Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley   

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Character Information
Name   Jonathan Samuel Riley
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Security Investigations Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 6”
Weight   215 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Light Brown
Physical Description   Medium length kinky curly hair. The 29 year old human has deep blue eyes hidden under a thick stern brow. A bit overweight but it has not been so long since his last exercise regiment that he would be lost in a fight. His round face and serious look can crack instantly into a brilliant smile that would break an awkward silence brought on by even the hardest Klingons.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
A mostly serious person, Jonathan doesn't open up easily. He enjoys a quiet game of poker with what few friends he has. Sometimes misses the peace and quiet living in small town Ireland brought.
Does enjoy singing and laughing after a few pints in the local pub.

Favorite Holodeck program: Roman Army vs Germanic Tribes, enjoys war simulations. Has picked up a liking to Klingon Blood wine fighting alongside Klingon warriors in the Dominion War. He learned to respect their warrior philosophy. His brusque demeanor bodes well around Klingons and he typically gets along well with them.

Jonathan has a dislike of Cardassians and Breen since his service in the great war, it doesn't take much to snap at a person from these species.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Extremely Adept with mechanical devices. Horrible piloting skills. Tends to act before thinking. Incredibly congenial. Dislikes Cardassians in general.
Unsure of his career path. Recently shifted to Security and currently getting his feet wet with the department.
Hobbies & Interests
Darts, Drinking, Poker. Enjoys historical battle recreations on the Holodeck.
Languages   English, Klingon
Father   William Riley (Earth, Ireland)
Mother   Catherine Riley (Deceased)
Brother(s)   Matthew Riley (Missing, Presumed Deceased)
Other Family   None Known
Born in a small farming town in south-western Ireland, Jonathan Samuel Riley had a rather harsh upbringing. A farming family, Jonathan's dad had shrugged off most technology. They had some of the luxuries of the 24th century, but it was never a close focus. Jon learned to read and write on paper instead of a PADD. His mother, Catherine, who unlike her husband had a love of computers and technology, even home schooled Jon. She helped Jonathan learn how to use some modern technology and he became obsessed with it.

Jonathan was always heading into town and to neighbour’s to play with a computer or any gadget he could get his hands on.
When Jon was 7, his mother died due to complications while giving birth to Jon's brother Matthew, she might have been saved had they any communicators. She died while Jon ran to the neighbour’s farm to ask for help. Their father William was left to raise two boys on his own.

He was a hard man, who was accustomed to letting their mother give the tenderness a child needs. Jon's father didn't believe in children playing or laughing, it was either study, work or sleep. William continued with the boy's studies and always made it a priority. He knew that a farmers life was not what his late wife wanted for them. He decided that the boy's should go to college and worked hard to prepare them. Finally At age 14 Jonathan attended high school in town. His first time in a real school it was difficult to make friends. His father's harsh ways had pushed him and his brother close and they leaned on each other for emotional support. As the older brother Jonathan always watched out for Matthew, often getting into fights when other children picked on him. He did take well to his new studies.

Finishing first in the school science fair his first year when he built his own replicator. It made a few food dishes though they were quite intolerable.

When Jonathan graduated high school he moved to London to attend Imperial College for engineering. His father was proud and his brother was doing well in school also. Jonathan picked up a penchant for pubs and pints to a point where, had he not reeled himself back in, might not have survived his college career.

After Jon graduated he went into civil engineering testing sensors and deflector technologies for ships and stations. He enjoyed his career, he even made a few friends at his job and had a regular poker night. Jonathan's brother was doing well in college and graduated with his degree in seismology.

The galaxy was wide open with opportunity and Matthew found himself studying tectonic plate shifts on the sea floor of Vulcan. Bajor, having only a few years ago shrugged off the oppression of Cardassian rule, was experiencing earthquakes of devastating scale. Matthew's research team was asked to come investigate and see if they could help stabilize the affected regions. Matthew's transport ship never made it to Bajor. At the beginning of the Cardassian/Dominion alliance, Dominion ships had little regard for alpha quadrant rules and regulations. Accused of storing military supplies and smuggling them to the badlands, a Cardassian/Jem'Hedar patrol party destroyed the ship Matthew was on. His entire research team was killed.
When word reached Jonathan, he nearly lost his mind. His brother and he were very close and it was a huge loss to him. Determined to avenge his brother, Jon immediately enlisted in the Starfleet Marines. William Riley asked Jonathan to come home, take time to mourn his brother. Jonathan couldn't understand why his father chose now to show tenderness. He had never gotten along very well with his father, but they were speaking before this. He cursed his father and hasn't spoken with him since.

