Lieutenant Jana Kasikova   
[ On Extended Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Jana Claire Kasikova
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Chief Science Officer [Reserved]
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 7”
Weight   130 lbs.
Eye Color   Greyish Green
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Jana is average height and build for an Eastern European woman. She has dark brown hair that reached halfway down her back and grey-green eyes. She has a crescent moon tattoo laced with flowers on her left shoulder which she likes to show off when off duty. Off duty Jana will most likely be seen wearing a black tanktop, her favourite form fitting jeans and her FMBs.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Jana is strong and stubborn. She likes to have things done her way or not at all. She has clashed with her crewmates when things haven't been done her way. She has no problem letting people know what she thinks (whether the people are her superior officers or not). She has almost a betazoid like ability to read how people are feeling.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Jana can think three dimensionally which enables her to think through any situation whether it be when she is out in the field working or in her lab working. Her short temper has often caused problems in the past...especially with a certain Klingon that shall remain nameless.
Jana wants to fall in love and start a family.

Jana wants to make a discovery of an ancient civilization
Hobbies & Interests
Ancient Earth History, Klingon Martial Arts, Anthropology and Archaeology, Horseback riding (western), playing the flute.
Languages   Czech, English, Russian, French, Klingon
Father   Roman Kasik -MIA
Mother   Marcella Kasikova
Sister(s)   Claire Mackenzie (adopted)
Other Family  
At an early age Jana displayed an uncanny ablity too "feel" her way through a dig site, by 16 Jana was the youngest ever admitted to Oxford University where she would specialize in archaeology and anthropolgy. After graduating Jana joined Starfleet Science Corps. While Jana excelled in her studies she found herself unchallenged and signed up for entry level command training. Jana's previous education combined with the much needed challenge put her at the top of her class.

The newly minted lieutenant got her first assignment serving at the Mars Colony, finding the duties tedious and menial she still preformed her duties well and this attracted the attention of the chief science officer of the USS Chandler. Jana's arrival on the Chandler proved to be her first real challenge since Starfleet Academy. She balanced her work on the ship and lab with working out on dig sites. It was during what was supposed to be a routine survey mission that Jana's true nature would make her career in starfleet.

USS Chandler was on a survey of a mutara type nebula when a still unexplained static discharge from the nebula caused an explosion crippling the ship. Jana who was on the bridge at the moment of the explosion was forced to make her first command decisions. Realizing that the possiblity that the captain was unable to be on the bridge during this crisis Jana took command and quickly took heroic measures to save her shipmates. Her actions lead to a promotion to Lieutenant JG.

Ultimately her time on the Chandler was cut short due to the war with the Cardassian/Dominion. Jana was one of the few survivors of the final brutal assault on Cardassia prime. The battle still scars her sleepless nights and makes her life difficult.


Service Record
Oxford University: Degrees in Archaeology and Anthropology

Starfleet Academy: Science Corps , Command training, Stellar Cartography, Linguistics, Botany

Mars Colony: Mars Colony Archaeology cataloguing

USS Chandler:Mutra Nebula Crisis Comendation and promotion to Lt JG.
Dominion war Commendations
Commendation for Valour under fire
Promotion for Outstanding leadership during a Crisis

USS Alberta: Promoted to Assistant Chief Science Officer

Current Assignment:

Deep Space Five - Chief Science Officer


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