Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester   

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Character Information
Name   Jackson Robert Jester
Rank   Master Chief Warrant Officer
Position   Chief of the Boat
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   31
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   200 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Dirty Blonde
Physical Description   Standing a slightly tall 6'2, Jackson is a toned, and defined man. He is in excellent physical condition, and through the process of many fights, has multiple scars along his body, most noticeably one running from his left shoulder, right below his neck, down across his chest to his abdomen. Jackson's eyes are a vibrant, bright green, his hair is a dark blond. His most distinguishing facial feature is often his smile, mostly being the turning point in first impressions.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Jackson, to his inferiors, is stern and straightforward. He treats them with the respect he expects for himself, however demands loyalty and prudent order following from everyone he commands. To his superiors, he maintains vacant expressions nearly all the time, and responds bluntly, with no unneeded elaboration or off shooting. He answers politely, whilst always accepting every order given to him.

Outside duty, when casual, Jackson is fun loving and full of humor. His devotion to his duty may keep him cold when on duty, but it does not affect his personal life, his humor, his need to have fun, or his occasional womanizing. To friends, he's the life of any party, and often a go to guy when a friend is needed. To women, he's a tantalizing bachelor with charm and promise, often difficult to refuse.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths - Jackson's largest strength is his physical ability, and skill. He is an expert in martial arts, and accordingly has trained his body immensely. He is also smarter than expected from a grunt, being a scholar of post collegiate proportions, and having a vast interest in history, specifically naval. Other strengths include his ability to improvise in most situations, his charm, and his wit.

Weaknesses - His weaknesses include his pride, his arrogance, and his inability to refuse the chase of a woman. Jackson is touchy about insults, specifically those directed at his friends. As well, he finds it difficult to tolerate certain alien races, having a deep belief in the grandeur of humanity.
Jackson has reached a high level of enlisted duty, gaining a warrant. His ambitions are met to as high as he's had them in terms of career. He now simply seeks to better himself through practice and study. If he someday receives a commission, his ambitions will likely grow. However he doesn't feel the need to apply for one as of yet, and therefore merely seeks to perform efficiently, and better himself.
Hobbies & Interests
Jackson's biggest hobby is body sculpting, and martial arts. He trains tirelessly in the gym, and at martial arts. He's become a master martial artist in multiple styles, including Shorei-Ryu, Can-Ryu Jiu Jitsu, Tricking, and Muay Thai Kickboxing.

Other hobbies include historic reading, holodeck adventures, baseball, cooking, and casual get togethers.
Languages   English, French, Italian, Spanish, Vulcan.
Father   Lieutenant Colonel Harold Jester (retired)
Mother   Doctor Maurine Jester, D.D.S
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   None
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   None
Jackson was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on April 23rd. He spent the early years of his life on his parents farm, learning the ins and outs of wheat farming. Until he was 14 he was home schooled daily by his mother, a Dentist, and brilliant scholar, and his father, a Federation Lieutenant Colonel, and martial arts and weaponry expert.

When he turned 15 he began training officially in Martial Arts institutions around Louisiana, learning multiple more styles, perfecting multiple styles by his 18th birthday, including Shorei-Ryu, Can-Ryu Jiu Jitsu, Tricking (a form of acrobatic showman martial art), and Muay Thai kickboxing.

Near his 18th birthday, Jackson enlisted in Starfleet. After training and weapons specialty, he found his first assignment aboard the Sovereign class USS Ajax. He began a simple crewman, although rising quickly in ranks to Crewman First Class within a year of service, and being assigned as a Security Investigations Officer. However soon after assignment the Ajax found itself in battle in the Delta Quadrant, outside of Federation contact for a month. Accidental deaths plagued the enlisted department, and Jackson found himself an acting Chief of the Boat. He was one of the youngest crewman, by this point only 23, but now the senior most enlisted man.

The Ajax returned from battle still surviving, and was repaired and returned to active duty within 3 months. When repairs were completed, the crew returned, as did Jackson, now assigned permanently as the Ajax's Chief of the Boat. He would serve on the Ajax for an additional 5 years before applying for transfer to another Sovereign class vessel, the USS Percival. After 3 years, he received a warrant from his Captain, who was so enthusiastic about Jackson's exemplary service, that he quickly promoted him to Senior Chief Warrant Officer.

Soon after, the Captain of the Percival was promoted to a Rear Admiral and put in an administrative position. Jackson then decided to apply for transfer to a starbase, and was granted station aboard the Starbase Deep Space 5, and promoted to Master Chief Warrant Officer.


Service Record
- 7 years service aboard USS Ajax as Crewman, Security Investigations Officer, and Chief of the Boat.
- 3 years service aboard USS Percival as Chief of the Boat


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