Ensign Brian Moxis   

Character Information
Name   Brian Joseph Moxis
Rank   Ensign
Position   Security Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   20
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 5”
Weight   200 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Tall athletic build with a scar reaching from the bottom of the right eye to the middle of his cheek.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Using any means necessary Brian is a get the job done kind of guy. He hates to fail there for he trains to keep himself in top condition for any trouble that might appear.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Brian's strength is his honor and will to get things done. His weakness is hiding his feelings to his friends which he covers up with cheap laughter. Another weakness is it takes awhile for people to earn his trust.
Brian has no plans to take over a starship. He wants to get off earth and go where he is needed. His only ambitions he has is to make sure nothing goes wrong where hes stationed and to make new friends.
Hobbies & Interests
Brian trains in many forms of martial arts and boxing. He has a hand crafted dragon sword he uses to train with from his grandfather who gave it to him at the age of 9. Brian also does Autogenic relaxation, Progressive muscle relaxation, as well as yoga to help keep is mind clear and focused.
Languages   Federation stantard and some klingon
Father   James Moxis
Mother   Vickie Moxis
Brother(s)   Curtis Moxis
Sister(s)   Ashley Moxis
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Steve Moxis (uncle) Maria Moxis ( Aunt) Jackie Moxis ( Cousin) Josh ( Best Friend)
Brian was born in Gahanna, Oh. His childhood was full of fun and laughter but also some sadness. His father would ignore and talk down to him at times when he started his martial arts training. He grew up more with his grandfather who served on a starship as Chief of security. He practiced martial arts with Brian after he retired. Thus this made him closer to his grandfather cause he helped and supported Brian instead of talking down. In middle school he started to practice boxing. Then in high school he joined a lot of sports teams to help keep his body in top form and to practicing more different kinds of tactics. After high school Brian had became more sadden when his dad passed away from an illness.

That day he started training harder until his grandfather got to old and had to stop his training. That didn't stop Brian from martial arts but he then became to study close combat situations from a friend he met. This friend was named Josh and he was a klingon. With josh as his new friend he was pushed in training since klingons was good at close combat. Brian and Josh entered star fleet academy where Brian finished at the top of his class in security/tactics.

Finishing Star Fleet he was hired to help man a transport ship. Along the route of the transport ship it was attacked. Brian had learned that a vulcan Ambassador was being transported on this ship. Taking all mean necessary Brian was able to hold of and push back the attackers until help arrived. Upon Reaching Vulcan Brian was awarded a medal and high praise from the Vulcan ambassador. After this event Brian went back home to look after His mother, brother and sister. Still training as hard as he did on the first day he started Brian got tougher. At 20 Brian had received a message saying that his Star Fleet application was sent to SBDS 5. Brian now awaits to see if he was approved and when he would be shipped out.


Service Record
Stardate: 62802.06 - Completed the Cadet Academy and promoted to Ensign


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