Arrival Alexander Sinclair   

Character Information
Name   Alexander James Sinclair
Rank   Arrival
Position   Trader
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   37
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   195 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   AJ has short cropped black hair with blue eyes that tend to see more than he lets on. He is moderately built, not overly muscular but has enough strength to get the job done. He tends to dress in leather which offers him a moderate amount of protection due to his life style.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
To those that do not know him AJ comes across as uncaring and sarcastic. To those that have worked with him, he is loyal and protective. He is rough around the edges and does not have a lot of etiquette. He tends to be impulsive not always thinking everything through which has got him into more trouble than he care to think about. He loves space and the freedoms that it offers.
Strengths & Weaknesses
AJ is a fairly decent shot with phaser weapons, but prefers phaser pistols over rifles. He has a strong understanding of military tactics from ship to-ship combat to ground combat. He is very good at understanding people and their motives.

He has never been very strong at close quarters combat and is more of a brawler in those instances than anything else. He is terrible with relationships once they hit a personal level. He is all charm until she gets close and then he completely loses his cool. He is not as bad a guy as he likes to think he is which has put him into several difficult situations.
He hopes to earn enough money to keep his ship in space and go where he wants without having to be a criminal any longer. Not get caught.
Hobbies & Interests
He used to enjoy things like reading books (anything he could get his hands on), writing (Mostly science fiction), enjoy acting out action holo programs, and many other things. In recent years his life has had little time or opportunity.
Languages   Human, Ferengi, the following he can speak with very little degree: Vulcan, Romulan, and Klingon.
Father   Captain (Ret) Lawrence Sinclair
Mother   Captain Olivia Sinclair, Captain USS Horizon
Brother(s)   . Commander Benjamin Sinclair, Starbase 200, Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Sinclair, SFMC
Sister(s)   Lt Amy Sinclair, MD, Earth
Spouse   none
Children   None
Other Family   Uncle Commander Trevor Sinclair, Aunt Mara Sinclair, Cousin Michael Sinclair, Cousin CPO Amanda Sinclair, DS 5.
AJ was born and raised in space in 2350. His whole family has been serving in Starfleet since the earliest days. He was raised amongst the ships and starbases as his parents moved around from ship to ship, station to station. It was a good childhood and he had known his whole life what he had wanted to do. He would follow in the family traditions and serve in Starfleet.

When he was 18, in 2368 he started the academy and began his training in security. He learned quickly that his hand to hand skills were pathetic compared to many of the other children and that it seems he would probably never master any of the forms taught at the academy. Finally one of his instructors took him to the side and helped to show him a way that he could, at least in the training world of the academy, turn his wild and crazy style into something useful. It worked and he managed to get through the training, if barely. His academic studies had gone far better and he excelled in many of the areas including politics and history.

After his graduation AJ would excel with the mentorship of several excellent Security Chief’s and managed to make LT (JG) at the beginning of the Dominion War. Toward the end of the war he had been in many ground and space combat and had somehow survived. The war had taken a terrible toll on the Federation and as such officers were making rank quickly, just because they had survived and someone had not. In his finally battle of the war AJ had to take command of the USS Tiger a Sabre Class ship. His Captain got killed in the opening shots of the fight. The crew of the Tiger fought hard and valiantly throughout the battle, but AJ made a critical error in the battle. The ship took critical damage and before he could even call for the escape pods the ship was destroyed. If not for the quick moves of a transporter chief on a nearby Galaxy class all hands would have been lost. Instead the transporter chief grabbed five bodies and transported them to safety before the Tiger was lost. AJ was one of the five survivors.
He was given a reduction in grade for the loss of his ship and sent back to work in security being banned as unfit to command a starship. He never truly got over that day on how he survived and how he his error had cost the lives of 73 souls, taken the father from 23 children and the mother away from 32 children. His parents tried to help him through the hard times explaining that, that was the burden of leadership, that when a leader makes mistakes, people die, but to live in the past is destructive and that he needs to move on with his life.

Two years after the war he resigned from Starfleet and the pressures of his family. He left that all behind and began to wonder the galaxy. He quickly learned that life outside of Starfleet was hard and very uncaring. At first he spent his days wondering from ship to ship as a deck hand for freighters. That unfortunately did not work out too well and eventually caught the eye of a smuggler. Someone with AJ’s background in security made him useful to smugglers. At first it did not bother AJ because no one got hurt, they were able to make decent money and there was that edge of excitement that he had been missing.

During one of their smuggling operations in Federation space AJ got caught by security. As with anything else, he had been away too long and security had changed its procedures. The whole crew got pinched for it and because he was very accommodating in the investigation he was given only four years in prison.

In prison he met a Ferengi, Roark, whom was very well connected in the place. AJ and Roark became fast of friends, if unusual friends. Roark got out of prison months before AJ and when he got out he had nowhere else to go, so he went to find Roark, his only friend.

When AJ finally found Roark, the Ferengi was in a lot of debt from failed businesses. The two of them were able to team up and work Roark out of debt. The two then had no clue what to do until a game of chance brought a very aged Bird of Prey into AJ’s hands.

So they went into business for themselves as traders moving merchandise from one place to another. It was good honest work and AJ was happy to be in space again. It seemed that was the place for him. He hated being land bound.


Service Record
2368-2372 Starfleet Academy
2372-2374 USS Venerable
2373 Promoted to LT (JG)
2374-2375 USS Tiger
2374 Promoted to LT
2375 Field Promotion to Acting Lt Commander (45 minutes as Acting Captain, USS Tiger)
2376 Loss of Field Promotions/Demoted to LT (JG)
2377 Resigned Commission
Criminal Record:
2379 Suspected Smuggling; No charges filed
2380 Arrested for Smuggling
2381 Sentence to 4 years in prison for smuggling
2385 Released from prison, time served.
Current Location: Unknown


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