Arrival Wolfgang Steiner   

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Character Information
Name   Wolfgang Klaus Steiner
Rank   Arrival
Position   Chief Deputy Marshal
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   42
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   205 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Blonde
Physical Description   Steiner is tall and broad shouldered. He works out daily but enjoys his food so is in a constant battle with his waistline. Close-cropped blonde hair and blue eyes hint at his teutonic heritage.
He walks with a very slight limp, a result of a serious injury early in his career. The limp can become worse if he is very tired or fatigued.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Steiner is positive, self-confident and very self-reliant. He has an upbeat and friendly manner, able to communicate with colleagues and personnel at all levels. Not above getting his hands dirty, he strives to set a good standard for others to follow.

Has a solid reputation in the FMS for getting the job done, if not always strictly by the book...

Steiner has a keen sense of humor that he exercises frequently.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Steiner is resourceful, innovative and adaptable, a problem solver he believes in confronting and overcoming problems rather than avoiding them. He requests and listens to the opinions of juniors and superiors and expects the same courtesy. He makes decisions readily and is prepared to stand by them.

He is supportive of his superiors before subordinates but he is his own man and does not hesitate to raise any concerns he may have in private, where he speaks his mind.

Able to think quickly and logically, assertive and a natural leader, he leads from the front. He is calm and decisive under stress.

He's survived many years working tough assignments and is a more than capable street-fighter if needed.

Has a weakness for strong cigars and good brandy
To continue his career in Federation law enforcement, eventually rising to an assistant director position in the Marshal’s Service.
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Federation standard, Some Romulan
Father   Klaus
Mother   Helga
Brother(s)   Heinrich
Spouse   Unmarried
Children   Nil
Other Family  
Born in 2348 at New Berlin Colony on the Earth’s Moon, Steiner is the son of Klaus and Helga, he has a younger brother Heinrich. His parents are both retired Star Fleet Officers, his mother was a zeno-biologist and his father a stellar cartographer.

They now live at the Federation Retirement Colony on Norpin V. His brother is a serving Marine Officer. Steiner grew up traveling around with his parents who specialized in studying newly discovered worlds to determine the possibilities for colonization.


Service Record
2366 Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco
Entered the Academy with majors in Security, Tactical and Operations, minors in Federation Law and Diplomacy, Command and Science.

2367 Cadet - USS Melbourne lost at Battle at Wolfe 359
At the end of his first year Steiner’s class were assigned four weeks of practical training aboard the USS Melbourne. Eleven days into the assignment the ship was mobilized to join the fleet preparing to repulse the Borg advance at Wolfe 359.
One of the first casualties of the Borg during the battle, the Melbourne was attacked and hacked to pieces. Steiner was badly injured when making his way to an Escape Pod. A bulkhead collapsed crushing his left leg, he barely managed to make the Pod before the compartment vented to space. Along with three other survivors he spent many days in the Pod before being picked up by a rescue ship. The injuries to his leg were severe and he spent the next six months in a StarBase’s sick-bay, undergoing operations and physiotherapy. Even then he could not walk without using a cane.

2369 Graduated Academy, LtJg. Transfer to Judge Advocate General’s Office, Star Fleet Command
Steiner’s on going recovery from his injuries prevented him returning to operational flight status and on return to Earth he was transferred to JAG. Steiner received training in Federation law and legal procedures, serving as junior counsel in courts, enquiries and investigations.

During this time he worked closely with staff from the Federation Marshals Service and Federation Penal Division andf came to have a detailed understanding of their operations.
Steiner enjoyed the challenges of working within the Federation legal system but he longed to return to space. He underwent one further operation to replace his knee and through hard physical training overcame his injuries and finally passed his operational physical.

2370 USS Crazy Horse. Promoted Lt. as Assistant Chief of Security.
He returned to space with a promotion to Lieutenant and took up position as Assistant Chief of Security on the USS Crazy Horse.

2373 USS Yeager Chief of Security
Star Fleet were now building the new Sabre Class ships and drawn to the compact but powerful design Steiner transferred to the newly commissioned USS Yeager as Chief of Security. Within weeks the Yeager was facing up against the Borg again, during the “Battle of Sector 001” – the defense of the Sol system against the Borg Queen’s incursion. The battle was nearly as devastating as that at Wolfe 359 but eventually the Star Fleet armada succeeded in destroying the Cube. For Steiner it brought some closure to the trauma of the loss of the Melbourne and his injuries.
Shortly after the Dominion War erupted and Steiner was with the Yeager at the first allied victory during “Operation Return” to drive out Dominion forces and retake Deep Space 9.

2374 IRV Preceptor
Following the Romulan Star Empire’s entry into the Dominium War Star Fleet petitioned the Romulans for an exchange of personnel to improve liaison between the allied powers. Along with other Star Fleet officers Steiner was seconded to join the crew of the War Bird Perceptor. He served as liaison and Security Commander. Relations with the Romulans were difficult and strained at first, it was difficult to overcome generations of fear and mistrust.

However, under the demands of combat and the need for Federation and Romulans to work together for mutual survival relationships quickly grew and both sides began to work closely together. Steiner became especially close with the female weapons officer, Tal’ara and they began a love affair. The ship was part of the allied fleet at the “First Battle of Chin'toka”. Although the allies won the battle the Preceptor was hit a number of times. Both Star Fleet and Romulan personnel were killed and injured.

Tal’ara was wounded and medi-vaced back to Romulus. Steiner lost contact with her and requests for information were denied by the Romulan Fleet. The Perceptor’s Commander was sympathetic but in a frank discussion he advised Steiner to let Tal’ara go, as “It would not be good for her to be associated with a human…” On his departure from the ship the Commander gave him Tal’ara’s engraved Type 3 Disrupter.

2375 JAG Prosecution Team – War Crimes Trials
With the end of the war Steiner returned from his exchange post to Star Fleet Command to await a new post. While there an old friend from the JAG persuaded him to return to JAG and he became a member of the prosecutor’s team for the war crimes trial of the leader of the Dominion, the unnamed Female Changeling. He was assigned to investigate and collect details of Dominion atrocities.

The evidence gathering and case preparation took many months but finally the trial was begun. The Changeling refused to plead and under Federation Law a Not-Guilty plea was entered on her behalf. This necessitated a full presentation of the evidence before a verdict could be returned and the case lasted over a year. The guilty Verdict was returned and the Changeling was sentenced to life without parole. She was transported to an undisclosed maximum security facility.

2377 Federation Marshals Service
Despite the often unpleasant nature of investigating crimes Steiner found he enjoyed the work and applied for a permanent transfer to the Federations Marshals Service. With his background in Security and JAG he was immediately accepted and joined an FMS Investigate Team working out of Starbase 343.

2382 Federation Judicial and Diplomatic protection
Steiner returned to Earth and joined a Protection Unit, providing close protection to senior members of the Federation Department of Justice and also covered Witness Protection services.

2386 Durham Colony
Steiner was promoted to Senior Marshall at Durham Colony. Here he led an investigation into a Ferengi smuggling ring supplying weaponry to pre-warp drive civilizations. The investigations uncovered involvement within the lower levels of the Ferengi government but the Ferengi refused to cooperate with further investigation. At the subsequent trial of the gang who had been rounded up, there were rumors that a contract had been placed on Steiner by remaining members who managed to evade justice.

2390 Deep Space 5
Assigned as Chief Marshal in Charge, to Deep Space 5.


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