UFP Ambassador Valtek   

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Character Information
Name   Valtek
Rank   UFP Ambassador
Position   Special Envoy
Gender   Male
Species   ½ Vulcan & ½ Orion
Age   47
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 6”
Weight   334 lbs.
Eye Color   Silver
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Large in build. Lean, muscular, and angled. Combined with a quiet conservatism in movement and a professional stoicism in uniform. A drastic departure from the Vulcan normal; His hair is uncommonly long, wavy and dark. It is worn behind his ears which have the signature Vulcan shape, and tied back. His features are classical. Diplomatic, austere, with a large nose and severe eyebrows. His eyes are a startling light gray, seeming almost silver. His skin is coppery olive of a hue darker than average and etched with the beginning signs of age. People have the tendency to concentrate on him when he is near because of the subtle pheromones he emits. Valtek wears thin skin-contoured gloves to minimize psychic contact.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
In the Vulcan wild, animalistic laws of nature rule over the predominant classes. As the sentient species of Vulcan, these primitive impulses are coded in to the subconscious Id of the humanoid class also. These laws hold that the strong survive and the weak are eaten. Thus, survival is dependent on who is strongest and wields the most power. Valtek in particular hearkens back to these more primitive times in his personality.

He spends a large volume of mental energy on satisfying his impetus to survive (and therefore to be independent, strong and powerful). Common to Vulcans of the philosophical age however, Valtek's primary value is reality and truth. Unlike the 'Head'-focused Vulcans who are concerned with understanding reality, Valtek wants to master it. A 'body'-focused individual, Valtek is ready to go by his gut instinct rather than careful consideration. He is the quintessential Strong & Silent type. Powerful in body and mind, and highly self-sufficient.

Valtek's politics are shrewd and visceral. At once a proponent of the state, and amass power, Valtek believes in harnessing this power through the voluntary unity of the citizens. These views have mostly prevented him from rising beyond the ranks of representative and ambassador, and he is what many consider to be an extremist.

He seeks to represent the interests of the individual, as far as the individual is loyal to their government, and applies considerable economic pressure to do so. He has opened trade lines with many previously unwilling governments, believing unhindered trade to be the ultimate foundation of Federation survival. Valtek is a staunch defender of Federation principles, with the belief that the Federation represents the finest objective standard of living, advocating economic and international fluidity and maintaining separate diversity between worlds in the process.

Valtek's first and most memorable political action in his brief stint as Federation Labor Bureau Consultant was to ally himself immediately with small businesses, deregulating their requirements, lowering the restricted age for work, and strengthening the presence and motivation workers, before backing off and leaving them to their own devices. While many find Valtek's ideology uncomfortable at best, there can be no denying an economic prosperity since his appointment. A "Type 8", Valtek's motivation is to secure as many resources and allies as possible for the Federation.

His presence on the station is two-fold: a negotiator, and an adviser on war and economic policy. While he is not personable, Valtek has been assigned as Special Envoy of the Federation to Deep Space 5, with the belief that Valtek's unique presence can garner the attention and loyalty of reticent neutral forces such as the Klingons and the Romulan Empire. In particular, Valtek has found much common ground with the Romulans, who share his regard for corporatism.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Valtek's main strength is his magnanimity of action and power. He knows when to act, and that there are right and wrong times to aggress. How to aggress, and how to apply pressure. Tempered by Logic. Orion genetics give him doubled physical strength. His pheromones are not strong enough to need controlling, but help capture his opponent's attention. His telepathic abilities are heightened. As a physical being, Valtek senses his environment intuitively. He is a predator, and skilled at using any resource available at hand. Valtek is an excellent negotiator for this reason, able to read and draw out emotional reactions. He is highly capable in crisis and battle.

