Arrival Thomas Whitlock   

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Character Information
Name   Thomas Whitlock
Rank   Arrival
Position   Journalist
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   23
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   188 lbs.
Eye Color   Baby Blue
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Thomas is average height and well built. He keeps his brown hair cut short and is always clean shaven. He is considered handsome by human standards and uses that to his advantage.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Thomas is easy-going and enjoys meeting new people. He is very persistent when trying to get information and can come off as pushy and annoying. He is honest and ethical in his work and respects others and their views. He is willing to do what he has to to get a story as long as it's legal.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Easy-going, persistent, honest, ethical
Weaknesses: Persistent, perceived as annoying, claustrophobic
Thomas has a desire to chronicle the voyages of a starship throughout the "life" of that ship. He would also like to conduct an interview with the entire spectrum of ranks in a given department, from Cadet through the ranks to Admiral.
Hobbies & Interests
Writing, talking to people, ?
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   Andrew Ray
Mother   Pamela Ray
Sister(s)   Jasmine Ray
Other Family  
Thomas was born in a small outpost community on a moon orbiting Folus IV. The community was rather small and everyone there helped each other as one large family. Thomas quickly learned to talk to people and make them feel at ease. He was constantly asking questions and trying to learn everything he could.

When he was 15, the outpost suffered catastrophic mechanical failure and the moon had to be evacuated. The entire community had to squeeze into a small number of escape pods. Too many colonists and too few pods left very little room to move as they drifted through space. Thomas feared they would never be rescued and they would die in the pods.

Almost a week after leaving the moon, a passing freighter picked up their distress signal and rescued them. Thomas was thankful to be alive but never fully recovered from the trauma of being in the escape pods. Once everyone was settled on the ship, the freighter carried the colonists to Starbase 68.

Thomas and the other colonists settled on the base and resumed their normal activities. Thomas spent most of his time exploring the base, trying to learn everything he could. During one of his trips around the base he stumbled on the offices for the Federation News Network. Thomas instantly felt at home in the offices and got a job helping some of the reporters with fact-finding assignments.

Three years later, Thomas was granted a position in a journalism school on Rigel VII. 4 years later, Thomas was unleashed on the galaxy as a reporter for FNN. For his first assignment he returned to Starbase 68 where he began doing small stories on minor activities around the base.

Thomas was content for a while but soon became restless. He wanted to do more. He petitioned for a larger assignment and eventually got his wish. He was sent to Deep Space 5 to conduct ongoing news story. Satisfied with the assignment, Thomas set off for his latest adventure.


Service Record


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