Arrival Kaia   

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Character Information
Name   Kaia
Rank   Arrival
Position   Store Owner
Gender   Female
Species   Trill
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   140 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Lithe and obviously very athletic. Not overly muscled, but very well toned. She has short dark hair cut about ear length and normally has it tied back with a bandana. On an average day, she can be found wearing a black tank top and baggy camouflage pants covered from hip to ankle in pockets in addition to having a tool belt of some kind hanging around her waist and a personal comm unit hooked around her ear. Her distinctive trillian spots are somewhat finer than average, though still very prominent.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Generally relaxed and somewhat slow to anger. Kaia has been seen to exhibit a wide variety of behavior in stressfull situations ranging from grim irascibility to stoic determination to aloofness. Expresses mild agoraphobia and, though not anti-social, seems to take an extraordinary amount of time to form relations closer than basic acquaintances.

Her professionalism is unquestionable, however, and in the past has even treated her coworkers better than her friends. Often puts her sense of responsibility above that of her well-being or, even more, the well being of others. She isn't big on rules and regulations, but is a stickler for competency; anything goes so long as it works.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Takes to technology like a fish to water, though this is more in the repair and modification aspect than the operative aspect. This is most prominent in the area of spacecraft. While she illustrates comprehension of ships' systems, she is incredibly uncouth in the cockpit and shows a great degree of discomfort when she is piloting a spacecraft manually (as do any passengers she may be transporting).

While being more than competent with small arms and hand to hand, Her combat style generally involves giving her opponent an opening in order to counter with a significantly more devastating strike. While it tends to be highly effective in unarmed combat, the tactic of leaving an opening in armed melee combat is generally bad.
Kaia has been attempting to grow her business, but tends to easily get sidetracked.
Hobbies & Interests
In stark contrast to the relatively mellow lifestyle of a xenoarchaeologist, with a few exceptions, her hobbies tend to range from violent to ultra-violent. Her holosuite program collection includes a wide range of combat simulations and historic battles, ancient, modern, and fictional. Still, this fact does not prevent her from partaking in numerous historic battle sims every month.

The exceptions to the rule are gymnastics and chess. She regulary runs through gymnastics routines to maintain strength, flexibility, and cardio-aerobic health. She is often in possession of an e-ponent single player holographic chess game, though she has yet to ever actually be seen playing it.
Languages   Terran Imperial standard, Alliance Klingon, Alliance Cardassian, Ferengi, Bajoran, Romulan, Trill
Father   Unknown
Mother   Unknown
Brother(s)   None known
Sister(s)   None known
Spouse   None known
Children   None known
Other Family   None known
There are no records of Kaia nor her whereabouts prior to 2380.


Service Record
First recorded appearance of Kaia was at the ithaca class STARBASE 11 in mid 2380. She arrived at the starbase in possession of the personal shuttlecraft of one Dr. Taravin. She had documentation of the transfer of the deed and title to the Xenogy Survey Services company along with all associates materials from Taravin to her name. Dr. Taravin himself has not been seen since that time.

Though it took time for the new management to get XSS off the ground, Kaia met a benefactor, an El Aurian by the name of Haldamir, who helped her get things running. The two jointly operated XSS and took part in a number of discoveries in the local region. Publications regarding the results of those surveys are still pending. Unfortunately, in late 2380 a terrorist attack on the station and the obliteration of a nearby colony resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilians prompted the relocation and redistribution of company resources.

The next record of Kaia comes from crew accounts from the Akira class USS NAGASAKI indicating that she was involved in a crew transfer from the USS CERBERUS, which had gone missing.

Customs records show that Kaia stopped for a brief refit at STARBASE PROTECTOR in early 2381, but did not stay for very long.

The latest office of XSS was opened on Stardock OBSIDIAN COMMAND later that year. Within a week of her arrival, Sedran political activists destroyed 20% of the station resulting in a multitude of casualties. The resulting political mayhem, structural retooling, and security investigation, as well as the decommisioning of the starbase, prompted Kaia to arrange for the XSS office to be relocated to the Celestial class DEEP SPACE FIVE.

Additional: Her associate Haldamir Narmolanya temporarily moved to Sarbase 60 to open a branch office of XSS, where upon shortly after his arrival the station was attacked by terrorists. That branch has since closed, and Haldamir's whereabouts are unknown.


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