Valtek has little use for philosophy, pretension, or pedantics. Valtek is largely an auto-didact, and thus not as scientific as most Vulcans. He is single minded, with black and white thinking. Things either are or they are not. Valtek is impatient, though he will channel this in to other pursuits. While Valtek is not offensive, when his boundaries are crossed, he responds with an overwhelming degree of force. His reliance on his instincts lead him to constantly maintain momentum. A loss of this causes him to become withdrawn and distant, moreso than the average Vulcan, which lead to negative consequences. Strict, stern, prefers to be in charge and left alone.
Valtek would be lying if he said he did not wish to eventually rise to office. However, Valtek has come a long way during his life to the place he is now. Not nearly through his lifespan, nevertheless Valtek is an old soul with many experiences. As much as he is able, he wishes more than anything to be at peace, and see his dreams come to fruition. While he is opposed to many of the practices inherent in the Federation government, Valtek shares a common ideology with them in the desire for peace and prosperity between worlds.
Hobbies & Interests
Valtek has frequently wondered if he was born in the wrong time. A fan of ancient Vulcan sagas highlighting the days of the ancient Forge, kh'ern'yl poetry, art and literature. However, Valtek's main interests lie in physical pursuits. Exercise, martial arts, training, and yes, that. Despite appointment to Special Envoy, Valtek's reputation as a flirt has not been tarnished.
Languages   Vulcan, Orion, Romulan, Ferengi.
Father   Lhiron
Mother   T'Eimei
Other Family   Karek, best friend.
Valtek grew up in Vulcan's harsh desert territories. His mother was exiled from Shi'kahrcity for being V'tosh ka'tur. She was mentally unbalanced from her lack of control, and ended up producing Valtek with an Orion trader in an utter loss of control. The trader left, and T'Eimei was reported missing not long after that. This left Valtek abandoned in the desert. He was rescued a week later by a passing V'tosh ka'tur tribal band. Infant Valtek was weak, malnourished, and ill. They did not expect him to survive the night, but under their nurturing miraculously he did.

Valtek grew up under their care. He was often made fun of for naturally evolving into an analytical and objective person, as if that were the strangest thing to the group of rogue emotional Vulcans. Valtek always appeared brooding, contemplative, and introverted. At the age of seven, he was bonded to a girl named An'yanka. Shortly after that, he participated in the kahs-wan and gained notoriety for stabbing a le-matya through the neck with his carved bone fang.

It was then that Valtek's predatory nature emerged, and he started going off in the desert for lengthy periods of time afterward. He hunted, fished, and lived off of the land by himself, returning to the Y'elawar site every week or so to connect with his family. Valtek decided in his teenage years that he wanted to do more with himself than live in the jungle like a vagrant. So he began teaching himself Vulcan meditation practices, making them uniquely his own to counter the lack of solid information he had, and learning to master his reactions. Every skill he could learn was valuable to him, and he wanted them all.

Valtek eventually made pilgrimage back to Shi'kahr, and was grudgingly accepted into Vulcan society since he was a minor. The tribe he left behind was resentful of this decision, but they let him go. Valtek attended school, with low marks in every subject. His reading skills were barely passable, his conception of math was infantile. He was considered a failure. He was nearly kicked out, except for a Human teaching correspondent who saw his potential and helped tutor him in the basics of math, science, and reading.

One prominent issue began to arise in Valtek's understanding during his schooling period. He had views markedly different to his peers. While they both conceived of the Federation, Valtek perceived it differently. While they both conceived of unity, Valtek perceived it differently. He learned quickly that his perceptions of equality, strategy, value, and necessity were highly variant to his peers. Perhaps because of his growing up in the desert, it was not known. Where most Vulcans were concerned with the existential, scientific, and philosophical, Valtek was concerned with making profit, learning practical skills, and defining the best way to succeed in the world.

Not naturally intellectually gifted, Valtek's main skill in determining his own success was his tenacity and resistance to failure. He would do and win, no matter what. He would force his mind to bend to the understanding it needed, rather like gripping a bull by the horns, instead of meditating it passively. Another difference between him and his peers was his control through aggression, rather than suppression. Channeling his volatile emotions into physical arts like tan suuhs and mai'kan were more efficient to him than sitting quietly in the lotus position.

Valtek's first ever political move following his graduation from the Vulcan Political Science College was gaining a spot as a junior adviser on a Federation News Network program. At 20 years of age, Valtek looked every bit the youth he was. Awkward, gangly and with a very disgruntled scowl, Valtek shredded his opponent in his first publicized debate with nothing less than cruelty. He had not meant it to be so, but it was his first time outside Vulcan and it was a failure. He had been correct, but people now considered him point blank mean, and this meant they were not receptive to his comments. Valtek could hardly understand how pointing out reality was mean, but he enlisted the aid of a counselor to help him understand how to communicate with non-Vulcan species.

