(G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek   

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Character Information
Name   Arrienye ir-Elehu t'Merek
Rank   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant
Position   Head of Security
Gender   Female
Species   Rihannsu (1/16 Vulcan)
Age   36
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   125 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Arrienye is a tall and slender woman, with a peculiarly pretty face. Her dominant facial feature is her eyes, which are a bright azure blue. She keeps her hair long, kept in tight, out of the way, hairdos when on and off duty.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Not a social person by nature, Arrienye has been known to go out with certain types of people, mostly her own kin, occasionally. She is brutally honest to those around her she deems unworthy of flattery and is not one to hold her opinions to herself. A soldier through and through, she often comes across as cold and rather conservative, coming from a very traditional upbringing. In the company of those close to her, she does act more relaxed than usual.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Self Control
+ Physical fitness
+ Intelligence
+ Loyalty
+ Honesty
+ Discipline

- Lack of subtlety
- Introvert
- Lack of knowledge of other species

To establish herself as a great officer of the Empire.
Hobbies & Interests
- Martial arts training
- Meditation
- Chess (taught by her great great grandfather)
Languages   Rihannsu (fluent), Federation standard (with an accent), Reman (intermediate)
Father   Senator R'Kal tr'Merek
Mother   khre'Enriov Mnheia t'Merek
Brother(s)   none
Sister(s)   none
Spouse   none
Children   none
Other Family   Great Great Grandfather - Sarrel - Physician;Deceised

Arrienye t'Merek was first brought into public records by her family early October of 2354, according to the Terran calendar. Her primary and secondary education was seen to by her House through a private tutor.

At the age of 16, as is appropriate in her family, Arrienye concluded her secondary education and began serving Serona. This was served for the next five years at the local military base on the Northern continent.

At 21, she applied for the War College and was promptly accepted due to her exemplary education record and perfect score on the entrance physical fitness and aptitude test.

During her third year, t'Merek applied for a specialty in Weapons Engineering and Research, but was rejected, as her performance on the specialty test in that subject was insufficient. Instead, she applied and was accepted into the Internal Security and Assault tactics division. She graduated in the top 15% of her class.

t'Merek had served her first year on board the IRW Rhian when the Romulan Star Empire declared war on the Dominion. The Rhian was one of the many ships that attacked in the first wave, destroying two Dominion bases.

During the remainder of the war, the ship Arrienye served on was involved in several small scale conflicts with Dominion ships.

As the war finished, Arrienye was promoted to the rank of Erien for exemplary performance of her duties during the war.

Two years later, she was promoted once more, this time to the rank of erie'Arrain after the discovery and neutralization of an internal threat. With that, she was transferred to the IRW Talla to take the position of Chief of Internal Security.

Less than four years after this, during a conflict on a newly colonized planet, Arrienye conducted the rescue mission for a squad of Gai'Shian officers. Despite claims that the squadron leader was most likely dead, under the threat of being killed, Arrienye decided to use her initiative in following the order to bring every officer back. She sent her team back to the ship with the rescued officers and went back into the enemy zone to find and bring back the squadron leader, who turned out to still be alive and being tortured for information.

She was successful and once returning to her ship, she received a medal for bravery for her actions, as well as a promotion to Arrain and the position of First officer on the IRW Mularr.

She served on the Mularr for less than 18 months before being transferred out of Rihannsu territory and to the Diplomatic Corps. She was assigned to the Romulan Consulate on the Federation base Deep Space Five, as diplomatic aide to Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae.


Arrienye was born into the Merek house in the winter of 2349 and was written into the family records after passing D'Sora at age five. She was the first female child born into the Merek bloodline in four generations.

From the age of five, as was tradition in her family, Arrienye was trained both physically and mentally by various tutors to prepare her for the future. She, as well as a few of her same-generation cousins all went through their primary and secondary studies together under the tutelage of the same professors in their home.


Service Record
2349 - Born
2349-2365 - Went through her primary and secondary education
2365 - 2370 - Mandatory military service (Serona)
2370 - 2373 - Attended War College
2373 - 2374 - Served on IRW Rhian, rank - Uhlan
2376 - promoted to Erien
2378 - promoted to erie'Arrain, transferred to IRW Talla as Chief of internal security
2381 - promoted to Arrain; received medal for bravery
2384 - became First officer (Rhaetelh'Saehne) of IRW Mularr
2385 - transferred to Diplomatic Corps; positioned as Diplomatic Aide on DS5


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