Commander Chelsea Dunham   

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Character Information
Name   Chelsea Adams Dunham
Rank   Commander
Position   Chief Medical Officer
Second Position   Second Officer
Gender   Female
Species   Terran/Bajoran
Age   37
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 8”
Weight   128 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Chelsea is 37 yrs old and has long dark brown hair, brown eyes, with slight Bajoran ridges at bridge of her nose.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
With a bright, sunny disposition, Chelsea smiles readily and to her, life is a cup half full. She cares deeply and can be emotional. She retains her childlike sense of fun and has a rather mischievous sense of humour but her starfleet training is usually enough of an inner-parent to keep her out of trouble.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Chelsea's strengths include her basic serenity, her deep emotional compassion and protectiveness and her dedication to helping anyone in need. She is slow to rise to anger but can be fiery if pushed too far, in particular in defence of someone she cares about or someone vulnerable, like her patients.

She has perfected the doctors' impenetrable mask expression and can keep her feelings to herself well when necessary and is an eminent surgeon, re-knowned and awarded for her inspired research work.

Her weaknesses include the way her ability to overview and see lots of points of view, which in itself is a strength, can result in a tendency to indecision due to seeing too many options and possible consequences to choose between. She has a history of having been gullible in where she gives her heart and much too quick to fall for the wrong types, becoming isolated and reluctant to allow anyone close again when the inevitable break ups happened. Fortunately, life has knocked those corners off her and she has finally found her soulmate.
Chelsea came to life on a Starbase with only the ambition that it would offer her an opportunity to progress professionally by expanding her medical experience working with a wider range of races and species and more diverse ‘community’ medicine.

She has achieved this and much more professionally but has also had her life changed dramatically on the personal side too. Since she met Rick Dunham, she was seized by a desire to have children and a home life, which she had never wanted previously.

This has presented her with a quandary, coming as it has in the wake of multiple promotions on the base and a new offer of a position as Second Officer which would increase her hours and responsibilities at a time when she was considering lessening them.

If forced to a choice, which she hopes would not happen, Chelsea's devotion to Rick would win over her dedication to duty but she would always want to have a medical job somewhere so she could continue to help others, even if it were simply as a local family doctor somewhere.
Hobbies & Interests
Chelsea is good at hover-hockey and 4-d chess and she loves music of all genres. She has a passable singing voice and learned to play piano and Bass Saxophone from an early age. She also learned to ride Terran horses but only for relaxation, never to compete.

Since she met Rick, she has attempted to pilot various vintage planes but with disastrous results at first although eventually she did manage to conquer the skill. She loves to read and has a veritable library stored in her grandparents' home on Earth which she someday hopes to have in a home of her own.
Languages   Federation Standard & Bajoran
Father   Soran, Jaeden
Mother   Captain Summer Adams
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   half sister - Soran, Anata
Spouse   Commander Richard Dunham
Children   Warren born 2386, Tidus & Thea born 2389
Other Family   Grandfather and Grandmother, Rr Adml Peter and former Diplomat, Eleanor Adams, Uncle and Aunt, Cousins.
Chelsea was born in 2353 to a Terran mother by a Bajoran father who died when she was 6. Her mother returned to Earth to her family who helped to raise Chelsea in England. She quickly returned to her career and spent very little time with the child who reminded her too much of her dead husband and the pain that made her feel. She returned her to their family name, Adams, rather than her father's family name 'Soran' so her Bajoran roots had largely faded into her past. As a teenager she did some research into her father's people but her maternal Grandfather was a Starfleet Rear Admiral and was bent on her going to the Starfleet Academy. Chelsea had no objection to this plan, on condition that she could specialise in Medicine for which she had shown an aptitude at college, and as such she was too absorbed in her career and studies to take a long intended trip to Bajor until she was in her late 20s.

She has since discovered that she has an older half-sister on Bajor.

Chelsea hoped that life on a Starbase would offer her a fresh start personally, due to the break up of a 2 yr personal relationship just before she transferred to DS5.

Through many further adventures Chelsea was briefly engaged again to Doctor Lt. Ryan Milarno, which ended badly too, and since then met and married Cmdr. Rick Dunham and is blissfully happy with three beautiful children. One four year old boy, Warren and twin one year olds, Tidus and Thea.


Service Record
Chelsea did most of her initial medical training at Starfleet's Cochran University Hospital in San Fransisco, and then went on to spend her Registrar years in situ. She then served on the USS Rennaisance, a Galaxy Class ship with a large medical section where she was encouraged to undertake a research project as part of her speciality. She chose genetics and was awarded the 2375 Pallanski Prize for Most Promising Medical Progress.

Once fully qualified as a Ship's Surgeon at the age of 28, Chelsea took a year's secondment to finally visit Bajor, where she practiced in the Ilivian Medical Complex. Returning to active Starfleet duty in 2382, she joined the USS Venture, a Defiant Class starship, and was promoted to Lt. (jg).

Chelsea applied for the position of Assistant Medical Officer on DS5 because she saw it as an exciting new challenge. She hoped that life on a Starbase would offer her an opportunity to progress professionally by expanding her medical experience working with a wider range of races and species and more diverse ‘community’ medicine.

Since then she has been promoted through Lieutenant, Lt. Commander and now Commander becoming both Chief Medical Officer and 2XO.


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