Senior Chief Petty Officer Ceridwen Wyman   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

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Character Information
Name   Ceridwen Wyman
Rank   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Position   Engineer's Mate
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   45
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 2”
Weight   97 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel
Hair Color   Reddish brown
Physical Description   Short and slim with a fair complexion and short hair. Left handed.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Ceridwen is fairly subdued, but has a bit of a temper. When she's agitated, she has a tendency to slip into a thick Welsh accent. Coworkers typically call her Welshy. He first name is pronounced "ke-RID-wen."
Strengths & Weaknesses
Excellent mechanical abilities.
To be involved in the construction of the next generation of faster than light propulsion system.
Hobbies & Interests
Hobbies include knitting and reading engine manuals. In her spare time (what little there is) she enjoys knitting.
Languages   Federation Standard and Welsh
Spouse   Steve Wyman - Chief Engineer, Deep Space 5
Children   Gwendolyn Wyman
Other Family  
The earliest memory Ceridwen has is living in an orphanage in Cardiff. The Mother Superior explained when she got old enough that her parents had been killed in a shuttle accident, and that she had no other known family. The only trace she has of her family is genetic; there's a very slight trace of Betazoid in her genetic code. As a result, Ceridwen can pick up only the strongest of emotion, and even then only at fairly close range.

When she reached the age of seventeen, she enlisted in Starfleet. Eighteen months later she was shipped out to starbase 83, near the Neutral Zone. She would spend five years there, before being transferred to the Nebula-class USS Ra Cailum in 2370. When the Ra Cailum was lost at the start of the Dominion war in 2374, Ceridwen was assigned to the Sovereign-class USS Vanguard, where she continued to serve until after the end of the war. It was on the Vanguard that she picked up the nick name "Welshy", which is just as much a nod to Captain Montgomery "Scotty" Scott as it is to her heritage.

In 2376, Ceridwen was allowed to spend a semester at the Tellarite Engineering Upperschool as part of a program intended to increase the skills of Starfleet's engineering NCOs. Upon her return to active duty, Ceridwen was promoted to Chief Petty Officer. She would spend another two years on the Ranger, until her transfer to the Vincent-class USS Hyperion in 2378. There she would serve as Engineer's Mate under a succession of Chief Engineers. The following year, she was promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer.

It was on the Hyperion that she met Steve Wyman, the ship's chief engineer. The two worked closely together (as the ship was constantly sent into situations which regularly left the vessel in sorry shape). Over time, they developed a close friendship. But in 2381, the Hyperion was severely damaged and her saucer section crashed on a planet. Wyman and Warlow were among the last to evacuate the stricken stardrive and as such were at the bottom of the saucer when it made planetfall. Wyman was very nearly killed when a section of bulkhead was crushed in the crash, pinning him between the deck and the ceiling. Warlow was too shocked to do anything as another engineer rushed to cut Wyman free.

Luckily, Wyman survived the experience - but suffered severe injuries which rendered him unable to walk. As it turned out, the shock made Warlow realize just how she felt about him, but for several weeks she was unable to tell him. It wasn't until Wyman was about to enter a combat zone on an away team that she finally confessed, kissing in the middle of main engineering and imploring him to come back alive. With this confession, Wyman came to the realization that he felt the same way - coming to the conclusion that he couldn't continue to be stubborn about his rehabilitation. Once the mission was complete he took a leave of absense from Starfleet to return to Earth. Warlow asked for a transfer to Earth Station McKinley to be by his side. During his rehab, Wyman proposed to Warlow, and she quickly accepted.

Once that mission was over, Wyman agreed to return to Earth for physical therapy, and Warlow transferred to Earth Station McKinley to be close to him. After completing his rehabilitation, Wyman was ready to return to duty. As the Hyperion's chief engineer position had already been filled, he (and his new fiance) were reassigned to the USS McKinley. There they filled the same positions as they had on the Hyperion.

After serving just over a year on the McKinley (during which time they were married in a ceremony interrupted by a terrorist attack AND the death of the priest officiating), they were transferred to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, where the Wymans were assigned as part of the team designing the next generation of warp drive technology. They would remain in that assignment for over six years, during which time they would take part in several small advances in faster than light propulsion design. But, more importantly to the both of them, their daughter Gwendolyn was also born at the Fleet Yards sickbay.

Despite the feelings of accomplishment he felt, Wyman never lost the itch to be out among the stars. Despite this, he turned down several potential transfers to starships. In each of these cases, the ships either did not have a senior enlisted position available for his wife, or was a small vessel he wouldn't have been able to take his daughter aboard. Finally, in 2389 and opening appeared on the Majestic-class USS Freedom. Though it killed him to take Gwendolyn away from the only home she had ever known, Steve none the less accepted the assignment.

The Wymans assignment aboard the Freedom would be short lived. Personal issues regarding the commanding officer caused the ship to be called back port. Steve and Ceridwen were placed unceremoniously into the transfer pool and left in a sort of limbo aboard starbase 66. After a few weeks of twiddling their thumbs, the two were assigned to Deep Space 5.


Service Record
2364: Enrolled at Starfleet Academy Enlisted Training School
2365: Completed training and assigned to starbase 83
2367: Promoted to Petty Officer Third Class
2369: Promoted to Petty Officer Second Class
2370: Transferred to USS Ra Cailum
2372: Promoted to Petty Officer First Class
2374: Assigned to USS Vanguard after the loss of the Ra Cailum in combat with the Dominion
2376: Promoted to Chief Petty Officer upon completion of semester at Tellarite Engineering Upperschool
2378: Transferred to USS Hyperion-D
2379: Promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer
2381: Transferred to USS Hyperion-E following the destruction of the Hyperion-D
2381: Transferred to Earth Station McKinley
2382: Transferred to USS McKinley
2383: Theoretical Warp Systems Design Team, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
2389: Engineer's Mate, USS Freedom
2390: Engineer's Mate, Deep Space 5


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