Arrival Three Of Six   

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Character Information
Name   Three Of Six
Rank   Arrival
Position   Civilian Diplomatic Aide
Second Position   Civilian Diplomatic Aide
Gender   Male
Species   Human (former Borg drone)
Age   25
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   130 lbs.
Eye Color   154
Hair Color   Light blonde
Physical Description   1.80 meters tall, 80 kilos. As a human, he had blonde hair, wavy, ice blue eyes, pale white skin, and a thin but muscular complexion. Now, as former Borg, his skin is pale, but unhealthily so (although not pasty white and veiny); his right eye is his original blue, but the left one is grotesque Borg eye implant, with a red lens, minus the targeting laser. He also has some leftover interface implants in his right hand.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Vlad was very intelligent, genius-level, responsible and capable. Mature even since he was young, he used to surpass his elders/superiors' expectatives. Today he's still intelligent, responsible and capable, but cold and without visible emotions.

He used to be a very warm, friendly person, with a great sense of humor. Today, he's cold and does not socialize, except with his mentor, Captain Torvuk, and only in matters pertaining meditation and emotional control.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Gifted at science and music. socially inept.
Rediscover his humanity.
Hobbies & Interests
Vlad was an accomplished violinist, and Three still plays, although without the full emotional attachment. He used to collect keepsakes and artworks from every planet he visited, and enjoyed galactic cuisine.
Languages   Federation Interlingua, Vulcan, Russian, Borg code
Father   Nikolai Andreivich Rasputin
Mother   Katiushka Ivanova Rasputina
Brother(s)   Mikhail and Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin
Sister(s)   Irina Nikolenivna Rasputina
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Grandparents, various uncles, aunts, and cousins. They still believe Vladimir to be dead, and in a way, he still is.
Date of Birth: 17 October
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia, Earth, UFP.

Vladimir Nikolaievitch Rasputin was born in Moscu, Russia, 25 years ago, and from an early age, space and exploration where his main interests. He always knew he wanted to go to Starfleet Academy, even if his conservative father wanted him to be a farmer like him. His family is descended from the same family as the infamous Rasputin, but from another branch.

Vlad, as his family called him, was a very intelligent and capable man; helping around the arm while he studied a lot, particularly about his favorite subjects: physics, stellar cartography and Astrometrics. He was also good at repairing machinery, and took violin lessons, not being a musical genius but having quite a lot of talent in that area.

He eventually entered the Academy, and finished first in his class, being posted as a science Ensign on the USS Leningrad, quite fittingly. After a year of scientific missions, he had achieved the rank of Lt. JG, but one day, they received a distress call from Rann IV, a small Earth colony on the borders of Federation space. The colony was being attacked by the Borg; and the Leningrad was the closest ship. The vessel's valiant crew tried to defend the colony, but it was only a science ship, so the whole crew and colony inhabitants were either killed, or assimilated.

A year later, Vladimir, now designated 3 of 6, was left for dead on a Borg incursion on a Starfleet science outpost, and he was captured/rescued by the USS Thunderchild, under the command of Vulcan Captain Torvuk. Torvuk's CMO, a Denobulan, managed to heal Three and deassimilate him. All his implants were removed, except for his left eye implant

He stayed on the Thunderchild until now (working as a civilian scientist), slowly trying to regain his individuality with the help of Captain Torvuk; but being under a Vulcan's tutelage did not help assert his humanity back. The counselor on the Thunderchild, X'aedell Moore, advised that he should seek new horizons to try and regain his humanity. Three is not sure, but he accepted a position in the UFP's Diplomatic Corps, as an advisor on alien species (since he gained lots of knowledge about all species during his time as a borg) to the Diplomatic officer at DS5.

He was in a relationship with an Academy classmate, a Betazoid named Kaadi. They were destined to different ships, but got together when possible. She believes him to be dead.

Awards and honors:
He graduated first in his class, and won violin awards when he was at school in Moscow.


Service Record
* Elementary school
* High school
* 12 years of violin lessons
* Starfleet Academy
* USS Leningrad, science officer (one year)
* USS Thunderchild, civilian scientist (one year)


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