Lieutenant Vincent Kramer   

Character Information
Name   Vincent Nathaniel Kramer
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   26
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 5”
Weight   160 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Short and stocky would be the best description of Vincent Kramer. Needless to say that he is physically fit and has wide shoulders and a narrow waist. Short brown hair go well with his brown eyes and smooth medium caucasian completion. Strong facial features make him very appealing, especially the ladies he meets.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Kramer is very polite, but doesn’t create close friendships. He is typically lost in his own interests. He has a tendency from time to time to be caught up in a project and forget an appointment.
Strengths & Weaknesses
He is physically strong, very smart, yet forgetful at times. He is a genius, but doesn’t realize his own potential. He is looked down upon by his father for not pursuing a music carrier like his brothers. He is still looking for his niche in life, but doesn’t realize that his accomplishments in engineering are astounding, because no one gets to see them. He continues to think that his ‘creative engineering’ is just for fun and couldn’t be practical or would be wanted to be used by anyone. This is what his father told him for years as a boy; building things instead of practicing his music.
An ability is currently developing in him, which he does not fully understand yet. He hears things that others can not. It’s almost like a 6th sense. When a mechanism is operating, he has heard things that are audible in his mind, which draws him to a damaged/malfunctioning switch or part.
Kramer has not been an ambitious person. He is very skilled, knowledgeable, and always does his best at the position he is given. But because of this lack of ambition, he has been over looked for promotion several times. Because of an opportunity to work on a Galaxy Class Starship, his eyes are more open to different possibilities for himself and now desiring to position himself were his creative interest may flourish.
Hobbies & Interests
Writing & playing music. Music, playing or listening, is his escape from reality. Mountain climbing and repelling is his choice of fun when in the outdoors. Researching old Technical Manuals while listening to music is how he spends most of his free time. He loves to re-engineer things; making designs and schematics with full description and calculations. Then, he will set it aside and go onto the next idea.
Languages   English, Russian, learned some Vulcan from a friend aboard the USS Avalon on the 1 year exploration
Father   Yuri Kramer
Mother   Nataliya Kramer
Brother(s)   Aaron, Egor, and Ivan Kramer
Sister(s)   None
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family  
Vincent Nathaniel Kramer (Vince to his family and friends)

Kramer grew up in New York City , just 4 blocks from Central Park .

He is the youngest of 4 brothers. His parents believed strongly in musical talent and excellence. Each member of the family was expected to be able to play diverse instruments. Kramer received classic instruction as a boy on the violin, piano, and harp. Though he could play well, it was too “mechanical” for his father. His father said he just didn’t have the heart for it.

As a boy on different occasions he was found disassembling appliances and reassembling them. For many years his father ignored and put up with this “silly hobby”.

Each brother had gone on to professions and artistic endeavors. Vince didn’t fit that mold. He was more of a tech geek. From a very young age he read constantly; mostly science periodicals and about mechanical things. He was involved with robotics as a youth, but it wasn’t his passion. The robotics Team Coach saw something in him and suggested that he look into attending Starfleet Academy .

In addition to applying Harvard University School of Music in Cambridge, Kramer also applied to Starfleet Academy, but not with the blessings of his father. His father thought there were more important things than to “be jumping around the stars”.

Kramer was accepted to Starfleet Academy. At the Academy Kramer did well for himself. He had some friends, but no close friendships. His free time was mostly spent in the library, or at a computer working on different ideas that came to him. He would come up with the wildest ideas and then put down and draw out the idea. But it was soon unfinished and filed away. He loved to read old technical manual and science periodicals. From time to time he would submit ideas to improve a system, but he never sent his name along with it.

Kramer completed Starfleet Academy as an Engineer.

His first posting out of the Academy was a menial task of monitoring storage and cargo transport systems on a minor space station in Jupiter Orbit. Monitoring transportation systems was his job, but his joy at that time was designing a miniature warp drive system. He dreamed of getting his hands on a real star-drive engine and helping make it work. He continued doing menial tasks as a young officer. This gave him time to work on his ideas.

In 2383, a researcher and developer at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards came across a technical upgrade recommendation for one of his power systems. The theory was mind boggling, but it wasn’t signed. He did some checking into who had created this information. What he found didn’t make sense. The recommendation had been tracked back to a 2nd year student at the Academy by the name of V. Kramer. He couldn’t believe that this Cadet had proposed this state of the art upgrade schematic by himself. The ideas were astounding. He found many recommendations sent to researchers at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards and other ship yards. This Kramer was a genius, but didn’t know it or didn’t care.

The researcher tracked down and found Kramer assigned to the USS Morgan. After 3 years Kramer was still an Ensign doing mundain tasks on a small surveyor ship. He was assigned to monitor power regulating systems. The researcher pulled some strings and had him recommended to the USS Venture, a Galaxy Class Starship. With a little convincing by the researcher, the 1st Officer placed Kramer as an Engineer in Main Engineering. Kramer became more encouraged and began to share his ideas.

It wasn't long until, Kramer received a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and transferred to the USS Avalon, a Pendragon Class Starship, as the Asst. Chief Engineer. The Avalon then proceeded on a 1 year exploration mission.

Upon return to Starbase the Avalon went through a refit and Lt.(JG) Kramer was reassigned to the U.S.S. Guinevere, as Asst. Chief Engineer. The tour on the Guinevere was going fine when he heard a position was open on Star Base - Deep Space 5. He felt very strong about this option and submitted a request for reassignment.

The position of Assistant Chief of Engineering on a Space Station was so much more than Vincent had expected. But with the support of a good engineering staff, he was able to preform well.


Service Record
2379 Graduate Starfleet Academy
2379-2380 Jupiter Supply Station Al Erez
Asst. to the Asst. Transporter Chief
A very mundane position.
2380-2381 USS Morgan
Drake Class Starship – Surveyor
Engineer – Power Conduit Maintenance (small ship)
2381-2383 USS Venture
Galaxy Class Starship
Engineer – Main Engineering
2383-2384 USS Avalon
Pendragon Class Starship – Explorer
Asst. Chief of Engineering
2384-2384 USS Guinevere
Excalibur Class Starship
Asst. Chief of Engineering
2384-present Deep Space Five
Asst. Chief of Engineering
Jan 16, 2385 Deep Space Five
Promoted to Lieutenant


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