Commander Leksi Nayron   

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Character Information
Name   Leksi Ven Nayron
Rank   Commander
Gender   Female
Species   El-Aurian
Age   115
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   150 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Leksi is very tall and slender, with long brown hair. Her eyes are green, and very piercing. She has a very focused gaze and walks with a step that indicates she has walked many paths in her life. She walks with a well developed posture, and has an almost-military attitude to uniforms.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Leksi follows the trend set by the rest of her race, in that she is a very good listener. She has a quiet, polite nature that makes her easy to open up to. She does have a temper, which is kept down below her obvious outward calmness. She is quick with an order, and even quicker to act if she feels the task isnt being carried out as well as it could be.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Sharpness with orders
Very good Listener

Sometimes can be sharp if her orders arent carried out
To learn as many stories as possible, and to one day have a family of her own.

She enjoys Command, so opportunities for that are always sought after by her.
Hobbies & Interests
Reading (Old Earth Literature), 20th Century Earth Fashion, fencing, Listening
Languages   Federation Standard, Vulcan, Klingon, Various Earth Languages
Father   Nemoris Nayron
Mother   Ven Dernos Nayron
Brother(s)   Kernos Nayron (Oldest), Ranomar Nayron (Older)
Sister(s)   None
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Grandfather: Bertul Dernos Con Nayron
Leksi Ven Nayron was born in the year 2270 to El-Aurian parents on the Federation Colony at Alpha Centauri. Her parents had settled there after many (many, many) years on the move, in order to raise their children. Leksi and her two brothers grew up among the thousands of different species and cultures that inhabited the Colony, giving her the first taste of a multicultured life.

Her parents were middle-aged by El-Aurian standards when she was born, and as such she heard a wealth of stories from every corner of the quadrant as bedtime stories in her youth. In her youth, she showed much promise in her education but usually didn't live up to academic standards. She preferred to spend her time exploring the Colony, meeting new people and taking in the sights. She sought a life of understanding, rather than a life of grades. She observed the ways and traits of the various species; how a Klingon spoke, how a human handled bad news (for she lived near a market-place) and so on.

At age 20, she had finished her basic education and was at a crossroads. Her brothers had left home years before (being 5 and 10 years older than her). Kernos, the oldest, had joined Starfleet and passed through Starfleet Academy. Ranomar, her other (more easygoing) brother, had left to travel the stars in search of himself. She decided to travel the Federation, having always wanted to visit earth. She spent the next seven years of her life on earth, most notably in the European city of Berlin, where she studied Ancient Earth History.

At age 27, she once again went on the move, this time to Starfleet Academy. Her years of study had broadened her horizons, prompting her to change her course of action. She had heard about the virtues of Starfleet, and the possibility of travel that it brought with it. Thus, she enlisted in the academy in 2297, coming out in 2301 near the top of her class at age 31. She was assigned to the USS Manitoba as a Flight Control Officer. Ensign Nayron performed her duties well, rising to the position of Chief Flight Control Officer in 2307, at age 37.

Leksi left Starfleet after five more years on the USS Manitoba. Her time in the fleet had left its mark on her, but it was time for her to move in. It was in 2312, while on a Starbase near Betazed, that she became fully aware of the realm of trading. Of course, it was common knowlege for everyone who travelled the stars, but she had never actually paid it any great attention. On the Starbase, there was a Freight Company called 'Bennings and Newton'. Owned by a pair of human businessmen, it operated on the trade run from Betazed to Earth.

She signed up to the Company's Fleet, citing her Starfleet service as a basis. She was assigned to Captain a small freighter, which was part of the Company's 'Convoy Delta'. She worked on the Convoy for years, rising up through the ranks of the Company, eventually coming to Command Convoy Delta.

After 25 years in Bennings and Newton, she left the Company in 2337, upon the death of Mr Bennings. The Company was sold on, and Leksi didn't want to serve without her Commanders. She went back home to Alpha Centauri Colony, to spend some time with her family. Her parents welcomed her home with open arms. She volunteered to work for a small shipping company that ran between the two Centauri colonies, Alpha and Proxima. It was nothing like the shipping lanes between earth and Betazed, but it allowed her to remain at home while she worked.

She served for 30 years in the Company, 'K'Tragh Shipping and Trade'. Her Klingon boss was a kind man, by Klingon standards, and the two developed a relationship. It never progressed beyond friendship, but it remained a close friendship. In 2367, Leksi was approached by a large shipping Company, 'V Transport' to head their long-distance division. The company underwent a shift in management in 2375, which lead to much corruption within the management. She did not care for dishonesty, so she left and returned to the Colony, where she spent the next 10 years volunteering in the school that had been so good to her, all those years ago.


Service Record
Born 2270
2290 - 2297 University of Berlin, Earth.
2297 - 2231 Starfleet Academy
2301 - 2307 Flight Control Officer/Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Manitoba
2312 - 2337 Commander, Delta Long Range Convoy Service, Bennings and Newton Shipping
2337 - 2367 Head Pilot/Convoy Leader, K'Tragh Shipping and Trade
2367 - 2375 Commander, Long Distance Shipping Division, V Transport
2375 - 2385 Teacher, Charles Tucker III Elementary and High School, Alpha Centauri Colony


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