Lieutenant JG Kyle Flores   

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Character Information
Name   Kyle Flores
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Assistant Chief Science Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human/Mezothi
Age   34
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   103 lbs.
Eye Color   Cyan
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Flores appears overtly Human, but exhibits tell-tale signs of Mezothi genetic augmentation, such as brighter eyes, matte-black hair and reduced signs of ageing. Kyle stands at a tall 6'2", is lithe and athletically built, with a suave and sophisticated air. Kyle wears dark, muted colours off-duty, tight-fitting suits and polished shoes to finish - good-looking and subtly rugged, Kyle has a good natured smile and shrewd, kind eyes.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Kyle is a libertarian at heart, with strong views against oppression, despite hailing from a secluded and secretive society. Genetic engineering at a young age has affected Kyle's mental affluence; he is no smarter or stronger than the average man, but certain aspects of his mind have been protected and guarded from exterior influence, i.e. a Vulcan mind-meld would be ineffective; Borg assimilation would also be slightly more challenging due to natural defences in-place within his cerebral cortex. Kyle also suffers from depressive swings and is often more challenging and irritable than usual. As a staunch democrat, Kyle will often question the motives of a superior and is generally undaunted at the prospect of asking someone on a date.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths - Kyle definitely has strength of character is a worthwhile companion in the briefing room. He is also highly knowledgeable in most fields of science, particularly cybernetics and alien biology, and is a keen medic. While he is not particularly strong he is very agile on his feet and can usually outstrip a combat opponent. Kyle is compassionate and caring, and possesses tact and wit when the situation yearns for it.

Weaknesses - His compassionate side might be seen as a weakness in a touch-and-go situation, and Kyle will usually put the feelings of others first and disregard a dire situation. Kyle is also inexperienced with children and despises family gatherings, making him decidedly awkward around reunited families and acquaintances.
Kyle aspires for a command position and often gazes longingly at the command roster for a captaincy of his own.
Hobbies & Interests
Kyle is an avid hoverboarder, and enjoys party games such as spin-the-bottle and seven minutes of heaven. Kyle is definitely an adept drinker, and can guzzle most bartenders under the table in a game of shots.
Languages   Federation Standard, Mezo-Kanarh, Mezo-Oluri
Father   Zu-Welden (dec.)
Mother   Admiral Jessica Flores
Brother(s)   -
Sister(s)   Rachel Ramirez (half-sister)
Spouse   -
Children   -
Other Family   Jeanette Hamilton (Aunt), Vector Flores (Uncle), Nathan Ramirez (step-brother).
Species Notes - Mezothi

The Mezothi Hegemony was once a flourishing empire bordering the Federation. Based on a small, arid rocky world, Mezoth, the Hegemony excelled in the field on genetic augmentation, and as standard, newborns were placed in laboratories for the first 5 months of their lives where they underwent intense modifications to the cerebral cortex. The Hegemony prospered until 2241 when the Mezoth Artillery Fleet was destroyed by a rampaging Klingon Imperial taskforce that swept through the outer reaches of the Federation. Hegemony society remained secluded and hidden from foreigners until 2300 when Federation ambassador Milen Khan was sent along with an envoy to negotiate terms of membership on Mezoth. Three years later, Mezoth and associated worlds were inducted into the United Federation of Planets under the promise of peace and protection from foreign forces. Initially, the Federation was outraged by the genetic modification program, though pressure from Mezoth relinquished a trade embargo put in place by Earth in opposition of the laboratories.

Mezothi people are human in appearance, save for a few facial markings, artificial iris implants and darker hair. They are calm, collected and passionate, and will do anything to protect their basic principles. Mezothi custom prevents the consumption of meat, which is fortunate for the few hundred that serve within Starfleet. As a people, they despise Klingons, mainly due to the loss of life during the Hegemony's collapse, coupled with the Klingons' appetite for live meat. Other than these slightly racist niches, Mezothi are a compassionate and very trustworthy people.


