Ensign Addison Falkland   
[ On Extended Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Addison Mira Falkland
Rank   Ensign
Position   Alien Affairs Diplomat
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   30
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   130 lbs.
Eye Color   blue
Hair Color   blonde
Physical Description   Tall, slender, toned, physically fit, curly blonde hair, ivory skin, sharp cheekbones, straight nose and full lips. A very beautiful woman but discreet and not showy about it.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Addison is quiet person, an introvert, though her training through the Diplomatic Corps has enabled her to become somewhat of an extrovert. She enjoys large gatherings, is a very friendly person, and will go out of her way to make someone feel welcome, mostly minority races. She has a photographic and numerical memory, enabling her to remember faces, dates, numbers, events as if they just happened or as if she just met them.

On a negative aspect, her photographic memory will not allow her to forget negative experiences and so she carries those around as extra "baggage". She can be somewhat controlling and if she can't control people or things around her she gets flustered, overwhelmed and nervous. She gives her opinion, be it negative or positive if someone asks and won't hide the truth. Not everyone likes or appreciates her honesty.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Photographic and numerical memory, friendly, honest, open-minded, her repertoire of languages
Weaknesses: Photographic memory, controlling, honest, open-minded, opinionated.
Is working towards becoming an Ambassador for the Federation.
Hobbies & Interests
Chess, languages, music, reading.
Languages   Federation Standard, French, Bajoran, Vulcan, Romulan, Klingon, Latin, Swedish, Finnish, Dutch
Father   Hugo Falkland
Mother   Mira Falkland
Brother(s)   none
Sister(s)   Anabel Falkland(25)
Spouse   none
Children   none
Other Family   none in Starfleet
~Early Years~

Addison was born near Stockholm, Sweden in 2357, the oldest daughter of two archaeologists. Shortly after her first birthday, her parents returned to their chosen professions and traveled the galaxy in search of alien artifacts. On a dig on their home world of Earth, when Addy was seven and Anabel was two, Addy wandered too near a cliff face and tumbled off, rendering her comatose. When she woke up weeks later, her parents decided to put both their careers on hold and took leave to raise their daughters in Stockholm until both were old enough. Shortly after waking up, they discovered that the trauma she experienced had given her a unique mind and memory. From then on, Addison remembered everything.

~Middle Years~
This had both advantages and disadvantages. Her former friends and class-mates saw her as someone to be avoided, but it also enabled her to graduate high-school two years early. As her parents were scientists, it was thought she would become an archaeologist too but she witnessed first-hand how minority races were still treated differently and decided she would become an advocate and set a goal of joining Starfleet's Diplomatic Corps. When she enrolled at the Academy at 17, she would become the first member of her family in generations to join Starfleet and become an officer. Anabel would go on to join her parents' profession.

~Starfleet Academy and Beyond~
Addison majored in Exopsychology and psychology and minored in Archaeology. At the Academy, she experienced something she hadn't since before her accident. She found that other students and teachers were more accepting of her unusual nature and even met some who also had a photographic memory like hers. She excelled in all her classes and graduated near the top of her class, at age 22.

After graduation, she went straight to work for the diplomatic corps, first as an attache on a diplomatic vessel for the first two years, then as an Ambassador's aide for the next three, then oversaw several "goodwill" missions to planets interested in membership in the Federation the last three years. Returning from her last diplomatic mission, she applied for a position on Deep Space Five.


Service Record
2357-Born near Stockholm, Sweden
2373-graduates high school
2374-applies to Starfleet Academy
2379-graduates Academy with major in exopsychology and psychology, minor in archaeology
2380-82-Diplomatic Attache
2382-84-Ambassador's aide
2384-87-oversees several goodwill missions for the Federation
2387-applies to Deep Space Five


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