Arrival Norak Donatra   

Character Information
Name   Norak Mandana Donatra
Rank   Arrival
Position   Smuggler
Gender   Male
Species   Romulan
Age   45
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 2”
Weight   106 lbs.
Eye Color   Dark Chestnut
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Norak is a short Romulan male. To most humanoids, he is required to look up to them. His arms are long but his legs short. He is very skinny, stringy like.
Norak hair is rangy but neat. Black hair that is thick and never changes styles. The lower half of his head is shaved. Then the hair on the top is long enough to miss tucking behind his ears.
With dark chestnut eyes. They are a bit bigger then what looks right to his head. They have dulled sense birth to the point that he looks as though he is blind. But his vision was close to perfect.
Norak wears a black shirt that is tight on him. Just a standard under shirt. But with an over coat. The coat reaches the length of his heals. Faded from long years of being used. The end dragged through filth and water and back. Patches scattered the front and sleeves. With pockets lining the interior filled with trinkets to sell or trade to a young lady or an impressionable lad trying to impress a girl.
Baggy black cargo like pants. Pockets in standard places and pockets inside other pockets. Enough to get lost in. Filled with quick patch tools that seemed to become missed place.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Norak is said be difficult, arguing for a past time. But well focused on what needs to get done.
His father always said, "Do what you have to then you can do what you want to."
Norak is slow to temper. Laid back and easy going. Mostly because of all the siblings. Both sides of the family were military based, so he understands the chain of command very well. Can take an order and full fill it without question. Doesn't talk muck but when he does, it's not always dumb. But sometimes really is.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Some of his immediate strengths are his cunning ability to guess what people are really looking for. Identifying what needs to be said to sell things that maybe that person doesn't really need. Also able to get along with people and handle bad situations in multi-cultural groups. Being able to focus completely.

His weaknesses are food. Has been known to bargain for different foods. Unable to multi-task when it demands him to listen to more then one thing a a time.
His main ambition is not to get caught smuggling something that could get him killed by every governing planetary from Federation space to Klingon agencies.

But he'd like to win the heart of a fair lady... Not really.

To do things illegally for fun to make him happy... Others to, of course.
Hobbies & Interests
Some of his hobbies are to drink, dance, and go to parties. Listen to music or sing to himself and dance where ever he his.

To collect porcelain dolls for a good friend of his.

Doesn't really have any major interests. Likes difficult jobs that pay well.
Languages   64 different ones
Father   Hanaj
Mother   D'Nal
Brother(s)   D'Amarok, age 41 and Hloal, age 37.
Sister(s)   N'alae, age 28, Hrienteh, age 25, and D'Ral, age 22
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Two married aunts and three uncles, Only one is married, on mothers side. Youngest sister, D'Elon who married Das and has one son named S'Hauen. Oldest sister Nn'khiy who married Lhaihtrha, who have two sons and one daughter :Daughter (eldest) Ekkhae, Son (middle) Ruwon, Son (youngest) Takaram. Oldest Brother Barel, Middle brother -who is married- Aehkhifv who married Ralaa with no children. Finally Stelam, the youngest of all them.

Father has only one brother named S'Ten who was married to D'Ral. She died. S'Ten has a daughter named Latta.

Grandparents still alive... Living on Remus.
Norak went to a private school on Romulus. Did very well in engineering and negotiations. Was flirtatious in his long years in school. Was a popular enough student to be able to hang out with most anyone. Never into to much trouble, “Boys will be Boys” kind of thing.
Was always smashing things. A friend sense childhood had decided to learn to make explosives. Norak never bothered to ask how or why he'd even bother to, but used many of the home made devices in an old junk yard. The junk yard was on the far side of town. Norak and his friend would take their wheels and bags down there after school. Or stayed there for the weekends. Their wheels being a skateboard for Norak and a bycicle for his friend. The friend's name was Saren To'Jek. A fair skinned Romulan with a strange fascination with long hair. Saren had long, rarely seen, blonde hair that sat at his shoulders. They are still close and talk when they can. Having an occasional get together with some other friends as well .
Norak has a large family. Mother and Father still happily living. Names being Hanaj ,father, and D'Nal, mother. With two older brothers and three younger sisters. Norak being third oldest. The two brothers are D'Amarok, age 41 and Hloal, age 37. The three younger sisters (In order) names are N'alae, age 28, Hrienteh, age 25, and D'Ral, age 22. With many Aunts and Uncles living with children and grandchildren.
The only real scary thing that ever happened to norak was when his right pinky finger was slammed in a door. The bone needed to be fixed. Now his right pinky stays half bent. The explosives never got out of hand to much. And when it would the two would just leave. When they would get back the fire would be out and they would play again.


Service Record
Never served the Romulan Empire.

Not traitor enough to join someone else is military.


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