Kyle Flores was originally born as Zu-Bailen on Mezoth in 2354, to a Mezothi Counsellor and a famed Starfleet Admiral. Shortly after birth he was placed in a genetic modification centre for 4 months; as a part-human, the modifications were less intense and superficially unnecessary. Kyle emerged during childhood as a confident and talkative person, easily adaptable to fit into Human and Methozi society. From a young age, Kyle expressed his wishes to enrol at Starfleet Academy, and after begging his mother to leave his ailing father behind on the homeworld, Kyle departed for Earth at 16 years old.

Kyle was definitely a troubled teen during his Academy years; though his instructors pitied him as an outsider, this did not make the racial comments any less harsh; Kyle often sparred with his fellow cadets. In time, he became reclusive, choosing to relax only with his closest friends (who, oddly enough, were Aenar outcasts). Kyle did, however, excel in his Science courses and finished at a record high in Cybernetics when he graduated in 2373.

Shortly after graduation, he was admitted to the USS Olympus under Commander Vector Suresh, as a Science Officer. Kyle was generally liked and respected by his fellow crew, though conflict arose between him and Commander Suresh in 2375, when a decision between saving a child's life and the destruction of a shuttlecraft. This and other disputes among the crew garnered a less-than-satisfactory reputation for Kyle, and after many negotiations, Kyle felt it was time to move to another assignment. In 2376, he was re-assigned to Starbase 13.

During his tour on the Starbase, Kyle found new ground as a Cybernetic specialist. He was tasked with analysing Borg technology salvaged by the Federation after the Battle of Wolf 359, and was instrumental in designing the defences implemented in the upcoming Defiant Class assault ship, and following Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant in 2378, was placed at the head of an investigation team tasked with stripping the ship's database of all essential information concerning the Borg. In 2379, shortly after the Shinzon incident in the Bassen Rift, the starbase received intelligence from a destroyed Talarian outpost of a Borg sphere adrift, close to Romulan space. Kyle was sent along with a small recovery team on the USS Yukon, a newly refitted Falcon class warship, to investigate the sphere and retrieve any vital components. During the mission, Kyle discovered that the sphere was part of a remnant fleet designed to act as a waypoint between Borg territory in the Beta Quadrant. However, shortly before the team was ordered to leave, a contingent of drones was re-activated and attacked the crew of the Yukon; luckily, the ship was already badly damaged, and the Yukon was built to adapt against Borg weaponry; the Yukon made short work of the sphere, and despite the loss of three crew members, the mission was deemed an overall success.

Kyle was assigned to the Yukon as Assistant Science Officer in 2382, but shortly after his induction, a tragedy struck his family; his Mezothi father, who had been suffering with a racial disease for decades, finally gave into his trauma and passed away in his sleep; Kyle was granted compassionate leave for 2 months, during which he visited his mother on Mezoth, and helped organise his father's funeral. Kyle returned to duty aboard the USS Tellar in 2383.

In 2384, Kyle discovered that his mother had borne another child with a human; his half-sister Rachel and her own half-brother Nathan visited Kyle along with his mother during an R&R session aboard Starbase 51. During this brief reunion, Kyle learned that his mother had kept Rachel and Nathan a secret, so as not to upset his father during his illness. Kyle reasoned that his mother's deception was necessary and did not matter - he had family, and to him that was all that mattered. After serving 2 more years aboard the Tellar, Kyle was assigned to Deep Space 5.


Service Record
2370 - Starfleet Academy 1st Year
2371 - Starfleet Academy 2nd Year
2372 - Starfleet Academy 3rd Year
2373 - Starfleet Academy Graduation

2373 - USS Olympus - Science Officer
2374 - Strike #40021 (CO Reprimand)
2375 - Strike #45772 (XO Reprimand)
2376 - Strike #69234 (Starfleet Reprimand - Suspension)

2376 - Starbase 13 - Science Officer
2378 - Promotion; Cybernetics Specialist
2379 - Commended for Leadership

2382 - USS Yukon - Ass. Chief Science Officer
2382 - Compassionate Leave

2383 - Return to active duty USS Tellar

2384 - Starbase 51 - Ass. Chief Science Officer
2385 - Strike #87309 (CO Reprimand)

2386 - Reassigned to USS Tellar, Ass. Chief Science Officer
2387 - Commended for Tactical Brilliance

2388 - Deep Space 5 - Ass. Chief Science Officer


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