History of the Starbase Deep Space 5

Along the edges of explored Federation space, Deep Space Five lies straight on from Sol to the Galactic Core. The first defence and the first to fall when the Borg invaded Sector 001 in 2373, DS5 was utterly destroyed. A new station was built and is now open to all once more.

The Celestial class design is based on the Stardock II class. DS5 has 1250 decks with a current Starfleet personnel complement of 56,000. Along with an average of 40,000 civilians and diplomatic personnel as well as approximately 3,500 more transient Starfleet personnel, the station is comparable to a large city.

DS5 hosts a state of the art Border Research Institute, the Dyson Repair Yards, and some of the Federation's most up to date diplomatic facilities.

The Dyson Repair Yard is where refit and repairs are completed on any imaginable Starfleet ships with the expertise of the Starfleet crews bringing centuries of experience together. Interior bays house the majority of the ships at DS5. Pumping in atmosphere and holding the ships up by forcefields allows the crews to work in relative comfort on both the interior and exterior of the ships.

At Border Research Institute, the medical research conducted is on par with the Daystrom Institute. Many of the top graduates of the quadrant's elite universities choose to study here under the auspices of the Research Institute. Cutting edge medical biology and technology are the sought after currency at the Institute.

Where darkness meets light. Where chaos meets order. Where civilization meets barbarism. Once more, the Federation opens the door on a new era of exploration... after the Borg, after the Dominion. We are the crew of Deep Space Five, sworn to protect the ideals and the citizens of the Federation. The last bastion of defence...