As intense and immediate as he was, combined with his unusual appearance and pheromones, Valtek soon realized he gathered the attraction of many females and males who came into contact with him. At first, he did not understand the necessity of such interactions, but realized they came naturally to him as he explored them. Perhaps due to his Orion genetics, he could not be certain. But he seized upon understanding and mastery of them like anything else. The counselor and he ended up having relations, much to her dismay at falling for what appeared to be a Vulcan who had observed how to flirt. This occurred a few more times throughout his youth. He always ensured to his companions what it was he wanted and what he expected in return. Blunt and to the point, Valtek felt no need to dress up a one night stand in frivolous declarations of love and wooing.

After he and Counselor Mendora parted ways, Valtek trekked to Psilon Era IV, a non-Federation world that enjoyed a large degree of peace, and had a prominent Vulcan settlement. The year was 2362. He built his first house in the middle of the forest near a lake, which he still maintains to this day. Finally, at twenty-four, Valtek moved to Earth. It was the center of operations of the Federation, and Valtek had spent time on Psilon Era IV cultivating purely what he wanted to accomplish in his life beyond menial work. He applied for and won a seat on the Federation Junior Table, for aspiring consultants and diplomats. Valtek used his economic prowess to gain publicity and support, bringing to popular attention issues which he deemed important.

In 2366, Valtek was instated as the youngest member of the Federation Labor Bureau ever. But as much as he enjoyed success, he also enjoyed a large degree of opposition. As he soon found out, many in the UFP council were not receptive to his ideas. In 2370, he was given a trial appointment to the Representative of Federation Labor, and in a stunning political move, deregulated small, privately owned businesses under San Francisco jurisdiction and lowered mandatory employment age. While many were up in arms, these businesses began seeing an increase in employee contracting that hadn't been seen in decades. While the idea was successful, it ended Valtek's career in the FLB early.

Then, the Dominion hit.

Valtek was immediately dispatched to DS9 following the realization that they would need outside support to win the war. It wasn't a simple ideal anymore, it was a necessity. As much as Valtek's politics were antithetical to them, they realized that he had much more in common with the Romulans and Klingons than they did. If they could show that they understood their allies, they could gain their support. And support, Valtek gained them. In times of clear economic crisis, Valtek managed to secure trade deals with six different Gamma Quadrant species. He also advised the team working with the Romulan delegation on how to handle Romulan politics, as they had been a point of interest to him for years.

Later in the war, the V'shar Vulcan security force was spread thin, and Betazed had been annexed by the Cardassians. Vulcan was next in line, and Valtek thundered home to join forces with the Vulcan military. With no time for professional courtesies, Valtek was assigned to the civilian militia and given a brief rundown of how to operate shuttle systems and basic weaponry.

When the Dominion came for Vulcan, the military was ready and they engaged in a month-long battle. Valtek during that time commissioned his own ship and crew, and focused on small hit and run attacks to ram holes in their defenses. Their crews went days between supply runs. They were hungry, cold and hurt. But they persevered, because they had to. It was then that Valtek's intrinsic usefulness could be seen. He was the opposite of a pacifist. In the end, it was only the 7th and 9th fleets which made it out in tact, and Valtek's dinky Cir'y-class. Those who survived the assault were given medals of commendation.

Valtek, however, had another distinct problem. Pon farr, and the complications of being part Orion. Valtek felt the pull to return to his ancestral lands. This pon farr was triggered by the loss of his mate An'yanka in the Dominion attack, and so he closed himself away and meditated. This did not work. He was young, and his pheromones were out of control. Finally this culminated in one man, seemingly devoid of all rationality, throwing himself at him and helping him sate the fires.

Valtek was highly remorseful afterward, though they both had experienced a degree of intimacy that could not be replicated in any other situation. They knew one another. As Valtek's pheromone charge receded, he began to think clearly and proposed that, as they were now psychically bonded, they should attempt to see if the arrangement worked. The man, Karek, agreed. They found they were not romantically suited, but Valtek had found one he had only read of in stories. T'hy'la. Friend, and brother. They continue to keep in contact to this day, though Karek is now married with his own spouse.

Valtek was appointed to his first posting on a ship following the Dominion and his pon
, the U.S.S Krishenka. This was a ship designated by the Federation to monitor diplomatic relations with non-Federation planets and gather intelligence when necessary. He served aboard until 2389, when he was chosen as the Federation's representative Special Envoy to DS5 in response to their establishment near the neutral zone.


Service Record
Legal/financial aid
Romulan delegation
V'Shar civilian support
U.S.S Krishenka
Federation Special Envoy DS5


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