Ambassador Cala Lurn   

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Character Information
Name   Ambassador Cala Teon Lurn
Position   Federation Envoy
Gender   Female
Species   El-Aurian
Age   999
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 8”
Weight   138 lbs.
Eye Color   Dark Brown
Hair Color   Dark Brown
Physical Description   Cala has lond, curly, soft, brown hair that goes past her shoulders. She has big, round, brown eyes, with full lips. She has a strong jawline structure. She s tall, muscular, curvaious, and well endowed.

Cala tends to wear long, flowy, gown like dresses. She usally has her hair up in a bun or half way down.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
First impressions Cala reakes of wisdom and modesty. She is very quite, reserved person. She is very kind and caring person to others; and is always willing to lend out a helping hand to others. People at times go and talk to her for advice or for wisdom. Cala takes her job very seriously and is always goes that extra mile to get the job done.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+Easy going
+Great Listener
+Great underpressure

-Borg issues
-Afraid of heights
To some day find another El-Aurian, hopfully a male, to settle down with some day.
Hobbies & Interests
Cala loves to read and go to social gatherings. She sometimes spend time at the Helo suite or working as a active ambassador.
Languages   Starfleet standards, Several Human, Vulcan, Klingon, Denobulan, Betazaid
Father   Tobi Lurn (Dead)
Mother   Mayla Lurn (Unknown if live or dead)
Brother(s)   Slydan( Dead), Jayden (unknown alive or dead)
Sister(s)   Bellala (unknown live or dead)
Spouse   Emperor Mork (dead), General Tovaq (Dead), Tyler Boyal (Dead), Kylen (Dead), Aden Thompson (Dead), T
Children   Mork: 3 sons and 2 daughtersTovaq: 4 sons and one daughterTyler: 2 sons and four daughtersAden: one son---------20 others from her past lovers
Other Family  
Cala was born on her home planet Elurana, earth year: 1324. Her father Tobi Lurn was a political man and he married Myla. They both had two sons Slydan and Jayden; and two daughters Cala and Bellala. Cala was a very quite self reserved little girl that often stuck her nose in a book or her studies. Cala was two hundred and sixty one years of age when the borg hit her home planet. She managed to escape with her mother Myla and her little sister Bellala. For twenty years of Cala’s life; after the borg destroyed there home planet; her mother, sister, and her managed to seek refuge on small unknown alien ships.

In time Cala was ready to leave her family, never to see her sister or mother again, she settled herself on a known today planet called Qo’noS. Seeing that she was quite different from all the alien beings that inhabited the planet (Klingons). She mostly kept to herself, keeping herself out of site. She created a home deep in the woodland area and lived off the land. Hunters that would often go on there annual hunting would often state a wild woman inhibit these lands. Then down the line and little of saturation, it ended up turning into a fork lord of the Goddess Kor’Kanas. Still to this day if mentioned to Cala about this time, she would laugh at the statement.

Earth Year: 1394 was when Cala met her fist husband Mork; a simple Klingon farm boy who one day went into the woods to seek the Goddess herself. A week of searching and he found Cala walking threw the wood with her pet serpent. Being caught in sight, she ran away as fast as she could from him. Mork pursued her further. Finding the courage inside her, Cala came out of hiding and tested Mork in the harsh way. Since she figured it was the Klingon way of things. Threw the testing she feel in love and became Mork’s wife. She had taught him things that she had learned threw out her life time. She even taught him philosophy and war. Threw her stories Mork sought out and raised against the Emperor of that time and became the greatest War Lord of this his time. Eventually Mork became the new Emperor and Cala was an Empress. She bared him five children; three sons and two daughters. A hundred years went by and Cala husband Mork died of old age and ten years after that she remarried General Tovoq and gave him five children as well; four sons and one daughter. Threw Cala’s greatness that she had done, on Qo’onS they celebrate her name once a year by her alliance name. Note that Cala will tell you that she was very blessed that she wasn’t killed on the spot for her not be a Klingon herself but live a good life on the time she was there.

