Patrick Shark   

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Character Information
Name   Patrick Dean Shark
Position   Bounty Hunter
Gender   Male
Species   Human (Partially altered)
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 3”
Weight   160 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Patrick stands tall and muscular and normally stands with a commanding presence. After a recent engagement on Adigeon Prime, he has several torso scars as well as a scar over his right eye. Due to his time spent with the Marine's he is almost never seen slouching and is normally seen with a grin on his face. His hair is normally perked up in a faux-hawk.

After a mission, he now has several scars on the left side of his torso from being clawed by an animal. He had a scar at his face, but he had it removed but kept the rib scar as a reminder.

After the death of his best friend, he now has a tattoo on his right forearm that says "Aerae mh'-rhienn." It is Romulan for Brothers By Blood.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Patrick is very sarcastic, but takes his job seriously. He loves to smile, loves to joke, but has a huge temper when he is set off. Although it is hard to make him mad, when he does get that way, he is very aggressive and very assertive. If you are joking with him, he'll take his punches like the rest, but if you start getting too serious with him, another side of him tends to pop out. His growing up in the gangs of the Boston Ghetto have taught him to do what he needs to. Before joining the Marine, then starfleet, he was not given a sheltered or privileged life, and lived mostly on the streets. This makes him live every day that he can as potentially his last, and can be very humble about it.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+Takes his job serious
+Loves to joke
+Very protective of the people closet to him

-When set off, hard to cool down
-Low Self Esteem
-Sometimes does not know when to quit joking
After figuring out what really happened to him, his only real ambition is to live and survive.
Hobbies & Interests
Patrick loves to shoot, fly, play hockey, and drink a good scotch with a cigar.
He is also an avid jazz musician, fluent best in "Gypsy Jazz." His instruments include guitar, banjo, trumpet, trumbone, violin, and piano.
Languages   Federation Standard, Romulan, Klingon
Father   Unknown
Mother   Unknown
Brother(s)   Unknown
Sister(s)   Unknown
Spouse   None
Children   Mina (adoptive - left in unknown location with
Other Family  
Growing Up
Patrick did not have an easy life as some, or even most. He was not given the privilege of a family. He was born on the streets of Boston and found on the streets of Boston as a child. He never got to meet his family. Instead, a group of Street thugs found him and started to raise him. Growing up, he learned how to take care of himself and survive without any help. When he was 5, he became quickly adept at picking pockets, and started making money that way. When he hit 10, the crew he was running with got arrest in a Heist gone wrong. He was alone again.

From then until he was 15, he spent his time on the streets, scrounging up as much money as he could to survive. In this time he was in and out of boys homes due to getting caught stealing peoples money. When he was 15, he picked the pocket of a Gang Boss who caught him. The Boss took pity on Patrick and decided to give him a position in helping with the organization. Patrick took it, knowing that he had no where else to go. During this time he did things from stealing, to beating someone up for looking at The Boss wrong. When he was 17, he got into a fight with the son of a Star Fleet Marine. Patrick made quick work of the marine's boy, but was nabbed by the Marine himself. Instead of turning Patrick in to the Security forces, he trained Patrick how to be a Marine, and a better human being. It was here where he learned his humility.

Boot Camp
At age 18, Patrick joined the Marines. During boot camp, he had some issues getting along with most people with the exception of a Romulan/Human Half Breed by the name of Rohran. The Hybrid turned out to be the best friend he had ever really gotten, and the closest to a brother he ever had.

During a training exercise, something got Shark’s blood pumping and pissed him off greatly. It took six (6) men to hold him down, two (2) of them still ending up in the infirmary for several broken bones. It also took a heavy does of tranquilizers to sedate him. The problem was never figured out but Rohran worked with Shark all through the rest of his boot to keep whatever the urge was.

Shark graduated boot with honors and was given the rank of Corporal and sent to Marine Intel as a sniper.

Star Fleet Marine Intelligence

**Posting One**
Shark’s first assignment for the Intel department was . During this stationing, he was paired up with his old buddy from Boot, Rohran, he turned out to be his Spotter. During this post, he had six (6) confirmed kills.

Also during this post Shark made an enemy. A young Corporal who thought he was a little too good for his own kind, or so says Shark. During mess one night, Shark and the corporal had words that turned out to be a full our fist brawl. Shark put the Corporal in the infirmary and in traction for three months. Shark was given a disciplinary board and a warning.

After the Corporal got out of traction, he went after Shark again, this time with two (2) other men. All three men were put down again, this time the corporal was almost killed during the attack. Shark was brought up on another disciplinary board and this time demoted to Lance Corporal. He was quickly relocated to .

**Posting Two**
During his posting on , Shark continued his sniping with Rohran as his spotter and ended up with eight (8) confirmed kills. There were no other incidents with battery.

In the middle of his posting, Rohran’s newly born baby girl was taken by the Romulan Tal’Shiar as a sign to all “Traitors of the Empire.” Shark took time off, drugged Rohran and stuck him in a shuttle and headed for Romulan Space. After four days on Romulus, Shark and Rohran broke out his daughter from the Tal’Shiar and got out of there. Although they undetected, the Tal’Shiar only gave warning to the two men saying if they ever returned, they would be killed on sight.

Shark retired after his last mission due to unknown circumstances relating from the mission. The logs were deleted from the Intel Database and the hard copies Sealed.

After several months of sitting on the sidelines, Shark decided to join the Fleet to get back into the action.

Shark decided to try for a change of pace in the Fleet as he decided to major in Operations with a minor in Security details to keep things interesting. During his time in the Academy, he kept in contact with Rohran and had four years without incident.

