Arrival Lawrence McKinney   

Character Information
Name   Lawrence James McKinney
Rank   Arrival
Position   Smuggler
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   24
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   168 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Lawrence stands around 6 feet 3 inches and has black hair and blue eyes. Although no body builder Lawrence finds it beneficial in his line of work to be physically imposing. He is moderately attractive though he defiantly tells himself he is far more then moderate.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Mentally he has a rather split personality outside of work he is the life of the party and is very charitable and caring. On the job he is almost uncaring about what he is smuggling or who he is hurting an odd distinction but one he makes.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Lawrence has always dreamed of retiring to a nice tropical world though for the moment he only wants to have fun in life.

Hobbies & Interests
Lawrence like to gamble witch is how he lost the majority of his fortune. Other then that he is generally up to pretty much anything
Languages   Lawerance speaks both english and orion fluently he also has a passing familarity with romulan.
Father   John Mckinney
Mother   Racheal Mckinney
Other Family   Lawrence has an cousin who is a major in the marines who he keeps in regular contact with and considers a close friend.
Lawrence McKinney was born on New Sydney to a relatively well off family. His childhood was pretty normal witch was stark contrast to the majority of the planet who lived in poverty and were constantly terrorized by gangs. In school he generally performed around average and wasn’t a real behavior problem. Although he easily could have been an A+ student he was unmotivated and content to remain unseen.
This changed when he was 16 and his parents bought him an old runabout.
Lawrence took to flying immediately and spent every available hour just flying around..
A few months later he helped his cousin move some goods of questionable legality before the police raided the store house. After this first taste of smuggling he was hooked the thrill of testing your skills against an adversary where a misstep could lead to jail or death was to much for him to resist. His cousin lined him up with Jobs and eventually his reputation grew to the point where he was allowed to smuggle for the Orion syndicate. After a year he got to cocky about his influence and gravely insulted one of the local gangs. The syndicate decided not to back him In the altercation and he was forced to flee to a relative in the federation.
With no ship and no prospects Lawrence allowed himself to be talked into joining the marines.
Lawrence was a relatively average boot and wasn’t really noted as anything special during boot camp. However when he went to apply for a piloting position his skills shined through and he was recommended for training as a fighter pilot, and by extension a promotion to warrant officer.
After completing Training at Luna Lawrence was about to be deployed to a razor squadron however before it could happen his ties with the criminal world were revealed by an informant. Rather then being immediately discharged and sent to jail as should have happened He was assigned to a special unit. 2 Months later he was honorably discharged a full 2 years ahead of schedule.
Lawrence next resurfaced as a member of the Talarian 10 a group of mainly ex Starfleet and marine personnel who became famous for robbing the Talarian latnium reserve of nearly 20 million bars of gold press latnium. The group quickly fled over the federation border and were immediately granted protection from the Talarian government. Leading many to believe that the robbery was actually a warning to the talarains who had become increasingly aggressively .
With the proceeds from the robbery Lawrence bought a light freighter about the size of 2 Wallace class vessels named the Dragon’s wing. Lawrence lavished the ships with the best equipment money can buy including a black market warp drive that was capable of reaching warp 8 (far higher then the legal warp 5 limit). Lawrence lived the high live for about a year before losing the majority of his fortune in a bad business deal with several ferangi.
Lawrence then spent a period of time with the cobras a group of pirate hunters employed by the Romulan empire. After a rather bad battle with the several pirates the cobra were disbanded. After the demise of the cobras Lawrence took several bounty hunter and eventual moved back to his first love of smuggling (though he does run legitimate cargo to). Eventually He decided to set up shop on a starbase and decided on DS5.


Service Record
SFMC boot camp

SFMC piloting school


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