Earth Year: 1544. Thirty years later Cala’s second husband Tovoq had died and her time on Qo’onS was coming to an end. She jumped on a small ship and sought out more travels. A year later she found a planet very similar to her’s Earth. At this time Earth didn’t have any satellite so when she arrived, she arrived undetected. She lived on Earth until the 18 century. In the 15th century she as a simple farm woman, who kept to herself and out of sight of others. In the 16th century she became a mistress to several kings men. Often paying for her travels to be a comfort woman to them. At this time she learned human’s true nature. In the 17th century she remarried a man name Lord Aden Thompson. He was a painter of the sorts, she bore him one son. After her husband died she moved away to another country called America. There she found new opportunities for a short while.

Earth Year: 1804; Cala went back to were she first landed and still surprised her ship wasn’t found out yet. She checked to see if anything worked and it still did after all these years. She managed to leave earth to find a new home. In time she found another place that suited her need and it was called Betazed. She found the people quite unusual because they always seemed to be in her head. As time passed she paid no mind to there mind violations and soon she remarried to Lord Kylen who was a philosopher. She found it odd they weren’t able to have children but for 90 years she enjoyed her time with Kylen; learning his culture and his beliefs.

Earth Year: 1898; Cala decided to leave Betazed and go back to Earth were she felt truly at home. When returning she hide her ship once more undetected and moved to England. There she became a Victorian woman and a mistress to several men. Thirty years later Cala met her fifth husband Mr. Tyler Boyal, she bore him six children two boys and four daughters. When married to Tyler Cala stayed a house wife until his death twenty years later. From the death of her late husband, Cala couldn’t bear being on earth any longer so she went back to her ship and left, in hopes to never return.

Earth year: 1948; Cala stumbled upon a this planet by accident, this planet was call Denobula. She found this planet quite interesting and weird at the same time. She took on several lovers and learn there way of life. She staid on that planet for hundred and fifty years. She loved the people and the culture and there way of life. One of her children became an important man in the Denobulan culture Oden. When Oden reached the age of fifty he became a great philosopher for the people and soon after turned political. He ended several wars that were feuding against Denobula, such as the war against the Antarans. Still to this day there is a statue in his honor in the central square on Denobula.

Earth year 2098: Cala left that planet and moved to Vulcan. There she married Tal a Vulcan scientist. She staid married to him for two hundred years, it was the longest marriage she had ever been in. She staid at Tal’s side helping him learn other cultures and travel threw space. Even thou she was unable to bear children it was the best time in her life.

Earth year 2298; Cala once more came back to earth and had learn humans were quite different and more evolved then the last time she had seen them. She joined Star Fleet soon after. She found it quite odd that she didn’t look a day over 25 but didn’t have the same mental capability as most people in there early twenties. She graduated four years later and became and Ensign on the USS Southern Land as there Diplomatic Officer. For forty years she climbed her way up the latter to the point she became Admiral statues. She turned down the offer and became an international Ambassador. She figured she do better in these field of work then be to the oldest living Admiral known to man kind.

Earth Year 2342: Cala traveled from place to place created peace among common enemies. For one instance in 2357 she help create a peace treaty among the Federation and the Talarian’s. 2365 was the hardest time for Cala because it was the time the Federation encountered the Borg. Remembering what they had did to her people, Cala did everything in her power to help the Federation defeat them. 2370 Cala joined in with the forces against the Dominion. For five years Cala tried creating alliances across the Gama Quadrant helping the Federation create the upper hand.

Earth Year 2375; Cala continued on her mission as an ambassador after the Dominion war. For the next ten years Cala has establish peace between several non federation and federation cultures alike. In hopes to create a better place for everyone.


Service Record
2298: Joined StarFleet and four years later Graduated
2302: Joined the USS Southerland as Diplomatic officer- Ensign
2303: Promoted to Lt. Statues
2305: Promoted to Chief Diplomatic and Lt. Commander
2306: Joined the USS Zealand as Chief Diplomatic and Commander
2308: Changed profession to Intelligance officer
2310: Joined the USS Dogma as Chief Intelligance
2315: Promoted to Captain of the USS Katana
2325: Promoted to Commadore
2326: Engaged into a all out war with the Klingons for several years
2340: Joined the USS Deliverance became as rear Admiral
2342: Turnes down her Admiral statues and becomes and Ambassador


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