the USS Oppenheimer as a Lieutenant(jg) Deputy Chief Tactical/Security Officer. On his first day he'd met a beautiful girl, called Tabatha Voorlan, serving on the Oppenheimer as a bartender. After a brief romance they decided to end their relationship. They are still good friends. During his first mission Tom was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and became the Oppenheimer's Chief Tactical/Security Officer he then transferred to Roark Nor as the Station Chief of Security with the rank of Lieutenant

Three years and a heap of experience later he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. That same year he fell in love with his Assistant Chief of Security, Katrina Honeycut, and they married two years later.

They both served on the Uss Enterprise -E until 2385. After a sabbatical year they were assigned to the USS Clinton, where they served for 7 years under Captain Davis. Tom served the ship as the Chief Intelligence Officer. Their daughter was born on this starship. Katrina was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and retired from service in de year 2392. She lives with the children in New York. As often as possible, Tom returns home between missions.

In the year 2393 he was assigned to the USS Obama, served as the ships Second Officer and Chief Intelligence Officer under Captain Haines, and got his well deserved promotion to the rank of Commander. Tom has no desires to make it to the rank of Captain, he is happy with his life as it is. in 2390 starfleet transferred tom to ds5 as the Cilivian order security specialist with the rank of Lieutenant


Service Record
2373 -2374 San Francisco Police Force( Trooper )
2377-2378 Tactical/Security Officer ( Ensign ) U.S.S. Constantinople
2378 -2380 Deputy Chief Tactical/Security Officer ( Ensign ) Starbase 47
2380 -2385 Chief Tactical/Security Officer ( Lieutenant(JG)) USS Enterprise-E
2385-2386 Chief of Station Security (Lieutenant ) Deep Space 12
2387 -2390 Transferred to ds 5 as Chief of Station Security (Lieutenant ) DS-5
2390 he stepped down as cso to be a Civilian order security specialist


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