Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Class Luke Sullivan   

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Character Information
Name   Luke John Sullivan
Rank   Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Class
Position   VIP Bodyguard
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   32
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 0”
Weight   160 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Luke normally wears his gold Starfleet uniform mainly his duty ones. He stands at five foot tall and has blue eyes and black hair that is cut to Starfleet regulations. Of duty Luke likes to wear short sleeved shorts, jeans and jackets or he would normally pick out whatever is clean in his quarters he doesn’t really care about his of duty attire only tries to look his best when on duty. Luke hates to wear suits he finds them uncomfortable and such he hates to wear his dress uniform.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Luke is by the book type of guy but loves to joke around. Being around VIP’s most of his life Luke has learned to keep his own thoughts to himself but there are times when he speaks his mind even though it might get him into trouble. Luke however isn’t the type to go looking for trouble, trouble just finds him. Luke loves to train in his martial arts and is always in the holosuites on his time of training in different forms including alien forms as well. Luke is friendly towards other people and is always willing to have a chat or help someone out if they are in need of it. Luke follows command and has a never leave a person behind rule. Luke is the first to sacrifice himself in order to save another life.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Knows his way around a starship, fast talker, likes to get all the information first,

stubborn, trouble finds him,
To work his way up through the ranks of Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests
Martial Arts, Holosuites, Starships, Alien Culture,
Languages   Federation Standard, Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, Breen, Trill and Cardassian
Father   Aaron Sullivan
Mother   Amy Sullivan
Sister(s)   Tracey, Sullivan, Gracie Sullivan, Lisa Sullivan
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family  
Luke was born in Los Angeles, America to Aaron and Amy Sullivan. Ever since he was young Luke always wanted to join Starfleet it had been his lifelong dream. When Luke turned eighteen he applied for Starfleet. After the long process Luke Sullivan was accepted into Starfleet Academy. The first three years at the Academy was the most difficult challenge that he had ever done in his life but he moved forwards and rose to each situation impressing his instructors as he completed his goals. The final year at the Academy meant that Luke was placed onboard the USS Zion a training vessel. The USS Zion made it’s way through Vulcan territory, they even saw combat when a Romulan ship attacked them but it was only commanded by a group of Vulcan’s to show the cadets what it felt like to go into combat.

After graduating from the Academy Luke Sullivan was transferred over to the USS Sun Tzu as a junior security officer. Luke didn’t get along with the Captain he always felt that the Captain had it out for him. Luke only spent seven months onboard before being assigned to the USS Apollo. The Apollo was making it’s way into Romulan territory for a cloak and dagger type mission. After a month of dodging Romulan’s they find out where the Apollo was and launched an all out attack upon her crew. Luke saw real combat for the first time in his life. Luke and the Apollo barley made it out alive if it wasn’t for a Vulcan vessel they wouldn’t be around today.

Six months later Luke found himself being reassigned to the USS Prometheus. This was his first taste of VIP Bodyguard. Luke of course requested this assignment after seeing their word onboard the Apollo but only decided to go through with it now. The USS Prometheus was escorting a group of Andorian ambassadors back to their homeworld of Andoria when a Breen Warship openly attacked the Apollo. The Breen warship’s Captain, Sar only wanted the Andorian’s and of course The Captain of the Apollo didn’t surrender them to the Breen and so an all out space battle occurred.

The space battle didn’t last long and Luke was in the VIP quarters the whole time guarding the Andorian’s with his life. Luke and the other security officers fought back the Breen soldiers that boarded the Apollo. Luke became a friend of Andorian’s that day. It wasn’t long before Luke found himself being transferred yet again to the USS Discovery. Luke was onboard the medical ship Discovery for a year before it was attacked by the Breen again. Luke was badly injured in the battle and had to be transferred back to Earth for further treatment. It took weeks before Luke fully recovered from the battle and Starfleet thought it was best that he would stay at HQ for a while.

Luke spent a couple of years on Earth mainly at the Vulcan Embassy. A high ranking ambassador was returning back to Vulcan and she requested Luke to be in charge of the VIP group that was taking her back home to Vulcan. Luke accepted the offer and found himself spending three years at Vulcan. Luke was soon transferred over to the USS Thor, he was reassigned into security something that he didn’t want to happen but he didn’t complain about the order. The Andorian’s had requested Starfleet help and so the USS Thor, Hermes and Persephone made their way to Andoria where they found out that a fleet of Romulan’s were on it’s way to invade.

The battle lasted for days before the Romulan’s retreated and Luke spent a few weeks on Andoria while the USS Thor spent her days being repaired. After the USS Thor got repaired Luke was soon transferred over to the USS Asgard. Luke spent most of his life onboard the Asgard before being reassigned over to Deep Space Five. Luke was currently on Earth when he was reassigned and so the USS Asgard’s Captain was already delivering supplies to the base so Luke returned to the Asgard as it made it’s way to Deep Space Five for his new assignment.


Service Record
USS Zion
USS Sun Tzu
USS Apollo
USS Prometheus
USS Discovery
Starfleet HQ
Vulcan Earth Embassy
USS Thor
USS Asgard
Deep Space 5


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