Damien Starr   

Character Information
Name   Damien Starr
Position   Chief Counselor
Second Position   Intern
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   180 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Damien has short black hair that he keeps spiked up. He has an athletic build, but muscular would be an overstatement. He has a freckle on his right cheek and has big cave-man like eyebrows. He also has a small, vertical scar under his left eye that he received when he was a kid.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Overall he is very shy and very nervous about his place. To his friends or family he's very outgoing, opinionated and loves a good heated debate, but will be the first to stand up for his friends and for what is right. However, in an environment he's uncomfortable with, or in large groups, he tends to stand back and watch.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Quick thinker. Learns fast. Strong since of right and wrong. Will stand up for what he believes in at all cost. Will always be their for his friends.

Weaknesses: Extremely shy in foreign environments which leads to bad first impressions and awkward situations.
Hopes to become the best medical officer in Starfleet history & make his Grandpa proud! ....Or at the very least just make it through the academy and this internship in one piece!
Hobbies & Interests
Loves to spend time in the holodeck; especially when it comes to holo-novels focused around his strange obsession with 21st century American style professional wrestling. Loves classical heavy metal and rock music. Enjoys practicing martial arts. Anything physical that can get his brain to take a break for awhile... it gets used way to much in his line of work and he needs distractions. Also enjoys spending some time by himself watching the stars.
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   Bryan Starr
Mother   Diandra Starr
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   Sasha Starr
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Grandpa Daniel: His mothers father. Served as a father figure to him growing up.
Damien Starr is a 28 year old Human male from Aberdeen, Washington, Earth. His father died when he was only six years old. This left his windowed mother to raise him and his baby sister, Sasha, alone. His grandfather spent a lot of time around the kids trying his best to fill the father-figure roll the best he could. His grandfather was always an inspiration to him. When Damien turned 14 his Grandfather died. To pay tribute to the only father he's ever known, Damien decided to follow in his grandfathers foot-steps and become a doctor. He withdrew from everyone and focused heavily on his studies. During high-school he dual-enrolled in college and graduated with his Associates Degree right out the door. After high school he spent the next two years at Washington State University, completing his Bachelors Degree; before moving to California for med school. There he spent the next four years at Stanford University School of Medicine. It was in California he had his first real experience with Star fleet. At the endorsement of his favorite professor, Dr. Zimmerman, he decided to peruse a career with Star fleet.

At age 24 he enrolled in Starfleet Medical Acadamy. Being an eight years long program would prove to be a bigger trial on his patience than anything he's delt with to date.

After completion of his fourth year Damien was suffering severely from burn out. Needing a break from the grind of student studies, he decided to take the unique opportunity to enroll in a medical internship aboard Deep Space 5. He wanted to prove that he was ready for Starfleet now, not needing the additional four years of schooling required by Starfleet Medical.


Service Record
2381 - Enrolled in Starfleet Medical Academy: 8 Year Training Program
October 2385 - Medical Internship aboard Deep Space 5. // Suspended studies at Starfleet Medical Acadamy to take this opportunity.


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