Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis   
[ On Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Juliet Regan Dallis
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Squadron Pilot
Gender   Female
Species   Human / Betazoid
Age   26
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 8”
Weight   145 lbs.
Eye Color   Ebony
Hair Color   Dark
Physical Description   Juliet is of average height with a medium build which she maintains through the use of several martial arts in her free time. She is a striking woman with burnished chestnut hair which has ebony marbled throughout the cascade of mid-length hair. This is further accented by her raven orbs which communicate intelligence and warmth.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Considered bright and ambitious, Juliet has worked tirelessly to strive for high marks throughout her life. She can be quiet and withdrawn though at times and it can be seen as being aloft. Due to her Father's Betazoid heritage she does have a slight sensitivity which she has channeled into her piloting skills.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Can be very focused, puts her all into her job, ambitious, loves to gamble(to a fault) She can be quite emotional but she tries very hard to keep that in check.
Wishes to eventually attain rank of Starfighter Wing Executive Officer
Hobbies & Interests
Horseback riding, Blackjack, Archery, Climbing, Classic Movies and playing in the Holosuites.
Languages   Klingon,Bajoran, Cardassian
Father   Riel Dallis
Mother   Sorcha Carlyle
Brother(s)   Tagan Dallis
Sister(s)   Paige Dallis
Spouse   n/a
Children   n/a
Other Family  
Born to Riel Dalis, a Starfleet Liaison to Betazoid and Sorcha Carlyle, a medic, while they were both assigned to the USS Kelder. Juliet joined a older brother and a middle sister.

Precocious and constantly curious, the young girl found herself, once she was old enough, searching the ship where she eventually found the flight deck. There she fell in love with the idea of being a pilot. The star-struck girl befriended several of the pilots and she began to pick up things about the ships which they flew and by the time she was 16 she was quite knowledgeable.

Several times her parents allowed her to indulge and fly with the pilots on training cruises but she wanted more and she knew what she needed to do to get that. Upon reaching 18 she enrolled in the Academy. During her time there Juliet studied hard and played harder, she was determined to become a pilot and she knew how much work it was going to take. She didn't let that detour her.

While attending the Academy Juliet learned quickly and soon was expanding her flight experience learning how to fly shuttles, as well as Peregrin, Valkyrie and Raptor Class Fighters.

Her first assignment was as a shuttle pilot on the USS Bannon under Captain Lucas Dawner. She spent 2 years there and earned quite a name for herself in that time. Shortly before she was due for reassignment the shuttle she was had been targeted by a Cardassian Legate, his target was a diplomat she was flying back and forth. With barely enough time and before she lost consciousness, she managed to safely land the shuttle on the Bannon. Unfortunately the damage was done and the diplomat was struck by debris from the explosion. Despite all efforts he would die. She was awarded for this but she never felt like she had earned it. It would also be at this time that she was promoted to Lieutenant JG.

The USS Harrier, under Captain Jacob Tiven, allowed the young woman to join a fighter wing for the first time. She also finally was able to fly a Valkyrie class ship full time. She embraced this new opportunity and she made the most of her time on her new assignment. She started in Charlie Wing and in time she was promoted to Delta Wing. This was also the place where she gained a penchant for gambling, dom-jot and blackjack were her favorites.

Her most recent assignment was on the USS Cerulean, under the command of Captain Paul Greco, on this Intrepid class ship, Juliet gained even more experience as she used several different types of ships. The ship was tasked several wings, one Peregrin, and two Raptor. After the ship took some serious hits near the Klingon border she was reassigned.


Service Record
Callsign: Radar
StarFleet Academy (4 years
Promoted to Ensign
USS Bannon, Akira Class, Shuttle Pilot (2 years
Promoted to Lieutenant JG
USS Harrier, Prometheus Attack Frigate, Delta Wing, Pilot (3 years
USS Cerulean, Intrepid Class, Echo Wing ,Pilot (1 years


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