Lieutenant JG Malak Muz   

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Character Information
Name   Malak Tyril Muz
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Wing Executive Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Trill - Joined
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   180 lbs.
Eye Color   Grey
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   The man's unkempt hair is raven black hair is generally unkempt, and almost has a shine to it. He has soft grey eyes that accentuate his face overall. His high cheek bones lead to his jaw line which is somewhat sculpted. His shoulders are broad and lean. They lead down to down to a stomache with only the faintest hint of a bulge. His frame is even and shows semi defined arms and legs. The man comes off as somewhat unimposing however.

He is wearing a black long-sleeved zipper jacket that covers the majority of a Crimson Red turtleneck shirt. A compin rests just below that bottom of the jacket's light grey yoke that comes up to a point at the top of the sleeves. Near the cuffs of the sleeves is a nrrow namd of Crimson Red cloth. The bottom of the jacket is elasticized and hugs his waist gently. Attached to the right side of the turtleneck is a yellow button (*). The trim black pants cover the majority of a well-polished pair of black boots.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Fire and Ice. Malak has been called both and it is something that truly defines him. In public, he generally takes things very lightly when off duty. The man is flamboyant - boyish - and enjoys having fun. He makes his life about enjoying what he can, while he can. This is something that is embraced by other counterparts. The life of Star Fighter pilots can be brief. It only takes one lucky shot, or one wrong move - and you're gone.

All of this is either apart of his dual nature or to hide the other part of him. Malak can be very somber. You can see the change in him instantly. As a joined trill, he has seen three wars. He has served in all kinds of positions. The star fighter pilot and military officer can plainly be seen during missions and briefings. It is an oddity to his fellow and somethign in his past.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Confidence, Ability, determination, and experience. When you have lived 10 lifetimes, you get to know a few things. Malak knows alot, he knows quite a bit. He can remember the expanse of the formation of the federation. This all culminates with the natural ability of the host. He is an able officer and extremely well confident.

Weaknesses: When you have lived 10 lifetimes, you become old. Malak can't help but be brought somewhat down by the experience and losses of his trill host Amuz. It can make him somber at times. The man is also a starfighter pilot - he likes women. He can also take the loss of life personally, it is something he keeps to himself but the loss of others is detrimental to him.
He has alot of Ambitions.. Who doesn't?

A family - even if he does enjoy being around different women, one day it would be nice to settle down.

Command - he does want to be able to command one of the big ships. Not the slow Galaxy class starships, not even Soveriegns. Why would you want something so slow? No No.. Defiant class or Intrepid Class for him.

To continue the legacy of Amuz: Amuz has been a general, an artist, a botanist, and other things. Malak wants to ensure he continues that proud line.
Hobbies & Interests
domjot - Hey, you need to look like your reading sometimes..

Qanar - loves the stuff!

Dominion Wars Strategist - He loves to relive the dominion battles (he was in some).. It hones his abilities and helps him remember what people died for.

Raquetball - Both Bajoran and Federation Style

Women - catching a theme through out this bio? :)

Languages   Trill, Terran, Vulcan, Jem'hadar, Romulan (all of these based on his lifetimes, removeable)
Father   Taolo Anuk
Mother   Lauren Anuk
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   Seria Anuk
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Aunt - Jara Serin
The History of the symbiont, Muz, could take pages upon pages to go through. The history of Malak Anuk is far less. Malak was born on trill with his sister Seria. His family was fairly wealthy and well to do. As a small child, Malak showed a strong predeliction for understanding and enjoying mathematics. He excelled at it. It was something that came naturally to him. This opened a whole world of sciences to the young man. As he grew, he found that he was more and more welcome into the initate program to be joined. He studied hard, and was dedicated to being joined. It was one of the prides of trill. As his understanding and love of Mathematics continued, he was more and more challenged. He found this love helped him into flying.. What was flying but Mathematics?

Being joined was one of the best days of his life. He had sacrificed alot, even family ties. His family was there though, when he arrived as Malak Muz. With the joining of the Trill, he decided to apply for starfleet. He found that he was easily accepted into the Helmsman and even Starfighter Corp. Whether for better or wose, he joined earlier then alot of students due to his prestige. This gave him a few years before the Dominion War.. Something that would leave a scar on himself and anyone else he met.


Service Record
* Joined Starfleet Early due to Trill Join Program and high marks.

* Accepted into the Star Fighter Corp.

* Cadet Cruise aboard the USS Armez as Helmsman.

* Graduated Thrid of his class with excellent marks and several professor recommendations.

* Assigned to Space Dock 001 - Earth Defense Squadron as Number 4.

* Reassigned to USS Clestia (Akira Class), Helmsman and Starfighter Support

* Served in 'Operation Return' (

* Reassigned to Betazed Defense fleet

* Shot down at the battle of Betazed (

* Smuggled out by Betazoid Underground

* Given two months of leave to cope with the losses took at Betazoid.

* Reassigned back at Spacedock 001 - Earth Defense Force.

* Succesful repelled Breen Attack

** Commendation given for valor during the face of adversity.

* Assigned to USS Jeronoma (Galaxy Class)

* Served in Battle of Cardassia

* Reassigned to Deep Space 5 in post war.


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