He had a rough time at first in basic training. He felt like his drill instructors were like his father all over again. He often talked back and was reprimanded. After some time he conformed and obeyed. He was determined despite his dislike of authority figures, he would avenge his brother, killing as many 'Cardies' as he could. Once he began to listen to his instructors he became quite good at weapons and combat sensors. His instructor noted this and recommended him for some additional combat engineer training. He completed it with flying colours he learned many new tactics specific for combat engineers. He enjoyed reading about great battles and trying to adapt them to modern day scenarios. He became a true warrior.

When Jon was deployed he constantly volunteered for the most dangerous missions. There was always need for a capable combat engineer. Jonathan found he had a knack for combat, deploying devastating turrets and defensive sensor arrays. He even applied the Picard Maneouver to ground combat putting sensor ghosts surrounding the enemy and his squad had no trouble decimating the 'Cardies'. He fought some battles alongside Klingon Shock Troopers. He found their war songs and drinking amusing, but when the horn of battle was blown, there were no fiercer combatants and he felt honoured to fight alongside them.
On Betazed, Jonathan met the Jem'Hedar for the first time. His sensor tactics and turrets were near useless against their technology. A cloaked squad of 12 Jem'Hedar knocked out his entire platoon of 40. Jonathan lay bleeding on the war torn fields of Betazed, surrounded by his fallen squad-mates. He waited for death, though it would not come. Two civilians pulled Jonathan back to their shelter and managed to stabilize his wounds. A local doctor had to amputate his left leg below the knee. Without proper medical facilities he was unable to heal it. He hid with the Betazed family for almost a full year. Once the occupation ended he was able to rejoin the fleet, though not for combat.
Jon sat the rest of the War in a Starfleet medical centre. He cursed his own life while he fought off images of fallen comrades and his baby brother. 'Tell Dad I'll pick him up some potatoes from Bajor, I hear their twice as big as the ones back home. Can't wait to see you when I get back!' The PADD played over and over the last message Matthew sent him before the war. That was years ago when he died, at the beginning of the whole war. He felt broken, he had known nothing but hatred and disgust for his enemies. He had used them as a way to hide from his sadness, his feeling of loss, the emptiness. He saw a councillor regularly and she taught him that he shouldn't feel guilty, not at the loss of his squad mates or his brother. He wasn't to blame. It took him a long time to realize that. The councillor even helped Jon reconcile that his father wasn't to blame for Matthew's death. He finally started to forgive himself.
He met a fellow Jar-head who shared his penchant for poker and began to unwind a bit. Sgt. Nortosh made him laugh again, having a friend helped a lot to heal his heart. Just like his heart, his body wouldn't heal easily either.
Jon ended up with a replacement leg below his left knee. It took him some time to learn to use it without crutches. Learning to use it kept him in recuperative therapy for some time. Total after the war, Jon had spent more then 2 years in Starfleet medical.

Finally discharged from the hospital Jonathan was ready for his next mission, but Starfleet had other ideas. The fleet had decided to reduce the number of marines and concentrate on restoring their fleet to full strength. Jonathan was released from duty in the Starfleet Marines. He was given the option of re-enlisting into Starfleet or return to his civilian engineering group on Mars. He couldn't go back home now, so close to his father. He feared that his father hadn't forgiven him. He decided to go back into Starfleet. Now 29 years old he needed to think about his long term goals.

He found that the engineering school he attended at Starfleet was very exciting. He enjoyed working with the more advanced systems a civilian engineer never got access to. He felt he had finally found his calling, when given a few choices for ships to work aboard Jon asked if there were any star-bases. He had been in a star-base when he was in Starfleet medicals' care. He truly enjoyed the clash of cultures and personalities. Though he would never look kindly on a Cardassian he decided to apply anyways to Deep Space 5. A newer station built under the same name as its predecessor, it had some wonderful technology that Jon had never seen before. Burst fire Torpedo launchers, Holographic Defence platforms, Ablative Armour. ~ How Exciting! ~ He thought.

Currently undergoing training as Security Officer with a promotion to Ensign: Deep Space Five.


Service Record
Civilian Imperial College for Engineering
Civil Engineer, Tycho, Earth's Moon
Combat Engineer, Federation Marine Corps
Engineer Academy, Starfleet Academy Annex, Betazed
Security Officer, Deep Space Five
Security Investigations Officer, Deep Space Five


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