Commander Rakka   

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Character Information
Name   Rakka
Rank   Commander
Position   Security Training Officer / Assistant Chief of Security
Gender   Female
Species   Nausicaan
Age   30
Physical Appearance
Height   7’ 1”
Weight   310 lbs.
Eye Color   Black
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Nausicaan facial features are characterized by numerous unusual bony ridges and depressions, giving them an appearance that is described by some as ‘skull-like’. The chin is strongly cleft, the mouth belaboured by protruding fangs, the nose vertically ridged leading up to fine horizontal ridges across the forehead, contained within V-shaped ridges. The eyes are deep-set and black, the hair thick, black, and wiry. Rakka traditionally wore her hair in very long dreadlocks, never cut until recently when her head was shaved against her will. Since then it has grown out to almost shoulder length and seems impossible to tame.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Rakka suffers from low self-esteem and is a very inward person, tending to avoid counsellors (especially empathic ones) like the plague. She avoids medical doctors as well, only resorting to them in the case of severe injuries, as she hates showing skin, self-conscious of her muscular physique and her many scars. She also struggles with solitude much of the time, although she tends to bring it on herself and insists she prefers being alone, assuming any attempts at diplomacy to be out of pity or obligation. She has occasional temper problems, and has been warned but not severely punished as her race’s tendency is to be gruff and aggressive, and she usually means no harm or disrespect. Her potentially fierce demeanour often proves an asset in combat. Rakka is extremely shy in social situations, self-conscious of her looks and size. She comes across as rather rude, but anyone venturing close enough to see her dark eyes might notice a great deal of loneliness and sensitivity
Strengths & Weaknesses
Despite her aggression and Nausicaan temper, Rakka is a dedicated officer and has a deep-rooted attachment to the Federation, even though its individuals have had trouble accepting her. She is easily upset but hides her sensitivity and, when highly emotional or the slightest bit nervous her English skills tend to suffer and she stutters quite badly, though she is capable of speaking the human language nearly flawlessly if she tries hard enough. Rakka’s assets are unswerving loyalty, tremendous physical strength, low sensitivity to physical pain, great proficiency with various weapons, and a sound mind for tactics. Her limitations include being aggressive, ill-tempered, socially inept, and claustrophobic, sometimes suffering mild panic attacks if stuck in tight spaces
Rakka wears her uniform with pride and wants little more out of life than to serve the principles it stands for. She has never had much desire for command and has always preferred to work quietly behind the scenes, although she generally finds that it is difficult for her not to stand out. She is getting accustomed to a leadership position and hopes to effectively fulfil the expectations of her superiors
Hobbies & Interests
Rakka would not consider herself to have ''hobbies'' or many interests outside of work. In fact, she tries to stay on duty as much as possible. However, she can occasionally be found in the holodeck engaged in combat practice, swimming, or other more private activities she does not choose to share
Languages   Terran; Nausicaan
Father   Bakra, Deceased
Mother   Zara, Deceased
Brother(s)   Ezrek - Deceased
Sister(s)   None
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   None Known
The circumstances surrounding this Nausicaan female’s entrance into humanoid society, and eventually into Starfleet, begin some years ago during an investigation of a Nausicaan merchant vessel that had been disabled near a Starfleet outpost. Three Starfleet officers, having assumed the ship was cleared out, were shocked to hear a small voice from a dark corner of filthy room containing caged animals. In a small, rusted cage hung by a chain from the ceiling, a scrawny Nausicaan girl was found crammed painfully inside, unclothed, filthy, and in a generally appalling physical state. Once liberated from the cruel enclosure, the girl, found to be around thirteen years of age, was promptly placed under Starfleet medical care and treated for malnutrition, dehydration, muscular atrophy, and a number of infections brought on by long-term unsanitary conditions. Additionally, the doctors found innumerable scars, both old and new, clear results of physical abuse.
The girl became hesitantly verbal after several days of treatment, and stated her name as Rakka. She developed a ravenous appetite and quickly gained in weight and strength. It became clear that she had never before been in the company of any other than her own race and was largely confused by the kind treatment she received from the medical staff. Although she tolerated medical treatment by most of the female personnel, she refused to be touched by any males, with the single exception of the one who had liberated her from her cage. She also vehemently refused any attention from counsellors or therapists.

As for the reason for her being found in the state she was, Rakka has never publicly uttered a word about any of her ordeal. It has been assumed that her cruel imprisonment was a result of an unsuccessful stowaway attempt, as it is generally known that Nausicaans do not allow females aboard their ships.
Rakka remained under medical supervision for four months before being sent to earth to be looked after by a foster family. The family, well-meaning and enthusiastic, soon found the girl’s care to be beyond their ability. Although Rakka was diligent in learning the human language and customs, her behaviour was described as “antisocial, hostile, and even violent at times”. She was unable to get along with the other foster children in the home, and it was decided she needed more individual attention.

Now near fourteen years of age, Rakka was moved to a second foster home where there were no other children, and she could receive the attention she needed. The new foster parents also found Rakka to be a tremendous challenge, but were determined enough to keep her. Aside from occasional outbursts of temper and violence, Rakka was severely introverted, enough to cause her foster parents great concern, but she showed unflagging interest in Starfleet and plunged herself dutifully into the education necessary to get herself into the Academy.

Rakka chose to leave her foster parents as soon as she was old enough to enrol in Starfleet Academy. Although she had received sufficient academic education, Rakka was extremely underdeveloped in a social sense, and her first year of the Academy was fraught with issues. Within her first few months, she was reprimanded several times over conflicts with other cadets, and was failing most of her courses. Eventually she withdrew.

After spending an additional year in the home of her foster parents, studying dutifully, Rakka returned to the Academy with renewed determination. This time, she avoided the company of others whenever possible and became a successful, if troubled, student.


Service Record
Rakka’s Academy days were a great personal challenge. Realizing just how negative the reputation of her race was, she found herself rather alienated. Many of her peers were frightened or disgusted at her inherently ugly Nausicaan appearance, especially other females, who she towered over. She faced teasing and negativity from others because of the usual stigma surrounding the notorious Nausicaans, and came to accept that she was socially and physically awkward, and thus largely unfit for the company of others.

After completing her Academy training, Rakka was assigned aboard a Starfleet vessel as a Security officer. She quickly proved herself to be a capable officer and unflaggingly loyal to Starfleet. Despite receiving the occasional reprimand due to her quick Nausicaan temper, she rose quickly in rank, excelling in the field of security and tactics.


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