Shark graduated the academy with honors and a Bachelors in Operations and minor in Security. He was given the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and sent to the USS Rapier with his first post as Chief of Operations.

USS Rapier
After a short stint on the Rapier, the ship itself was mothballed and brought about a new ship. The USS Calypso
USS Calypso
His life aboard the USS Calypso was short, but very knowledgeable for himself. The first few months were very slow and routine. After taking his initial position then moving to Security Chief, and later the 2nd XO, things went different.

The ship had been dispatched to a planet named Adigeon Prime. The mission was a routine, get info and get out type. The planet had been suspected of genetically altering DNA, and running tests forbidden by the Federation, so it was the Calypso’s job to investigate.
While on the surface, Shark got himself into a bind and into trouble. Botching the mission, he alerted the planets guards and almost got himself captured and killed. He was saved though, but a very interesting women named Tahnee. The beautiful blonde herself had been victim to the genetic experiments that the Corporation was running on people but luckily got away a few years prior. Deciding to save as many people as possible, she started a sort of underground resistance to fight off the corporation and get as many people who lived from the tests as possible.

A few days had gone by and Shark had stayed with them until he knew his ship could be contacted and a “rescue” could be attempted. Before the “rescue” Shark and Tahnee planned one last thing before he escaped. And that was to get as much info as possible on the tests, and take it back to Star Fleet. During this raid, however, somethings went wrong a good deal of the resistance helping Shark died. Shark himself just narrowly escaped the planet alive.

The injuries were extensive for the man, and any other person would have died. To the doctors surprise, Shark not only lived, but healed faster than most.

Further investigation of the data proved promising and gave a story as to why Shark was the way he was. It turns out, Shark himself, was a test subject from the Corporation many years ago. It seems he was born with a birth defect that no common medicine could cure. His parents, who were still unlisted in the report, took him to Adigeon Prime to see what could be done. The defects were reversed but not before his parents were, apparently, both killed on the planet. The boy had been dumped on Earth Shortly after.
After this information came to light, Shark went stir crazy. He was eventually booted from Star Fleet for going AWOL, and was not seen from for almost a year.
As that year went by, Shark was found on the radar again, but with a new profession. That of a Bounty Hunter.

*********** SUPPLIMENTAL (A) ***********
This is a supplemental report written by Master Sergeant Rohran Clestine, Sniper for Star Fleet Marine Intelligence.

To any reading, I apologize it has taken so long to get this in here, but I only now have the power to add to his history. This will be brief and to the point so please, bare with me.

During our time spent in boot camp together, Shark got into a quarrel with a Corporal Tlestine. Although it was only verbal, it seemed to spark something I had never seen in a person before. During the altercation between the two, Shark inhibited some tendencies that I can only contribute to Rage. His blood started pumping, his pulse started beating faster than normal, and he inhibited what seemed to be some uncontrollable anger and strength.

During our quest to get him down and calm, it took six of us to do so with enough tranquilizers to put down a Klingon. Two of them ended up in the infirmary with major injuries. He has been worked with to help control these tendencies, and unbeknownst to him, I have a professor of the Tal’Shiar that is still a friend looking at his genetics.

I dare not say that he is not human, but I do warn anyone reading his record that he can, and does have anger issues. Please, take warning in aggravating him or giving him any psychotics at present time.

This record will be sealed for Captain Eyes Only.
*********** END OF SUPPLIMENTAL (A) ***********

*********** MEDICAL SUPPLIMENTAL (A) ***********
[[Medcial Research Log: Stardate 63682.5]]
[[Unknown Author]]
[[Classified: Secret:: Authorization Davenport Alpha Bravo Six Six Delta]]

::Begin Log::

At the request of Captain Davenport I was asked to document my findings on the genetic anomalies present in the patient Partick Shark. I am not a registered specialist in this field, but all attached records conform to the Daystrom data standards for submitted research and are reproducible in any basic genetic laboratory with Grade 7 equipment.

There are different forms of genetic engineering, you have manipulation, enhancement and masking. Patrick Shark has been enhanced. Nothing in his physiology and functioning biological systems has been redesigned to give him abilities his body was not designed to perform. What is unusual is that the enhancements were done while he was still in the womb, the traces of initial bone matter found in the cranial sample I have taken compared to current samples places the age to be at five weeks gestation. There are only two reasons to risk such a procedure, one is to combat a genetic defect that would have fatal implications and the other is to groom the child for some sort of breeding program, which is currently illegal on most Federation worlds.

After a thorough examination I have concluded that the work done was very professional and beyond my skills in the field, and most other noted Genetic Engineers. The enhancements are subtle in nature and are as follows:

* White Cell numbers are higher at full health and also possess thicker cells walls and twice the number of receptors.
* Adrenaline triggers in the endocrine system are three times more prevalent. Tests show that the synaptic pulses which start the reaction are more powerful as well
* The Telomeres have been strengthened, doubling their age
* The signalling centers on many of the extremity nerve endings have been blunted

These effects will enable the patient to ignore certain amounts of pain, fight off disease and illness at an increased rate, maintain a higher state of physical readiness than a standard human of his age and physiology. The side effect of course, is the inability to control the reaction to the adrenaline in his body. This will lead to eventual damage to his internal organs, potential mental trauma and possible heart attacks. His medical records already indicate that he has experienced seizures as a result of the adrenalin and this will need to be monitored in a regular basis.

I will append any further data I uncover to this log. It is my professional opinion that the origin of the enhancements must be uncovered before more can be learned. The abnormalities of his DNA as well as his personal history suggest that the enhancement was never completed.

::End Log::
*********** END OF MEDICAL SUPPLIMENTAL (A) ***********


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